[These pages concern interesting correspondence
between our translators and project managers at
KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]
The glossary translated some words for me and I noticed some names which would need proofreading. I corrected the ones in my document but I am assuming there are other files out there with these terms. For example, I found a lot of the following (I used an imaginary name just for the example) *Evil* […]
It is again, I got a few examples and requests from translators to proofread and make clear if they have some questions and forward it for you as lead translator. Please take a look and let me know. Have a wonderful day X. As instructed, the followings have *not been translated*, as I think they […]
I am sending this from another account. Please respond to this message when logged into your account so that I can see if it got to me. It’s OK! —————————- okay, so it looks like the scripts are working. please respond to this email by logging into your account, so that i can see whether […]
Thank you for information. Unfortunately, I only have information to justify 43 Hours you spent for proofreading. Please, provide me hours report for the rest of hours you spent for JD. (4 more as far as I understand?) Concerned BOI…yes, this part will be paid a bit later. I have actually did accounting for BOI, […]
so in the meantime I re-checked my Paypal history to be sure and found the missing $500 from my calculations above, so indeed everything has been paid back according to Karel’s figures, namely $3445.15. There is a slight discrepancy with my own results, $3490, of $45, not a big deal, but not sure where this […]
I don’t need your mailing with Karel and I applied the common rate just to simplify counting of hours this time. The point is we’ve got the amount you are supposed to be paid. Hope, you don’t mind. ———————- Hi just letting you know that I checked the finalized BOI file uploaded by Karel, and […]
I cannot remember exactly, but it took me a whole afternoon. So let’s say “4”, then, okies? (-; So, any idea when the next payment will be issued? Karel said he expected his next payment on August 2nd. Cheers ———————- Ok, 4 hours added. In relation to the next payment- I don’t know exactly, I […]
from what I understand you only took into account the hours spent on proofreading but there was still some translation that hadn’t been paid please see this email from Karel a few months ago: Total amount earned so far: 558.804 How much have paid before: Total balance due: 558.804 Based on how much I have […]
Actually Karel sent a mass mail with the latest accounting file a couple of days ago. I attach it for the case you didn’t get it. The link to GS: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AmlfEgfxF8r3dGwxYXhOYmVvcjNmOUpXcHRYaWdJaGc&hl=en#gid=0 That’s nice you underlined that discount was concerned only translation part…was going to apply the reduction both to your translation and proofreading. Below is […]
Regarding the translation: The problem here is not a stylistic difference. The original version is full of mistakes, sounds awkward, and contains wrong translations. ———————- Christina Please, submit a new ticket in Reports and accounting category and attach to it your extra hours reports for BOI and JD. ———————- please, submit a new ticket in […]