[These pages concern interesting correspondence between our translators and project managers at KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]

Personally I want it fast because I have no idea how long this will take, so a day saved could mean the difference between meeting the deadline and being late. If you want to contact Karel and wait, go ahead, provided that you feel this will save time in the long run. On the other […]


sorry, thought, it would be a litte bit faster. Okay, I have uploaded files 01_121-123. My hours report: 01-121 35 min. 01-122 35 min. 01-123 25 min. If you have more files, you can count on me. greetings doris ———————- Hi sorry for the delay on Susanne’s files. I’m not feeling well today and it […]


Yes, there must have been a trouble with CS. Thank you very much! ———————- Gerald, below I post another “list of advices” for you from lead translator now. ————————————————————– Most common mistakes: -sloppy proofreading (copy-pasting into Word and running spellcheck reveals many errors quickly) -obsolete dictionary terms -hyphens not changed into °°° (use of tag […]


I am checking file 124 right now and there are some questions I have: 1. What is the policy regarding Chinese characters within translated sentences (“Nur 晶珠 kann die Untoten stoppen”)? 2. If I understand the instructions correctly, I have to use the Segment Filter in order to only show translations done by the person […]


1 part 127 is done, spellchecked (I corrected something in the German pre-translation), did my proofreading and sent the text to you. New files after deadline? Payments coming (paypal)? PS Some sentences in “China-English” are quite crazy, so check my “+”! (some “+” refer to pre-translation)” Ok, Would certainly love to work with you again! […]


There’s several files to check. http://translationstop.com/files/Proofreading/German/01_epsilon_119-120_DEU_for_spotting.PXF For 119, pay attention to segment 11, 40, 75, 107, 138, 175, and 208. I moved words from within the {h h} brackets and I would like you to check whether it’s correct. I’m sure some of them are wrong, but I don’t know what’s the correct one. http://translationstop.com/files/Proofreading/German/01_zeta_136-140_DEU_for_spotting.PXF […]


Yes, sure. We have a deadline for the translation of the whole project on Thursday, so of course we need both files ASAP. ———————- Done with the assignments, as follows: [Proofreading Notes For Gerald] 45 mins. I know, this seems a lot/you asked for 15 mins, but I seem to be unable to write something […]


Hi, . Let’s see, Valeria’s offline still, so I’ll be doing the assigning. http://translationstop.com/files/BOI/German/01_eta_141-142_DEU.PXF Untranslated word counts: 960 & 1,296 words. Let’s see, try to get it done by Wednesday evening? It’s probably the last batch, by the way. We’re almost done with the translation phase. ———————- Marcus, any idea when you’ll be done with […]


I uploaded 01_epsilon_114. I am free to do more if you have. ” The two non-glossary terms I noticed are Nile River West and unidentified Horus’ Short Flute. ” We are waiting for new files at the moment, so you’ll get your assignment once we have files ———————- Hi the glossary terms are fine in […]


Yes, that’s the problem… SEND is NOT active… in 2-3 hours time I won’t be here. Not before tomorrow morning. Ok, I can try and start the 126-127 File… hoping there won’t be problems. till later. ———————- Epsilon 118 is uploaded now. ———————- I just uploaded file 01_part_121. It will be great if you can […]
