
[These pages concern interesting correspondence between our translators and project managers at KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]

Yes by unpacking I mean a programme called IZArc. Now when I download the file it is unpacked automatically by this programme. Then when I click on one of these files I receive the error meaasage: No application is associated with the specified file for this operation. Now if try what you suggested as an […]


Please do not spread this on the internet or notify Transit in any way, as I do not want to jeopardize my version. It was quite expensive. But if their free version is not working with the filter, as it should, and this is one of the main reasons why I bought the software in […]


This sounds like a Send before Save issue. When you change something (e.g., correcting) and then you Send the file, Transit does not created a .TXF based on the corrected version in the memory. Instead, it grabs the old version from the harddisk and creates the TXF based on that. When you close Transit, it […]


What’s your computer’s CPU and RAM? The actual dictionary is about 9MB, although when compressed it’s just 284 KB. Add in the extra parts and Glossary_DEU_21Jun.PXF totals up to 321,448 bytes. Was there a lot of other dictionary in your Transit & Termstar program already? Go to Project -> Settings -> Termstar Dictionary. Select Add […]


(You may have received this already. If you have, just go to the questions below and answer it. If not, do read the instruction first. Go to On the top left, you’ll find the Project Guidelines button. Read them and the associated links. On the bottom left column, you’ll see the Instructions link. Read […]


attached is the comparison file with some comments added, and my report on the issue. In total, it took at least 1.5 hours. I’m afraid the answer to the issue wasn’t so easy, but see the document for that. I hope it helps, please write back if you have any questions. While I am at […]


just uploaded the 01_alpha_reps_file. This file was extremely bad. So many mistakes, not only wrong word choice also horrible grammar and orthographical mistakes, etc. I proofread 10 hours. ———————- I finished proofing file 02_194_DEU_tobe_proofed.PXF and uploaded it. I just spotchecked the pretranslation but there were many terms from an old glossary that I had to […]


I need your advice again. There are quatation marks in some files. Sometimes they are present both in the sourse and target text, sometimes -only in the source. I need to estimate, whether such discrepancy is acceptable or it would look bad if some of the windows were inconsistent in this way. I attach 2 […]


thank you for your prompt reply. I hereby confirm that I’ll get started with above files asap and I’ll finish no later than Monday. If I get done before Monday I’ll let you know ahead of time so you can send some more files. ———————- Please, take these files: 05_part_252 (1,650) 05_part_253 (3,389) 05_part_259 (1,810) […]


Did someone answer your question about Elephant Lord? I can’t find the term in the official list of terms, but judging from the name it’s a Monster name and should be within 31 characters total. ———————- ok, I have this in English: Cursing Ghostslave’s Body Fluid, not in glossary, but within limit of 31 characters […]
