[These pages concern interesting correspondence between our translators and project managers at KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]

Thanks for letting us know about the upload. No, you don’t have to open a new ticket. We can just reuse this one. As for sending multiple files, you can’t use the Export/Import options because that’s what we use to convert Excel (or Word or text) files into Transit files and vice versa, which you […]


I’m assigning you segment 942-end of Item_reducedF.PXF, which you can find on the site below. Some 1800 words or so. http://translationstop.com/files/BOI/French/Item_reducedF.PXF This is a list of items, with some item propertes and in a few cases, the locations where they can be found. If you aren’t sure what a word translates to, go for something […]


Please don’t feel you are “abusing” the ticket, OT is an absolutely convenient method of contacting us. You will definitely get paid in the close days, all you need to do is to e-mail your invoice to Karel. If you confirmed your e-mail again it should work, and if not – let me know and […]


Uploading to 001yourtranslationservice.com is the correct way. Don’t attach it here. Do not send it by email to Karel. Or upload it to the Communication System. Thanks. ” How is the progress going with your first file on this next project? We need to coordinate the segment numbers between several translators. Sorry, but seems my […]


someone else is doing segment 3760-end, which left us with some 600 odd segments. That’s too small to be split, so I’ll just tack that on to yours. That means segments 1502 to 3759. ” Excellent. Let’s do that then. You’re responsible for segment 3760 to the end. “Hi message received, and I am already […]


Please find here attached my spell-checked files with modifications due to the number of digits limitation for Names. A few comments below. In the file 2c: “Exq. Nightglow Recipe(LV120♀)” has been translated “Exq. Recette lueur nocturne(NV120♀)” but it should have been “Rec lueur nocturne exq.(NV120♂)” (respecting the words order as well as the number of […]


Ok I just uploaded the file on the server, filename: 2c_French__B_ProperNames_Proofread_JD_100201_Localize_2c.TXF It took me 3h40 (I didn’t count the hours spent on it this morning), that was very long and tedious as there were capitals to remove in almost each segment. I’m sorry but I have to go now, I’ll be back tomorrow morning. ———————- […]


I’m now ready to start, but I’ve got one issue with the segments marked as already translated, as they haven’t actually been translated and the “insert all terms form dictionary” didn’t work for those. Would you have any piece of advice for me? Could you please confirm that I’ve got to check every single term […]


Okay. Please start with 2b. Go to the Proofreading site ( http://translationstop.com/files/Proofreading/1-5_French/ ) and download the three files there. Username and password are the same. 001 Read the Instructions.doc very very carefully. Then follow it. These files are important ones. It will get seen by thousands of people every day. Pay attention and preserve the […]


please find attached 1c and 1d. ———————- please find attached the spellchecked files. ———————- Files received, work is done. Thank you for your effort last night, I know it wasn’t easy. ———————- Thank you for the excellent work you did, it was a great help. Can you please let me know how many hours did […]
