Discussions Concerning Search Engine Optimization
coolness. Hey, cant believe it but did a random check and found my site at the top of google for “translation service“. Is it like that on your end as well? Been downloading a bunch of software and will try to get more serious with all this. Definitely need the work…
Yeah, I see the link below is 5th from bottom on second page of search
My title is “Translators translation French to English” on my London index page. I change the title , trying diff combinations For all-texts.com I am at top for “Translation service los angeles”
hmm, just did a search for
Translation service los angeles
and found mine on top and yours in third. Must have been doing something right recently. I asked my sister and I was on the fifth page for google.ca, and for her top of the third page when she used google.com. Apparently quite the discrepancy. In any case, will keep plugging away at it and think it should only improve, because I’ve learned some interesting tricks recently. Think that the software and ebooks should help. If you like I can make you a simple Flash for yourLondonor whatever pages like I did for my SEO page. Kind of like making movies and rather fun. Or perhaps better, I could teach you how to do it yourself and you can play all you want in your spare time. I rather enjoy it.
Be sure to log off Google adwords or Google before you search for your agency. I put in my words and found I was #1, but that is because I clicked that thing on URL when I was signed in and when I searched just a min ago I was logged in. It will show your site #1 if you are logged in and have clieck those arrows
Yah, that’s google very new experiment, which I quite dig. It’s like those diggit bookmark things, where people can vote on pages. If you click on those things you are telling google which sites are important to you – I don’t do that, cause I want neutral results. But perhaps google remembers which pages you visit, so I’ll try logging out and see if it affects the results. Eventually I believe google will incorporate the votes from all people into its regular algorithm, even though it denies this. We’ll see. People power is good I say.
heh heh, so now I’ve made an extra 20 bucks for outlinking, this time to my goofball kenax.net directory. I’ve submitted my pages to 300 directories for 35 bucks, and I see how all of them are desperately trying to get any cash, so it seems strange this guy is offering me an “so much” for this little bitty outlink. Well, better than a kick in the arse and might as well take it, heh heh
so you made 20 bucks already on something that you paid 35 bucks for? that’s pretty good.I’ve got someone who saw my resume online (from like 2 years ago) wanting to interview me for art work. Hope its worth doing! will fill it out tomorrow..
No, the 35 bucks is a separate thing. That is for “backlinks”. The more websites pointing to me the better my pagerank. The 35 bucks submitted my page (70 bucks for two pages) to 300 directories, which are like Yahoo or my kenax.net. But I saw how they all tried to get some money out of me, at most 20 bucks for the link. So the fact that he offered me 20 bucks for my piddly little directory seems promising. He also wrote an article for my computer tips pages, which will link back to his pages. So I am getting free content at the same time. So I’m learning the importance of these various links, and link exchanges, and that it must be done properly to be effective to google (since its new algorithm against the widely used practice).
On another note, downloaded some software and gonna try to set up an auto directory where people can submit their links and it gets handled automatically, as long as they link back to me (which the script checks). Will do that for those who have a zero or nonexistent pagerank, blab blab
oops, didn’t meant to scare you with the subject!
Anyway, had one of my goofy ideas how to survive. But warning you, it’s pretty goofy! Anyway, I’m sure I already mentioned to you a few times about my google ad revenues. Not much, but occasionally something happens and I make a few bucks. Like a few days ago I added ads to one of my pages and the next day I got four bucks from that page alone! Did you happen to click on the ads? That got me thinking and today I started experimenting, clicking on the highest paying ads myself, and it works! I can do my translations or whatever I’m doing, and every few minutes I go back to the pages, do a little clicking, and right back to work. Today is my first day doing it and it doesn’t seem difficult to get to ten bucks a day, which is roughly what I need to survive. Of course, the plan is to get regular websurfers to do this for me, and in such high quantity that the revenues could be half decent, like advertising on tv or radio, but for now I’ll gladly do it myself. And if you feel ambitious and would like to feel like you are supporting your desperate little son somewhere over there on some island, you can click on some too! I made a little webpage describing how to best do it, and I am just now experimenting with it, so I am sure it will not take long before I find the most effective and efficient means how to accomplish this. But at least I now now I can survive and have hit bottom!
okay, today I’m up to 6.25$ on google adwords and I only clicked on the same page twice during a 24 hour period. Think I will try for three times next. There must be some time frame when they wont let you get away with more. In the same time frame I also tried another high paying job of mine and I got 0 bucks for each click. So I’m focusing on my highest paying page only. I’m thinking I might even be able to do some research and find out who the highest bidders are, write up a bogus webpage to geth their ads on my page, and click happy that way. On the other hand, perhaps the revenues are higher because my page is near the top of google in that related keyword search. Quite possible. If I can click three times a day I could get it up to 10 bucks (not including all my other pages), and if the proxy server thing works, I should be able to get 10 bucks for each proxy, so it could turn into something interesting! Once I get into a rhythm I might be able to make 20 bucks a day or more for about 15 minutes work. Something you might consider, considering your financial situation? That’s 600 bucks a month. Better than a kick in the ass I would think. Will keep ya updated.
So you know how to auto redirect pages? That’s what I did when I stopped using my kenax.cz domain. Everything directed, but important how you go about it too.
no I don’t but figured there must be a way. will search about to find out how when I get a chance to actually transfer everything.
Redirecting is easier than snot and here the code for one of my pages:
<meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=windows-1250″>
<title>This page should automatically redirect</title>
<meta name=”description” content=”This page has changed location and should automatically redirect.”>
<meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”4;url=http://kenax.net/fatty-lumpkin.html”>
<body bgcolor=”#FFFFFF” text=”#000000″ topmargin=”0″ leftmargin=”0″>
<p> </p>
This page should automatically redirect to
<a href=”http://kenax.net/fatty-lumpkin.html”>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
That would be the code for the entire webpage. Just make sure you copy/paste the new link into all three spaces. Test it yourself – real easy. Once you have that set up then everything is transferred properly, including PR, by the search engines. For example, as I was learning about SEO, I would redirect pages that my webdesigners had made, renaming them from something like: /stuff/jobs/t_index.html to /translations/jobs/Czech-to-English.html. Now all of a sudden I had four important keywords in the address alone, which I would obviously match in the page’s Title (Czech to English Translation Jobs), which would be the same as the Heading 1 text at the top of the page, and the keywords, and throw that in some manner into the Meta Description. That’s how you do it baby!!! So whether your redirecting pages to another server or on the same server, this redirect script is the way to do it.
I just notice that flikr is high up on google searches a lot of the time, so I want to set up an account and interlink stuff, like perhaps a Croatia pictures album pointing to my Croatia webpage etc.
I’m all about whoring myself out on free services. Flickr has a good system of groups too, that you can join and promote your photos even further, more specifically.
Yah, whoring is fun. I like being a slut. Just need to make some money for my skinny little white ass.
so my main webpage dropped to 29th for the keyword search “translation service”, but the goofy youtube video I made is like 15th. well I heard a thing about being careful about competing with yourself. Also certain mediums are given higher priority; like my blog gets about half its search traffic from Google Images. Also I think because that video is newer than the actual page it might have popped up higher at first? maybe?
No, can’t hurt, if each page supports the other, and its all interconnected. Like Simona’s “london pottery” page, the youtube, google business local, and my html page are all pointing to one another. I hope to add to that flikr etc. All interconnected and pointing to one another. Doesn’t really matter which one ends up higher, as there are links to each.
You careful about your keywords thing on all your eagle videos?
yeah I am but I got myself into a bit of a pickle because I registered my domain and did my website long before I started doing the eagle photo thing. So everything became all munched together. I’ve just registered wildbaldeagles.ca, and will transfer all the eagle stuff there (after this week, which is a nightmare because I have a monster convention to go to, luckily its in town) and I guess I have to redirect all my eagle pages from ketadesign.ca to the new site. Then I will redesign ketadesign.ca to look like a proper graphic/web design site.
So you know how to auto redirect pages? That’s what I did when I stopped using my kenax.cz domain. Everything directed, but important how you go about it too.
Also, one thing I learned is that you should make sure your titles and descriptions are different for each page. But you can go something like Title: American eagles 1 American eagles 2
yeah that’s totally what I do, you told me a long time ago not to alt tag all the photos the same, so I just went wild bald eagles 1 to 49 or whatever it is, and juvenile bald eagle 1 to 23 etc etc.
I’m talking about the page now and not the individual pics. When pages have the same title and description, I found google ends up ignoring some of them outright. Not good at all. It’s like they don’t exist.
And always put a weblink back to your main or other page, as my youtube account shows (link from every single video)
hmm, I don’t usually put my website link in the description of my videos, I figure having it featured in my YouTube profile is enough. and one of my tags is ketadesign, which pushes my website higher the more it is propagated on the net (blog, youtube, myspace, flickr tags)
Now, I’d say this is very important. As I mentioned the interlinking above. Each youtube video has room for a description and keyword tags. Definitely use that for your advantage, and add the weblink. Helps fer sure.
Eventually I plan to do something similar with flikr etc. i haven’t gone to my flickr account in so long I don’t even remember what I put on there.
I just notice that flikr is high up on google searches a lot of the time, so I want to set up an account and interlink stuff, like perhaps aCroatiapictures album pointing to myCroatiawebpage etc.
okay, now not only do I have a very fun offline thing to do once the sun goes down – learning PHP – but during the day I’m setting up my new Reciprocal Link exchange directory at http://kenax.net/recip/ . Will incorporate that into my manual directory http://kenax.net/ . Decided to set up an automated one because I’m being approached by people for a link exchange and who offer a link out from pages that have a zero or nonexistent PR. Waste of my time to even answer their emails. Now they can do it themselves through my fantastic automated system.
If you ever want to know what a page’s PR is and keyword density, I use two good addons for my firefox if you’d like to know them.
The text on these pages reveal some of our search engine optimization tricks. For a full service please feel free to contact us.
Tags: Google Search, AdWords, Search Engine, Search engine optimization