[These pages concern interesting correspondence
between our translators and project managers at
KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]
Hi, . Let’s see, Valeria’s offline still, so I’ll be doing the assigning. http://translationstop.com/files/BOI/German/01_eta_141-142_DEU.PXF Untranslated word counts: 960 & 1,296 words. Let’s see, try to get it done by Wednesday evening? It’s probably the last batch, by the way. We’re almost done with the translation phase. ———————- Marcus, any idea when you’ll be done with […]
I uploaded 01_epsilon_114. I am free to do more if you have. ” The two non-glossary terms I noticed are Nile River West and unidentified Horus’ Short Flute. ” We are waiting for new files at the moment, so you’ll get your assignment once we have files ———————- Hi the glossary terms are fine in […]
Yes, that’s the problem… SEND is NOT active… in 2-3 hours time I won’t be here. Not before tomorrow morning. Ok, I can try and start the 126-127 File… hoping there won’t be problems. till later. ———————- Epsilon 118 is uploaded now. ———————- I just uploaded file 01_part_121. It will be great if you can […]
Actually, it is a deadline for translation for the whole project. Translation must be completed this day. After the July,15 we can offer you proofreading work. ” ” Okay, I would be interested in that. Best Gerald ———————- Holger, pay attention to the structure of the tags and its surrounding segments. English (file 95, segment […]
Translate this file, please: 01_part_123 (3,067) Download link: http://translationstop.com/files/BOI/German/01_zeta_123_DEU.PXF Plwase,confirm and let meknow when we can expect for this file. ———————- ! Files for you to translate: 01_part_124 (912) 01_part_125 (1,034) Total words count: 1946 Download link: http://translationstop.com/files/BOI/German/01_zeta_124-125_DEU.PXF Please, confirm and let me know when you can deliver translated files. ———————- Fine, . The current […]
Your file 079 was proofread. There are some comments for you: ————————————————————— Hi just spot checked your file and noticed you translated Goblin as Kobold, although it is “Goblin” in the glossary for German, too. I think it is important to leave it as Goblin: In fantasy literature and games there’s a difference between Goblins […]
Does that mean there will be new files for translation all through the week, & after that I will have hardly anything to do regarding BOI? Just good to know for my organisation. Uli” Very likely. There’s inevitably going to be people who didn’t turn in their files or turned in a bad translation, and […]
1) 2 – is a new translator. 2)Isabell. Check 076 file. If this file is good again, add your comments to “bad” files, I’ll ask her to revise translation. Please, do it first. Other files must be about good. ———————- I will be done with my current file at around 15:00 – 15:30. Could you […]
Would you like to see the original Excel file? http://translationstop.com/files/BOI/German/5-07All_Sheet0_part_56.xlsx It’s in Excel 2007 format. Open Office can easily handle it though. ———————- here is the July 8 glossary. ———————- Thanks for the new file! Received it. I had another annoying internet problem today, I would have asked for a new file otherwise. I’m almost […]
the good news first: I spotted ‘s files, which were quite good. Will you need comments about chinese characters in the future, as below? [01_part_032_]: 15 minutes: ok – 988, 1056, 1115, 1310 contain chinese that seems to name important items. [01_part_033_]: 10 minutes, looks good. 140, 248, 252, 293, 295, 346, 727 contain chinese. […]