[These pages concern interesting correspondence between our translators and project managers at KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]

Extra Words Files Translated

My usual agreed rate is 0.05 cent
but for file 18a I agreed to accept 0.03 cent.

Please note that I will be out of the office from August 6th until September 6th and all emails will be answered with a delay.

Thanks for your consideration and your support.


here’s what I sent around to the proofreaders so far;


since you’re proofreading the insertions after the S&R script has been applied to the text, here are some additional comments. Please do not ONLY check for the insertions. We do not want you to do a full proofread, but if you notice anything that should be added to the S&R list, or has been translated wrongly/inconsistently or botched translations, please take the time to correct it, preferrably through Excel’s own find and replace-function (be careful, though: changing ER to XP without checking the “CASE SENSITIVE” option in the FIND dialog will render Erfahrung, Erheiterung, erwidern as: XPfahrung, XPheiterung, XPwidern).

Here are some specifics as to what to look for in addition (Absolutely essential is in bold print. If you don’t see bold and in any other case: the other things are just as important :-)):
• Meister-Streiter: The class Champion had its German translation changed from Meister to Streiter. However, this is not in the S&R list, since terms like master are correctly translated as Meister. Please use the find and replace to search for all Champion/Meister-instances (or you can search the source for champion) and change to Streiter.
• Level: Pay special attention to correcting grammar around insertions of Level for Stufe. “stufe” was not on the S&R list, so please do a manual search after you’ve proofread the rest of the text and adjust it.
• Consignment-Warenauftrag: Many instances of Ware are actually correct in the text, but sometimes, consignment has originally been translated as Ware, too, but needs to be Warenauftrag. Pay special attention to this.
• Armor of Deity/Person: The standard translation is: Deity’s Armor – Mail of Ares becomes Ares’ Kettenpanzer. There should be even more “[armor piece] des [deity]” entries. Rule: All should be [Deity (genitive)] [armor piece]. Genitive is usually [deity]s, but when deity already ends on -s (this is often the case), add an apostrophe to the -s.
• Fehlersuchinformationen should be changed to Debug-Info
• ER and ERP: These should have been changed back to XP and EXP. Although the script should be case-sensitive, there may have been occurrences where it didn’t work. Please check this and also look for the abbreviation ANG (for Angriff), which should now be AGF.
• Zauber-Akademie: This should be Magie-Akademie.
• Tip should be Tipp, BOSS should be ENDGEGNER, Shift should be Umschalt, Ctrl should be Strg, Enter should be Eingabe.
• Event has been translated as Veranstaltung. Please use Ereignis whereever possible.
• Related NPC is never Verwandter NPC. It should be Beteiligter NPC (same with Bezogene Gegenstände – Beteiligte Gegenstände.
• Pet Property was sometimes translated as Tier-Besitz, where “Tier-Eigenschaft” (singular) or “Tier-Eigenschaften” (plural) is correct.
• “Tills” (a NPC name) was sometimes translated as “Geldkassette” (singular) and “Geldkassetten” (plural) (as if it was a literal term). It should stay “Tills” when the NPC is meant (a quest-giver or similar, in the Guild Manor).
• Schlacht der Unsterblichen should be Battle of the Immortals in all instances.

Please feel free to add to this list as you go! I or the PMs will then circulate it.

Thank you very much


that sounds good. Would it be possible to assign me three files (or two big ones) at once so that I can spellcheck them this evening and night? Then I’ll do my other things now and start as soon as I’m back and finish the files tonight. That way, I won’t have to worry about the time for getting the other things done and can fully concentrate on spellchecking without interruption (and I like working in the evenings best as I seem to be able to concentrate better).



so after I received an E-Mail from  I changed the file from yesterday again (last time, I promise *lol) and uploaded the latest version. I also uploaded the second file.

Times were:
Glossary BOI 650 min (that was the glossary of the customer)
301-314_sr1 115 min
271-285_sr1 120 min

Will now go on with the third file. 🙂


I’ve just come across this:

Shinobi Uniform♂ Ninja-Uniform M

Goddess of Nature♀ Göttin der NaturW

Berzerker of Steel♂ S§§§tahl-BerserkerM

So the translator, (Rudiger) was too lazy to insert the special characters for male and female and just went with M (male) and W (female), not even bothering to put the letter in the same position on each term (note the space after Uniform!) or telling anyone about this. I don’t expect a player to immediately be able to tell that the seemingly random M and W are gender signs. So we need to replace this, I think. I’ll do it in my file manually, because I’m pretty sure we can’t use the S&R for this. Could you tell the other proofreaders/spotters to look out for this?



I have uploaded 256-270_sr1.xls. (1 hour 45 minutes)

Best Gerald



Please, submit a new ticket in Reports and Accounting category and send me your Extra hours for BOI you’ve spent so far. Please, make the report the way, so that I could easily distinguish what hours are related to polishing stage. Also check the Accounting for JD Karel sent and let me know if anything’s wrong/missing there. Also attach your extra hours report for JD.



Please, send me your Extra hours report for JD. I will add those hours to the final Accounting. Also I ask you to check carefully the Accounting file you’ve got, maybe compare it with the Spreadsheet to make sure nothing is missing or superfluous.


Hi, Gerald.

Please, submit a new ticket in Reports and Accounting category and send me your extra hours you’ve spent so far. And separate some way the hours you’ve spent for the polishing stage from others, if there are any.

” Finished with 226-240_sr1 (took 50min) “Hi

all the 14.7 hours I reported are not yet in the latest accounting file Karel sent today.

So I hope they will be in the last payment announced for next week?


I know there are no extra hours in the file you received. I have already added your hours to accounting, but the version you were sent is a bit early.
Don’t worry. Your hours will definitely be counted at final payment.
BTW, did you check all other figures in the file you received? The accounting for JD is rather confusing, so I suspect there are some inaccurate word counts.


Very nice.

Next file:


Okay, start with this one first then.

It’s 1 MB big, so should keep you occupied.

After that, do this one:

Can you uncompress a rar file? Uncompressed, the file is about the same size.

Alternatively we can also provide both files as Excel 2007 files (.xlsx)



Sorry for mistakes,accounting for JD is really confusing. So…
The word total is 5408, not 4508.

– Right, typo, sorry. Corrected.

2)256 row of Translation sheet is related to 14 Extracts:
second half (from segment 555) 2873

This file was devided between you and Carine. The original word count for this file is 5745 words. I was told to split the words count 50/50 between you and Carine. Are you sure that you translated 3337 words for this file? Hence that I have to substract the difference (3337-2873=464 words) from Carine’s words count?

3)29,5 extra hours will be added to the final accounting. As you could see the file you received didn’t consist any extra hours at all.

4) Thank you for being so kind to note exagerated hours. Corrected


Would you like me to include everything from proofreading to hyphen removing to the current files? And shall I add everything or state the time for single files?

Best Gerald



We keep record of your hours for checking files with §§§ in Accounting GS, so you just check it from time to time- no need to waste time for adding them to report. Proofreading is also reflected in Google Sheet. So only hyphen removing and everything else, if there is anything. Honestly, just don’t remember if you did anything else.


Huge report!
Thank you 🙂


is there a way for me to get and run the script on my file? I mean can you like post it for me or something? I’ve a long list of terms that should be S&Red here.



can confirm receipt of the file. I’ll get started on it right away, so you should have it back in a couple of hours.


need to explain you how I’ll apply the reduction for 18a file:
The original words count for the file is: 3924
3924*0,03= 117,72
To apply the reduction I will substract 1570 words and count the rest (3924-1570=2354) as 0,05 USD/word:


Did you check the file Karel sent? Is everything right besides 18a?


Hi, !

Have you checked the Accounting file for JD? Please, do it, and if there is anything you want to correct submit a new ticket in Reports and Accouting category and we’ll fix that.


Yes, the rest is correct.




Thank you for replying so quickly.

1) Thank you for correcting the typo.

2) I thought row 256 referred to 16 Extracts – which I translated too – so one assignment would still be missing. I have a word count of 2873 for 16 Extracts.
File 14 was assigned to me by mistake, but Karel agreed to pay for what I translated (3337 words x 0.06 = $200.22).
I copied the email Karel sent to me on April 24th regarding 14 Extracts (file attached as a word file). If you prefer, you can give me your email address and I can forward it to you.

3) Thank you for adding the hours. I realized “extras” were not accounted for, I just wanted to make sure they were included.

4) You are welcome, I am glad to help you.

Let me know if you have questions.


Hi people

Finally, uploaded the spellchecked excel sheet 121-135 to the BOI_spellchecked folder. Can you have a look whether is was received all right…? It should be nice and clean now from the point of spelling. There are so many mistakes in the source column… is it possible the client even mixed up the proper names sometimes? There is a person called “Winston” in English, but sometimes he seems to be called “Wiston”. I wasn’t sure whether it’s not in fact two of them so I left the names as they are (like the translators did).

Any questions, please let me know at any time. Will have a crack on the second sheet over the weekend, hopefully being a bit quicker but there was a lot to wade through…


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