January 2011

[These pages concern interesting correspondence between our translators and project managers at KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]

To add the dictionary to the project it is necessary to receive it first. So go to Project-Receive and receive the Glossary file. Then you reload the assigned project file. Then go to Projects -> Setting -> TermStar Dictionaries, and click on add. ” I keep getting DB error messages when I try to receive […]


at once I want to ask you to check a sample of translation from another new translator. It is not completed translation. So make a quality control of what he has done and also compose a list of comments and advices so that he took them into account before he uploads it. Link to download: […]


It think it worked now. Can you please confirm receipt and let me know if everything is ok? Lee ———————- I have uploaded file 309. Best Gerald ———————- Lee Yes, your file is uploaded. You can actually check it yourself. After you click “Upload TR” to the right from the black column a menu appears. […]


I’ve spotchecked your file Dennis_297.PXF. There’re 117 words untranslated and it contains many errors that have to be edited. The translation quality itself is good but there’re problems with typos, capitalization, terminology and adressing. I’ve only uploaded a brief report (Dennis_297_brief_comment_on_translation.doc) to the FS PR report folder because this file needs a revision. ———————- Dennis […]


Your next file: 05_part_308 (3,882) Download link: http://translationstop.com/files/BOI/German/05_308_DEU.PXF Please confirm ———————- Many thanks for your fast reply, I confirm the receipt of the two assigned files and estimate completion of the first one (05_part_287) lastest on Tuesday morning. Then will continue with the second one and estimate to finish it on late Thursday. N.B. Don’t […]


Sorry, did not attach the file. Here it is. ———————- Sorry one more time, maybe I need a break. I attached TXF file instead of PXF. Here is the right one. ———————- Dennis 1) Please, let me know,if the file you provided me for the assesment was completely translated and it is the same file […]


Please do not spread this on the internet or notify Transit in any way, as we do not want to jeopardize this version. It was quite expensive, but their free version is not working with the filter as it should. Reagrds Szilvia ———————- I have one further question: How can I disable/enable tag protection? I […]


How is the progress? Were any of our suggestions helpful? ———————- Hi thanks for your swift reply. It seems, however, as if a different Send Project box pops up. In my box, there are additional fields and pick lists for Send Glossaries and Language. You can also press Transit Details and pick or unpick various […]


If you have Add_New_German dictionary associated with the project, then when you send the translated file, there should be a checkbox marked “Send Dictionaries”. Usually we don’t want you to send a dictionary back, because our standard dictionary is Video.German_MAIN, and there’s no need to send this huge dictionary back at us every single time […]


Thanks for the assignment. If nothing unexpected happens, the files should be ready in the course of Saturday. Gerald ———————- Kalle Here is your first assignment: Kalle 05_part_310 1,524 Kalle 05_part_311 1 Kalle 05_part_312 489 Kalle 05_part_313 227 Kalle 05_part_314 42 Total word count: 2283. The files you can download from here: http://translationstop.com/files/BOI/German/05_310-314_DEU.PXF Please let […]
