[These pages concern interesting correspondence between our translators and project managers at KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]

Please find below the total of my hourly work: 8 + 9 February: $261 (9 ½ hours, $27 per hour), testing of filter 15 + 16 February : $54 (2 hours, $27 per hour), testing of glossary TOTAL: 11 ½ hours = $315 The accounting file is fine. Britta ———————- Kristof. the file was uploaded […]

My usual agreed rate is 0.05 cent but for file 18a I agreed to accept 0.03 cent. Please note that I will be out of the office from August 6th until September 6th and all emails will be answered with a delay. Thanks for your consideration and your support. Isabell ———————- here’s what I sent […]


I looked through the files you are working at now. They seem to be conversational, so I agree that what you are doing now is rather important. Thank you for responsible approach. You can take some extra time to 225 min for this file. ———————- Christina Here is one more file for you in advance: […]


Please, check this file: http://translationstop.com/files/Proofreading/German/301-314_sr1.rar Look for &&& – that’s the way replaced with script terms were marked. Check them, change the word form if necessary and remove &&&. If you hesitate whether the term was correctly inserted check it with the newest glossary: http://translationstop.com/files/Glossary/Glossary_DEU_28Jul.xlsx When you are done, upload the corrected file to http://001yourtranslationservice.com/newsystem/cgi-bin/up_1001_PR.cgi […]


Hi, I’m back — say, is there a full xls version of the source in the /files somewhere? I can’t find one, but it would help me to find these terms and their descriptions. (These are the terms: Shadow Impact Shadow Impact+ Illusion Dragon Impact Shadow Impact Razill Impact) and decide whether Kraftschlag is appropriate […]


Please, insert the period before those signs “.#}”. Just make sure that the period is needed there at all and the sentence doesn’t continue in the next segment. What’s concerned quotes. If you see that there are single quotes and they are only in the target text – it’s ok. If you consider they are […]


Yet another question: In German, one can put a comma in front of “und” (= and) if it combines two main clauses. The comma is not mandatory, so it is no mistake if it is left out, but I would think we should be consistent throughout the game and either leave it out or put […]


Regarding’s the customer’s glossary, let’s call it Christina’s glossary to distinguish it from the raw file. Christina’s glossary was created using our files, so not only it uses the July 8th glossary, it may also use older terms. This is then sent to Christina to be checked for consistency and corrections, if any. The S&R […]


As I recall, that change is because the client thinks Stufe is a more appropriate translation for Level due to the medieval feel. Ah, here’s the email that Karel forwarded to us. 7) Avoiding anglicisms > > 1) “Gut” instead of “OK” or “Okay” > > Exceptions: Level, LV (common expression in computer games); but […]


Hi, Gerald. So client doesn’t like hyphens and wants them removed when possible. To do so we’re going to do a search & replace. This will be done by a script and a terms file. We have the script, now we need a terms file. The attached file will be the base of the terms […]
