yah, reminds me when I was in Prague and trying to get my money’s worth for all that I had been investing into health insurance my entire life but never went to the hospital. I chose my ears, cause of the ringing sound, and sponged the crap out of them with all sorts of test. They finally said I wasn’t getting blood to my inner ear and suggested some drug which would thin my blood so it could reach it. Sure, worked for a couple of weeks but then back to “normal”. But while there I started thinking about it and asked if it could have anything to do with my wrong posture in front of the computer, and if some sort of exercise to straighten my back etc. could help. In both cases they just rolled their eyes like, “of course”, but for the first ten days I was there no one mentioned anything like this. They’re just trained to prescribe and I’m sure they must get some kickback from it. In the days of old Chinese doctors got paid if you DIDN’T need them. Could be a better system – preventive medicine. So far I’ve managed to solve everything by research and natural means, and prefer to keep it that way.
Wrote to simona about it but she practically blew up and insinuated I’m stupid. She must be a believer in the official 911 story and doesn’t make sense to talk to people like that, but I read an article around the time I started seeing these problems and it made sense. pfft, doctors and their western medicine brainwashing. One time a long time ago I was sick and I actually went to the doctor, before she even finished listening to my symptoms she had the prescription pad in her hands! I was like, “Um, isn’t there something else I can do, something I can eat or whatever to make me better?” she looked at me, seriously, she looked at me like I was fucking crazy. And she’s a good doctor. I think in the end I didn’t fill the prescription, I just was slow and careful until whatever it was left my body. I don’t like dosing up on anything and everything, sometimes you just have a virus and that’s it! it’ll go away in a week or so. Taking too much medicine is bad because in the future it won’t work. I take stuff if I absolutely need it, like if I feel like I’m gonna die, it doesn’t happen often, and I always ask for the low dose. “Drugs really affect me, even Neo Citron and Tylenol is really strong for me so don’t give me the powerful stuff”. They just think I’m nuts, seriously. One thing about Simona, I heard a thing about doctors a super long time ago and I live by this: never tell the doctor what you think is wrong with you. Like if you have headaches or whatever, never say to the doctor “I think I caught this thing” because it totally influences their judgement. Just tell the doctor what’s wrong with you, and if they can’t seem to figure it out or say something that you think is wrong THEN give them your theory. Personally I’m not so sure about your idea of the added chemicals in the vaccine or whatever you said. I don’t know anything about that. I do know that when people come to a completely foreign environment there can be reactions just to everything around you, the plants the water the food everything. I agree that for example the water used to make beer could be questionable, I could totally see that. I think there could be other things, what you breath and such. Bacteria are totally different in that biosphere, there is not that much difference between Czech andCanada, or the parts ofEuropeyou have been in until now. Still fir trees, still north, still winter, etc. where you are now is like tropical fauna that you’ve never been around before, a completely different species of insects and stuff like that. Getting down to basics and natural food is of course a very good idea. I’m surprised you were eating crappy noodle packages, those things are shit no one should EVER eat palm oil its in a lot of packaged food and its not really possible to digest so causes a huge amount of problems. Anyway, you said its getting better so that’s good. I would think it would be environmental, because if it was the vaccine you would have been having a reaction before you even got off the plane, not months later. ——————————-
I’ve read some articles that convinced me that the body is much better at healing itself that we credit it for, but we just need to treat it right. When I was at that retreat this guy lent me this book (although we weren’t supposed to read) about Jesus’s words written by the Essenes and not long ago unearthed, where he placed great emphasis on eating raw, LOCAL fruits and veggies, “food of life”, which have soaked up strength from the sun, water and air, and if we eat bread then to put it out in the sun in a special way but never to cook anything, cause we are killing the food by fire and death, and if we eat that then we are killing our bodies. Heard pretty well the same from many organic eaters lately, hence trying it. But I sure can’t miss up a good ol’ red curry chicken soup hot hot once a day! After that we need to perk our ears and listen to our bodies, no matter how faint the squeek. If I see something is wrong I’ll research it and then maybe see a doctor for an explanation, but I never thought of going for some annual checkup. Teeth maybe, but I think i’ve done that only three times since I leftCanada. I don’t eat so much meat so it doesn’t get strips under my gums. I now use sensitive toothpaste because of all the acid from the beer I drink, or lemon/lime when I’m fasting. That’s the worst and I gotta smear my teeth with the PHP neutralising toothpaste after every dose, but perhaps there is some natural food which does the same. i found munching on sesame seeds is good, as it is full of calcium and vitamin C, and apparently our teeth were the strongest when we mostly ate nuts, so I imagine it is coating the teeth with something.
And lastly, a new experiment, based on the Water documentary I wrote to you a while ago. By the way, did you continue with those experiments? If you’re too lazy perhaps you could try one that seems totally crazy: write “hate” on a piece of paper and put it under one of your plants, wait a few months and observe. But what I do now is I meditate a little while holding a bottle of water I just filled up, giving thanks to the water and saying “let the universe pour its healing energy and loving power into you”, and I imagine that while I’m meditating, breathing with my diaphram and imagining this energy passing through me, my hands and into the bottle of water. So I drink “live” and life giving, healing water, instead of the dead, processed shit water I purchased. A few other goofy articles I read from testimonies of psychics or other people people who have been communicated to by aliens. Several times they touch on water. One said the aliens told them to go over the hill there and fetch a bucket of water. When they came back the aliens were dissappointed and said, “Not enough”. The guy speculated it was some sort of test, as if to test humanity’s capacity for love, which the water would have soaked up during their journey. In another case the alien said, once they will kick out the evil aliens, expose themselves and help us, that they will teach us the amazing qualities of water and how to make special pipes which can transport it while keeping its life, as opposed to the system we have no that totally kills it by the time it comes out of the tap.
In both cases they just rolled their eyes like, “of course”, but for the first ten days I was there no one mentioned anything like this.
EXACTLY!! I get so mad about stuff like that, if its so fucking obvious why didn’t they say it FIRST!! the thing is that there are some things, basic things, that we must have doctors for. Like I can’t do my annual exam on myself, if you know what I mean. So for me I think its a balance between having your basic physical self checked out once a year for the things they are good at: heart, blood pressure, lumps, . . . and also educate yourself about how to be healthy so you DON’T NEED to go to the doctor. Because once they have you, boy, you’re in for the rest of your life. Once they have you, it never ends. Its so rare that I go to the doctor between my annual checkup, the last time was when I was bit by that feral cat and my hand swelled up like insane, that was in E. Van so like ten years ago. I haven’t been to the dentist in like six years though and I’m kind of worried about that. there’s totally nothing wrong with my teeth or mouth, that I can tell, but they can find things that matter to your general health, like heart stuff. Its so crazy expensive though . . . I gotta figure that out I think because its been too long.
Hey gal, great to hear from you. I think one think you might add to your diet is to buy a geiger counter and measure everything before you buy. Heard Fukushimais a major disaster and hitting the west coast US hard. But yes, recently have read that local raw veggies fruit the best. Such as:
About 2/3rds the way through Jesus describes what we should be eating to avoid any sickness. Amazing stuff. Answering more below.
> Cau Kajo!
> How are you? What is new over there in Asia?
> So here we go… just found out yesterday I am pregnant with baby
> #2, yaaay! Also, Stephanie Vyborny is pregnant with her second baby
> and Lily (Czech Dan’s ex) is expecting her first one… baby booming
> happening indeed!
Coolness. Praying that everyone is happy and that everything will work out, because I’ve always felt in the bones of my conviction that things can get crazy in these times. Happy for you all. 🙂
> My husband and I have just started this new eating trend and I
> thought you might be interested in it. I remember you writing to me
> about your super bean soups/stews you used to cook when living in
> your van and travaling along the coast. We basically started
> juicing. We juice everything. Our juicing adventure was based on
> this documentary called “sick, fat and nearly dead”. Watch it if you
> have some free time. Interesting to watch. Really cool concept. So
> we basically juice everything, mostli veggies and drink it and feel
> pretty good. I eat other foods (healthy though) since I still nurse
> my little baby Zohar and since I am prego now. My husband only
> juices. Well.. we started to also be interested in raw food diet.
> Made some new raw dish today (pesto zucciny pasta) and OMG – so
> freaking delish! We only buy organic stuff. I was thinking since you
> live in a tropical area with tons of fresh fruits and veggies, you
> might benefit from this.
I eat mostly only salad, sometimes a coconut which fell off a tree recently, a little bit of red curry chicken soup, to which I have my knife and chop in garlic, tumeric and ginger. Fill it to the brim and add as much hot chilli peppers as they can cut for me. The Thais just shake their head in disbelief when they see me eat. And I was warned about their hot food!!
Here is a link to
> our favorite guy who reminds me SO MUCH OF YOU!!! He is a health
> freak and seems pretty smart, just like you. Watch this short
> youtube video .. he made over 1,000 videos and they are all fun to
> watch! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aou6AGxajMw He is basically
> talking about everything we believe in. My husband is a chiropractor
> and we never vaccinate our child/ren and do not use any drugs
> whatsoever (well.. a bit of good old stinky weed hasn’t caused harm
> to anybody yet, huh? 😉
on this island where I am now there are a lot of what I like to call “yoga heads”. They don’t even walk but drift through the air. Strange breed indeed, but I’m learning from them and they talk a lot about alkaline levels. One suggested I add baking soda to my reverse osmosis water, as that by itself supposedly drains me of minerals. Water is apparently a super wonder.. Check out documentary called Water. I now super bless any water bottle before I drink it (and add zine and vit c for immune system, honey, and the baking soda…). It’s a war out there. The big pharmies want us all sick for their profits! Need to focus on our immunse system and the loving energy of life.
Great chattin with ya gal!
ok, just wanted to share this with you … Take care of yourself, Misa PS: we also love highly alkaline diet which raw food diet and juicing is 🙂
Check out this page, if you have the time, inspired by this great weed rebel who came to visit me long story in bg:
He apparently heals people of cancer and other crazy stuff with this hemp oil. It also makes you lose weight and he has muscles showing on his belly, at some 50+ years, and he doesn’t exercise at all! At one point his ab muscles burst out when the fat layer became too thin, because they were not used to the blanket cover.
Tags: Doctor Does Not Want You, Eat Good, think, water, Everything, Food