Discussions Concerning Search Engine Optimization
Dear Sir or Madam , I work on a website that offers translation services; for example, legal contracts, official documentation and website translations and after perusing your website I am keen to host an advertisement on your site http://www.kenax.cz/ . I would be interested in placing a one-page advertisement on your website. I will provide a unique text for this advert that will be created by our professional writer for your site, in accordance with your editorial guidelines. It would be fantastic to hear back from you about this. I look forward to your reply.
I’d like to point out that the two pages you have chosen are linked to from pretty well all of my 700 plus pages. These two are some of my most important pages and I’d like you to reconsider your discount.
This is my first time doing this and I’ve spent the last several days studying link exchanges. Did you say you wanted a link out from within my existing text or something (it is no problem for me to add more text, since I write fast and a lot), or is this a banner ad on the side? Do you pay one year in advance? Or can we break it down by month so I can try it out and see if it will negatively affect my rankings? Although I assume not because the two pages I would be linking to are translation related and have a fairly high PR.
Would you consider more outlinks on other pages? All my pages are original content text, and I have recently started focusing on monetising them, where for a few years I was focusing more on the writing aspect and interlinking them. Do you have any suggestions how I can proceed? During my readings the last few days I learned that a lot of link exchange packages, especially those which use scripts and link out to spammers or something, can severely negatively affect my overall PR. Especially after some recent google upgrade. So I want to be careful. Obviously if some of these packages negatively affect my PR the outlinks I will have sold to you will become less attractive, for which reason your help would be appreciated.
Let’ have another link in this page: http://001yourtranslationservice.com/translating/translation-tips/translation-tips.html Place me links in the upper part of the website. About the price I want some discount in the price, as links are now going to be placed in the inner pages not in the homepage. I will pay you US $ 250 for 3 links, this is little bit compromise and I think you will accept this. For now let’s know me your thoughts.
Okay, how about these: http://001yourtranslationservice.com/ translating/translation-tips/translation- tips.html Number one on google for Translation Tips, PR2 You mentioned http://www.kenax.cz/ – Translation Agency, PR3, I could also suggest: http://001yourtranslationservice.com/ translations/translation-resources.html 19 on google for Translation Resources, PR2, http://001yourtranslationservice.com/ translations/translation-jobs.html PR2 http://001yourtranslationservice.com/ translating/languages/languages-of-the-world.html PR2 http://christ.kenax.cz/ PR2 – but I guess that isn’t educational related enough Other PR2 pages you might consider: http://001yourtranslationservice.com/kenax/Translators/Resources/TimeZones.htm http://kenax.net/submit-add-url-suggest-website.html >
Show me site that will have content specific and will Have minimum pr 2 . Yes the price was US $ 100 per year .
Subject: RE: Interested in placing one Full page advertisement I work as a third party for my clients. All are Education clients.
Hi Harry, so six outlinks in total was it? Three from kenax.cz and three from the Translation Tips? I’d rather not link out from the main 001 page because I am trying to get high in Translation related keywords with that particular page. Did you say a hundred dollars per year per link? I can also link out from http://kenax.net/companies-and-services/education/ a directory I’ve started which I am using for link exchanges. No charge but just a link exchange? I am also developing individual pages for each language, which seems education related.
I will want the links to be placed on this : http://001yourtranslationservice.com/ and if you will not be interested in linking me from this page you can link me from this inner page also http://001yourtranslationservice.com/translat ing/translation-tips/translation-tips.html . For now let me know how much is your expectation per link per year. Waiting for your reply on this .
What would the ads promote? I am a bit pensive of adding it to my main entry page, as it may affect my keyword rankings, but it is possible. I also own the sister site at the bottom of this page (http://001yourtranslationservice.com/) and that has beneath it roughly 700 pages of original text. Are you only interested in the main entry pages? I spend almost full time on SEO and hope to give the various pages an html facelift. Eventually have others doing this work for me.
This will be a text link and not a Banner. The text link having 2 to 3 words maximum. And for this I will pay you per link/year US $ 100 and if you agree to this price then I will place 2 or more links . For now let me know your thoughts ..
I am starting to get regular requests Oh Karel I’m so glad. I would hate to see you lose all the work you’ve done over the decades in building the translating company. I wasn’t really sure where you were going with all the SEO and alternate websites and stuff. I always considered the translating your bread and butter, and was worried you may be letting go of it to focus on other things. So this is really great, and I hope it grows into a steady flow of income! It’s Friday, so I’ll drink a beer for you tonight.
Right on and thanks. Yah, the SEO stuff was precisely a way how to find my own customers, especially international ones, so that I don’t have to rely on those dork Czechs, who always tear apart my translations and nickpick over bullshit and small points. They simply do not like letting me translate loosely and try to get me to translate Czechglish and closer to their sacred original, which is professionally insulting to me and which I refuse to do. Dealing with them can be a pain, I’m sick of their smugness, and many times they just don’t pay. So this SEO stuff was aimed at freeing myself from them. Especially stupid Czech translation agencies, which are the worst of all. I’m done with their stupid mentality. But while doing and learning all this stuff, it occurred to me that I could make money from it too. It has definitely been an interesting learning experience, and I feel that once I click in high enough on google, orders will be coming in all directions at once: translations for me, translations for my other translators, DTP, SEO, webpage design, programming… you name it.
I’ve been masterminding it this way for several years, but you can imagine there was a lot to learn and experiment with. I imagine that many people must have thought I’m just wasting my time, but they just don’t see what I see, or the vision and overall strategy in my head. When I try to explain something like this to Jana and mom, they just roll their eyes, see that I have tattered clothes, and cant see anything beyond that. “He’s not making money, so he must be simply wrong.” Naïve and simple way of looking at things, but then again, for two people who I must have spent 3 days teaching how to copy/paste, or in the case of Jana, repeat over and over and over and over again how to check her email, I can only forgive them their ignorance. It’s not their fault. So I just quietly work away, as any perservering entrepeneur does, and wait for the day when my vision becomes reality, and then all the little folks around say, “congratulations. How did you do it? Connections through your daddy or something?”
+0200 Subject: success! cau dudes, had to share this with someone. So it seems that my Czech to English translations translator CV page is now near the top of google, ranking for example something like 6th for “Czech to English translator“. I am starting to get regular requests so I will focus more on this page, because I stopped about a month ago. Hopefully it will get higher. Now that I am getting requests from people in the west I can slowly start considering to raise my prices. People in the west are generally much happier with my service, because they know what English is supposed to sound like and are not dorks like Czechs who may know some English and complain that I have translated “so loosely”; and most importantly, they’re not assholes and most of the time actually pay me. So my plan now is to focus on this page more to get it higher. Once and if I start to get a lot of work, I will keep focusing on this, and eventually take some of my earnings to pay people to do the same for the billion other language combinations my agency offers, now that I know how to do it. A long term and expensive project but well worth it. This is a strategy I developed while treeplanting. Simple and practical. I guess for the past two years I’ve been focusing on my main translation page, which is in a much more competitive bracket. Even though I have gotten fairly high on google for “translation service”, it is better for me to focus on less competitive keywords like “Czech to Polish” or “German to English translations“, and work from the bottom up. Once the individual pages get high up in their individual keywords, by each of them pointing to my main page everything will slowly climb upwards in all the important keywords. A lot of work but I see the other big companies are doing the same thing. The important point is that I get translations for me, so I can build on something from the bottom. I don’t like the work but I can make good money at it, and then pay some expats etc. in Prague orShanghai to work on the other pages, because it really is a lot of work. Anyway, just wanted to share this latest success. latero
oh my goodness, I just did a random check and was shocked to find my 001yourtranslationservice thing number one on google for the keyword “translation service”. Can you check how it looks on your end? Seems like my strategies are working. Anyway, started downloading a bunch of software and think it will only get better. Also some ebooks on the subject. If I make money one day will buy the software that I found useful. Anyway, really curious all that I will learn and accomplish over the next month.
mmmm, sorry man, on google.ca you’re on the middle of page 5 (which is still pretty good, I mean you’re competing against Google Translate and stuff), but for google.com you’re right at the top of page 3 which is pretty fantastic. [Turns out that I must not be logged into google to yield the same results for others, so use a different browser, like Opera for example, to research this alone. Never follow/click on any of the results, otherwise that browser too will start to remember what you like and distort the results accordingly.] I’m off to Cancun for just a few days very early tomorrow morning, back at midnight Wednesday. Won’t be checking email or doing anything remotely work-related while I’m gone.yeahyeahyeahyeahYEAH fun and sun for me!-Keta From:
Strange about the difference. Surprisingly a lot. Anyway, think things will only be going uphill from here so maybe I’ll ask you again in a few months.
Have a good one in the sun!
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Tags: Google Translate, Website, Translation, Search engine optimization, Methods of website linking, Google, Link exchange