[These pages concern interesting correspondence
between our translators and project managers at
KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]
Proofreader has checked your 310-314 files. Glad to tell you that he’s got a good impressions of your work. Herewith I attach some comments for you. ———————- , regarding your translation of 01_beta_reps, the proofreader has the following comment. Comments for translator of file 01_beta_reps: Terms often don’t conform to dictionary-terms. Apart from that the […]
I am nearly finished with the file: 01_part_038. Please assign new files ASAP. I will let you know once the file is uploaded. Marcus ———————- Marcus Unfortunately we have a delay with new files. We expect to have them by evening GTM (June,1). As soon as I get them, I’ll assign you new file right […]
The answers you have given are not quite right in frames of our project. All answeres are in the guidelines here: http://translationstop.com/files/pindex.html When you have enough time, please, read all the instructions. I understand, there is much to read, but it will simplify your work in future. When you are done with questions and available […]
Unfortunately new files were delayed, I expect to receive them tomorrow evening GMT. As soon as I get them, I’ll assign you new files right away. Sorry for inconvenience. ———————- Good evening. I hope with the “tags-thing” activated, it will be easier. I’ll study what you mentioned, to pay attention to the probllem… and see… […]
I am nearly done with my files, I only need to proofread em so please assign new files ASAP. I will let you know, once the files are uploaded. Marcus ———————- Markus Your next assignment: 01_part_038 (3139.5) Download link: http://translationstop.com/files/BOI/German/01_alpha_38_DEU.PXF Make sure to add the newest Glossary to the project before you start translating. http://translationstop.com/files/Glossary/Glossary_DEU_29Jun.PXF […]
Cool. No wonder I couldn’t figure out what’s wrong with your install. 🙂 But I’ll have ask you to re-download and re-Receive the glossary. Sorry, but our lead translator just updated the glossary and added some hundred terms or so. http://translationstop.com/files/Glossary/Glossary_DEU_29Jun.PXF ———————- Hi I’m happy to take this file, but I can start only on […]
At the time the files were assigned to me, I thought spotchecking means just spotting errors and not fixing them. Sorry, but your explaination reached me too late. So, … discard my times (130 min all in all) on these files and reassign them to someone else. Sorry for confusion! ———————- Sophie More files to […]
I have uploaded file 293, including glossary additions and one entry I am uncertain about (Moonlight Liquor, which I think refers to “Moonshine”). Best Gerald ———————- I can take about 8.000 to 10.000 words per week. Here are the answers to the questions: 1. If I am not certain of my translation I first take […]
To add the dictionary to the project it is necessary to receive it first. So go to Project-Receive and receive the Glossary file. Then you reload the assigned project file. Then go to Projects -> Setting -> TermStar Dictionaries, and click on add. ” I keep getting DB error messages when I try to receive […]
at once I want to ask you to check a sample of translation from another new translator. It is not completed translation. So make a quality control of what he has done and also compose a list of comments and advices so that he took them into account before he uploads it. Link to download: […]