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(January 5)
My another customer asked me to found translator. I have adviced your agency. Could you set not high price for them? I hope they will connect with you. - Wilhelm Gudelow. He is from Germany and what to translate web-site from german to English and Russian. best regards, Yuri
Dear Wilhelm Gudelow,
just got an email from my programmer Yuri that you are asking about the translation. I have not started yet because I have not received a confirmation yet. I sent you a rough quote how much I think it would cost, but I would still need to approach the translators before I give you a definite quote. By when would you like this completed? Would you like a proofread by a separate translator?
Do you have a translator can edit the English files I sent to you to Queen English, used for UK, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Singapore?
Dear Jane Zhang
just letting you know that, as someone who has grown up in Canada, our spelling tends to be more British (although Canadian, as with Australian and the others have their own spellchecking dictionary) but our style is more US. So I would not assume a "Queen's English" for all these previous colonies/commonwealth countries. The US was also a colony for a long time. Just letting you know,
Thanks for getting back to me! Yes, please try. The client wants "Queen English" for UK and Canada, and other countries as I listed. I think UK English should be fine.
Dear Jane Zhang
seems that no changes are needed for the English. Attached you will find the translator's CV. She also sent me her scanned diploma. I also checked the spelling with a spell checker and no changes are necessary, at least from that point of view. Can we make this at 25$/language minimum charge, hence 50$ total? I always base my prices based on what my translators charge.
I sent em to your agency as well just in case, sorry. I didn't know where to send it cuz it's business. There is only one file I sent in PDF. There may be a lot more. This is a bit*h man because it is too big of a project, stretcher for me. Getting low quotes from India, too, but need some people who know the American language well. I want to get this done this weekend
Get what done over the weekend? The translation, or put your quote together? All emails get to me and I process everything, whether personal or business, so no need to duplicate on emails. I am setting up new secret emails for some employees who will help me answer stupid questions from new translator applicants, but nothing from customers. That is planned for the super long term and will require a lot of work and a special system before I get to that. But I'm already thinking about it. latero
> How's the trip? Where are you now?
I'm in south west Turkey and it's starting to dawn on me that this traveling stuff can be a good means to find translators. Have to get into that routine. For the below, I'd have to say something like 50$ per language minimum charge. Keep in mind that these people have to be paid for their translation work too, so such small jobs are a major pain in the arse and not that interesting. I'm better at big jobs, but I can do these too. This assumes quality translators. If you get a cheap service in India, be careful of the quality they will give you, and not hire some cheapo local Indian who is translating into a foreign language. If quality is not important, I also have cheap people who translate into foreign languages, but I always inform my customer of who I am using etc.
later dude.
Business matter- I have attached a file. I need a quote in $US for this file, to translate from English to: Armenian Japanese Punjabi Thai Cantonese Korean Russian Turkish Farsi - Persian Mandarin Mayan Hebrew Portuguese Tagalong-Filipino Vietnamese
Can you please confirm if you will have Dutch and UK English files to me by tomorrow morning? After typesetting, I will need to send the pdf files to the translator for double checking. Is it okay?
Dear Jane Zhang
here is the Dutch, and still waiting for a response for the UK. It is rather short notice for me and I have not assigned such work to anyone yet, or tested into UK English. Anyway, I approached 21 translators who I drew from my database based on their education in England. I will write later concerning logistics matters, considering I am on a different time zone.
Wilhelm asked me to send description, how to add translations on the site
Dear Yuri
this is a good system, and I might need something like this one day for some of my customers. It saves costs on the programming end, but increases costs on the translator end. Obviously a translator who will have to fumble around slowly with some website instead of translating quickly into a Word file will charge more. A translator's hourly rate can easily be more than a programmer's. Also, there are translation programs, like Transit PE that I have, which can import a website, or a FrameMaker file, or any format file, and create a file for the translator, who only types over actual text and cannot screw up any html etc. codes. After the translator is finished, their translation is then exported back into the original format. There are many ways to go about this. In any case, I will have to increase my original estimate if your customer wants the translator to translate using this online system. Especially since it seems like such a small job. I would guess about 50% more expensive, but can only know once I actually approach the translators.
I didnt mention any target language because I have translators from almost all the languages. And I can find any language that you want to translate to Turkish or from Turkish. My email address has been changed. I no longer use this one. I just checked it by chance. My new email is. I am the head of UniCampus so you can contact me any time you want from the numbers given below or by my email I also give the opportunity tom my members to find a job. So if you send me your email for the need of a translator, I can send it to at least 70.000 university students or graduates of Turkey. I will do it for free :) I hope we can work together soon. Sincerely, UniCampus
70,000, wow, that would be great. Below you will find the signature I use for new applicants, and I will send you another signature which I am using for the latest projects I am working on, where I am looking for translators into 37 languages. I don't have so many Turkish translators, so they would certainly be welcome. Do you have any contacts for Persian and Urdu? It is better if each translator fills in their info online, as I search for translators based on the language combinations they punch in. I only happened to stumble on your account recently because I just finished migrating the old database with the new online one and was perusing the results.
2I don't actually have a "translator CV". Being this a freelance activity for me, my CV reflects what I have been doing on a full time basis. If you want to take a look at my freelance translator activity, you can check my profile at (
Dear Alfredo
I believe every freelance translator should have a CV. Sometimes translators just copy/paste simple text into an email, but it is at least something. Other times they have beautiful PDF files with different colours, and their picture. Most important is your education, how long you have translated, what fields, and perhaps some customers. I am travelling with limited internet, so checking profiles online is a problem for me.
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