[These pages concern interesting correspondence between our translators and project managers at KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]

Upload Translator Work Proofreader

I am nearly finished with the file:


Please assign new files ASAP. I will let you know once the file is uploaded.




Unfortunately we have a delay with new files. We expect to have them by evening GTM (June,1). As soon as I get them, I’ll assign you new file right away. So don’t hurry and take enough time to proofread your file.

Sorry for inconvenience.


I just uploaded

01 part 14 German (a very cumbersome file…)

here is the Question sheet with hints and questions to the text to see what problems may arise.

I’ve marked uncertain segments/words with “+”.

from Sicily


Please, upload your comments for proofreader to FS to Notes folder. It would be much more convenient.



on my way…


Ciao …

Sorry to bother…
you mean here??…


Thanks for your patience.


I just uploaded the beta_reps_file.
And here an attachment of a comment for the translator.

Work time:
120 minutes




here the delayed comments for Marcus and :



Excuse Me?!?!

I think I wrote you exactly what I see and what I get.
I told you that INSTEAD of the 10002_5 I get the 10002_Names_Places_SkillsG, and this is all I see so what more is there to describe. And NO I did not tell transit to put it both in the same folder. I exactly followed the steps you told me:

After you downloaded that, get into Transit, select Project -> Receive and pick that file. When you’re done, close Transit, start again, and load up your assignment.
Then go to Project -> Settings -> Termstar Dictionaries.
You should see a Video.German_MAIN available. Select that and hit Add. You should have the glossary now.”

And as I said I had the glossary but as file 10002_Names_Places_SkillsG not as 10002_5,as again, the 10002_Names_Places_SkillsG is the only file I got when I downloaded from the link Karel gave me.

Now of course I did not try to open my project via the glossary, but I closed and reopened Transit, then went to Language Pair, but the 05_part_283 is not in the available files anymore.

So summarized I have two problems:
1. I got the 10002_Names_Places_SkillsG file, and not the 10002_5 file , which you told me is the one I should have actually received.

2.My 05_part_283 file is no longer available.


all right. I will upload the file within the next hour.

Waiting for the new files.




No. When you click Upload TR on http://translationstop.com/files/pindex.html you have the form to upload files to FS in the bottom right corner. There is an option “select a folder where to upload” above the box for browsing file. You upload your translated files to 002_BOI folder, and there is another folder called “BOI_Notes”. This is the directory where you can upload your comments for proofreader concerned the translated file you have uploaded.



Below there are a few comments from the proofreader concerned the file you translated. Please, take these notes into account:

Comments for Marcus:
-often does not adhere to the dictionary
-a few of grammatical and spelling issues
-apostrophes –mistakes: Heidis’ Wagen should be Heidis Wagen

Good luck


Oh… 😛




All right

sorry for this. I will take care of it!




Please, before you upload your files make sure to do a spellcheck. There is no spellchecker in Transit. So you need to paste your translation in a Word file and do it there.


Alright, I’ll wait for it.

I have just uploaded part 27.

Best Gerald” Sophie

here are my comments on the files. I will upload the first two files in a minute (with minor changes), the last one should be sent back to translator or proofread more closely. Too many sloppy errors (examples pasted below).

05_part_250: good, almost all pretranslated, fixed 1 little typo. 10 mins.

05_part_251: good, 1597+1598: Chinese; some + issues fixed, 10 mins.

05_part_252: good, but contains many chinese (in pretranslated). 10 mins.

05_part_254: acceptable, but contains a few errors. Translator should pay more attention to context, conjugation, and proofread her own work more carefully next time. Can be delivered as is, I think; segmentation is a bit complicated; but seems ok overall. 15 mins.

05_part_255: contains A LOT chinese. Rest seems very good (same translator as above). 10 mins.

05_part_257, and 05_part_258: too many sloppy errors, send back to translator or proofread more carefully. 15+15 minutes for checking.

Here are some examples:


“Ich habe die Legenden der III vor den Buddha°°°Köpfen im Jungel platziert.”

-> must be “Legenden der Rama III”

“Es liegt in der Nähe der Buddha°°°Köpfen im Jungle.”

-> Jungel/Jungle not correct, “Dschungel”.

“Ich habe die Legenden der Roma VI noch nie gesehen, aber ich habe gehört[comma needed] sie wären in der Angkor°°°Tempel°°°Ebene 1 in die Wand eingeritzt.”

-> comma missing

“Geht und beuscht {hSudann”

-> “besucht”

“Seine Begleiter sind nach Hause zurückgekehrt und ihn dort gelassen.”

-> verb missing.


“While I was hesitating, a trumpet shook the air and I felt encouraged”

“Während ich nich zögerte, brachte eine Trompete die Luft zum Schwingen und ich fühlte mich ermutigt”

-> “nich” is gibberish

“Auf meinem Weg dorthin, traf ich Wiglaf, der mir erzählte, dass Beowulf den Drachen getötet hatte dabei aber selbst seinen schweren Verletzungen unterlag.”

-> Comment: commas are wrong, correct: “Auf meinem Weg dorthin[delete comma] traf ich Wiglaf, der mir erzählte, dass Beowulf den Drachen getötet hatte[insert comma here] dabei aber selbst seinen schweren Verletzungen unterlag.”

“Ihr wurdet durch den Zusammenprall des Chi verletzt, als er versucht habt zu lernen, Eure neue Halbgott°°°Macht zu kontrollieren.”

er -> Ihr!

Please use filter to show only Edited by User and Fuzzy Matches to filter out the pretranslated parts and proofread your own work carefully.


I am doing this already with all the files. Are there complains because of the spellcheck? I am using Word 2007 so it should be OK. If so, please let me know.




Any complains except that one in proofreader’s comments. Just decided to tell you about Word only for the case if you didn’t use it for spellchecking.


Next files I want you to spotcheck were translated by a new translator. She left some + marks, the main thing we ask you for is to get rid of them. These are very small files, except 310-it consists about 1500 words. Try not to spend more than 15 min for it. 2 other files have around 200 and 500 words. We can affort 5-10 min for them. Also there is one file with 1 and another with 28 words. Please, proceed them as fast as you can. Then upload to FS.
And one more thing. Please, create a list of comments/advices for the translator. And let us know your impression of her work.
Next files:


All right. Thanks . I will take care of this.



Karel told that you are unavailable for some time, so I reassigned 310-314 files to another proofreader.


forgot to give you links:



I’ll try to get proofreader’s comments about your files during 2 days. Maybe he will advise you something useful.

Enjoy weekend!



sorry, but solving untranslated parts and compiling notes took a bit longer than 15 mins for the first file. But others were quicker. Happy to say this seems to be a good translator, too (and by the way, “Kalle” is a male German name 🙂 ).


310: fixed +issues, skimmed translator’s work, quality seems very good. 30 mins.
311: just one issue. no mins.
312: all good, 5 mins.
313: fixed + and untranslated, 15 mins
314: fixed + and untranslated, 10 mins.

The report for Kalle is attached.

Just to make sure, do you know that I also work on the delta_repetitions file at the moment?



No, I definetely didn’t know about it!
Sorry for bothering you. We’re just feeling lack of proofreaders, that’s why I was incredibly glad to see you online and started assigning you everything I needed:)). Even forgot to ask you.
Ok, will miss you again. Let me know when you’re available please.


Thank you for your time but it’s clear that you are not a good fit for us and vice versa.

For our mutual benefit, it’s probably best if we went our separate ways. You will not need to go through all this effort in getting things to work and getting upset and vice versa.

Please uninstall and delete any software you got from us. We will delete your copy of 05_part_283 and start over from the raw English text.

I regret that we are unable to work together.


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