Discussions Concerning Search Engine Optimization
Because of my present share a caravan ride project I’ve gotten around to setting up a sitemap of my sqlite server to properly index the pages throughout google etc., and was wondering if you wanted me to include your files. It occurred to me that you could throw a few pages of text there and link back to yourmadisons and blog etc, to help pump it up a bit. It’s always good to link back to yourself from other domains, especially if you have content related text you are linking from. Just an idea.
okay, adding my notes file I’ve worked on so far.
You asked to know what changes I plan to incorporate. The most important is the following:
1) each of your pages looks like this in the “header” (the part the search engines see and what people often see in the “search results”):
<TITLE>STEP – Global Warming Response</TITLE>
This is the same for many pages, and in some it is “untitled document” or something, whereas on mine I have the standard:
<title>Translation Service</title>
<meta name=”description”
content=”Provides a translation service in more than 210 languages, as well as DTP, webdesign, transcription, programming and other online services.”>
<meta name=”keywords” content=”translation,service,translations”>
It is crucial that the title head text is carefully selected and different for each page, and that it matches its keyword content. In the attached Word file you will see important keywords for some of the files, based on its word content (I have a program which spits out a report of the frequency and ranking of keywords for each of your pages).
The description head will often end up on the search results page (in google etc.), but not necessarily, and it helps with the overall results.
The keywords head does too.
Then it is important that the “heading text” at the top of each page (the title of each page that the viewer sees) is proper <H1> format, which it is not on your pages, and that the words for that match the title and keywords of the page, if possible.
You’ll understand it more as I slowly make changes and explain it further, and I can send you a Word file showing the exact changes before I upload if you want.
2) Before I can upload, I need FTP access to your site so I can download all the files and upload when I make changes, or I can forward you my changes and you upload the files for me if you want.
3) Need to think of important keywords to add and pepper to your various pages. The more text the better, and you can always add them way at the bottom of the pages out of regular sight (the viewer would have to purposely scroll down after a big empty space, for example).
So if you can ponder and suggest some important keywords, that would help, otherwise I’ll surf the net and try to come up with some myself.
4) I’d like to see your stats from your webhost provider. Know how to gain access to that? Without that I’m a bit blind, and I’d like to see the affect of my changes.
5) You should have a “mission statement” page where you explain what you wanna do (sell your concepts and that you have additional info already available for each concept), and link out from that from your “About” page etc. So if you can write up some text about that, it’s important so people know what you intend with the site. I’ll add it based on the design of your other pages.
6) The more text the better, so if you have some related emails that you wrote in the past (like from your Hotmail “Sent” folder, for example), it would be good if you could send them to me so that I can add some pages. They would not be easily visible to the viewers, unless you want them to be.
The text should be “original content” (not already posted somewhere on the web), and the more the merrier.
7) Other things I would do is create the proper sitemaps (important for indexing on google etc.) and submit them to the various search engines to make sure all your pages are properly indexed by the search engines.
One thing I do is, for 50 bucks, you can submit your main index page (the one that appears when you punch in your domain into a browser) to 500 directories. That always helps a lot. I would suggest that. Other important ones I can submit to myself for free. [This no longer applies since Panda and Penguin and it is better to add links slowly so that it looks natural and organic. Every day a little bit.]
Then I’d link to your page from some of my pages to help get traffic to them.
Well, that’s the preliminary first suggestion of changes.
Over to you! p
a few days ago my back gave in as I did a slight lift, probably aggravated after a week’s worth of heavy lifting, which my body is simply not accustomed to. Laying in bed for five days now, but at least I could crawl my way to the shithouse. Will get a belt and try to do daily exercises to strengthen my back. Seem to have recurring problems like this, in different places close to my spine after I do some intensive and repetitive sports etc.
Anyway, at least its given me an opportunity to do a lot of stuff on the computer. One of them is your database demo, which I’m looking forward to putting up once I get yours done.
A thought just occurred to me though: perhaps I could do some timber lumber SEO to my demo page and at the very top write something like:
“This is only a demo presentation. To view the actual lumber database, you must subscribe to the service throughMadison’s Lumber Information Resources <link out to your main page, SEO tweak keywords as usual>.”
By this I assume both of our pages should get to the top of google.
Waddayatink? This way I’m technically taking care of your SEO as well, for free.
If interested it would be good if you could give me your important keywords (or that you are shooting for) – this would focus on the database part only (I want to promote my database services, and shoot to get my demo page to the top in lumber database etc.).
For this it would be best to delve into the mind of the average gumby and think what kind of keywords they might think of when searching for such a database.
My first guesses would be something like:
lumber database
timber database
timber products database
timber products database information resources
etc etc and including all the areas you want to get into the future. Or we could delay those keywords until you’ve actually expanded into them.
We have different domain themes but we could carefully organize things and I think both our pages should get to the top.
It might be a good idea to start with the keywords of future timber areas now, since it takes time for pages to climb up google, and you could put a little blurb somewhere on the page which explains about the database that you are currently working on expansion into such and such other timber related areas. If you get some responses for it, like “Oh oh I just can’t wait until you expand into that area! Please please put me on your email list notifying once the expansion is complete!”, it will give you an idea of demand and perhaps give you the impetus and motivation to expand faster, which can only be cool.
Well, those are my thoughts for today!
okay, getting back into the groove – didn’t have so much time while traveling.
So I believe we agreed that I would submit your global warming response site to 500 directories for 50 bucks and notch that towards the debt. But before I do that I need your help with some keywords.
For example, it is not good for all links to globalwarmingresponse.org to always be the same, such as the keywords “global warming response”. So when submitting to 500 directories the company usually suggests as much as 5 keyword phrases.
Obviously one of them would be “global warming response”, I’ve started using “GEO Engineering” from one of my sites cause I noticed you were at the top of google for “global warming response” anyway (no need to support those keywords if you are already at the top of google in them), so can you suggest another three phrases you want to get to the top of? It should be those keyword phrases which you think the people would use who are precisely those you are trying to target (people interested in the field and who might like to buy your idea and sell it). p
okay, downloaded a bunch of ebay selling tips, read them, and it seems so far that the way to go is to set up an ebay store, which should go for 16 bucks a month. I’ll squeeze that out of my meagrish earnings and slap that towards debt repayment. The advantage of such a store, if I understand things correctly, is that it just hangs around. I may have to pay something extra for automatic resubmission but not sure. In any case, the most important I believe is that having a store does great things for SEO. Meaning I link from the store to your pages and both are pushed higher on google. I’m trying for GEO Engineering etc. So it has a dual effect.
Still trying to figure out the bid and reserve price thing etc., but my hunch is that anyone who has a million bucks probably wouldn’t be surfing ebay for ideas, so with the store and its spill over effects to google, it could help. Otherwise I’ve found some sites where the guy said for decaded he’s been trying to sell ideas and no go – you basically have to have confidence in your own idea and jump through the hoops etc yourself. But I’ll still try, cause this is an interesting field for me. So far I think the best angle is to approach GEO Engineering organisations and such and see what they say. Put the ideas out there in targetted forums etc., not just a passive webpage high up on google and ebay etc. You need to find the people youself (my job) and not be passive about it. Just giving ya my take on things from what I’ve researched so far. p
Glad ya liked it. I was just looking into the Google Adsense thing, y’know, ads on my website and pay per click. I wanna know how you do it, cuz they say payments are made by mailing paper checks to a home address when you have enough clicks. How do you receive/cash paper checks while living in a van? Also, there are questions about home residence and telephone info. Would like to know how to get around all these formalities and start the adsense thing. Does it actually pay anything worthwhile (or do you have to click on yer own ads 10,000 x, heh)?
Hey dude, I get about a thousand unique visitors (much less than hits) a day and I only managed to make at most a buck a day. Started clicking on my own ads out of frustration but their algorithm caught me and they took my 60 bucks. They send you money once it reaches a hundred. If you get 100,000 unique visitors a month you can try different systems and maybe make 300 bucks a month. I have an account at Bank of America, who can accept cheques on my behalf. Big mission of mine when I was in theUS. Good luck!
Noticed my tree planting site has dropped a lot in rankings, and don’t really have other material at the moment to add to it, so am going over the existing pages and polishing them up a bit. Occasional change is good because it keeps the pages sexy and “up to date”, which the search engines like. Keeping this in mind is one of the reasons I let myself be a bit sloppy during my first live draft, so I can go back to it a few times in the future. Now I find myself struggling a bit, and remembered how you were joking about my run on sentences. I occasionally get complaints like that. In any case, I hold so much in my head that I spew it out as fast as possible, according to some general logical path, and then go back in the future and restructure it better. So it improves over time.
Anyway, you might consider this for your old articles.
To beef up my site with more text today I’ve also set up my first forum. Rather excited about it. Supposed to be the most popular and broadly used, and open source and free of course. I will slap it into my treeplanting domain and encourage people to use it. Just more free text for me, hee hee. Similar to the WordPress thing I set up and through which others can add content to my site for me. Why not, let others work for me for free, hee hee. In fact, I let in a certain amount of “spammy” comments to the submitted articles, just to keep the pages fresh and sexy. Been finding that my recently put in WordPress Free Article Submission thing is getting near to my most busy pages, and fairly high on google for Free Submit Article. Therefore I am focusing on it more.
Anyway, just wanted to blab and suggest I could throw up a forum for you on my site for free. Perhaps dudes could discuss things about the industry. Let them blab all they want. You could buy a domain for 10 bucks a year and build it around where your database is on my server now. Let the forum grow within that domain, and choose keywords which would support your own domain. Point between the two. I’ve got about five domains now and I point them between one another. Throwing a forum into some of those domains could turn out to be quite good, generating traffic etc. for each, and each supporting the other ones. latero
Check out my Search Engine Optimization services.
Tags: Web search engine, Keywords, Panda, Search engine results page, Search engine optimization, Google, Web Design and Development