[These pages concern interesting correspondence between our translators and project managers at KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]

Proofreading Hours in Time per Words

Thank you for taking the time to make the necessary corrections. Everything seems fine now.

Good luck with the rest of the accounting.
Have a nice weekend



This time, the spellchecking went faster as there were a lot of repetitions in this file which were mostly following directly to each other… in the previous file, the sentences were longer and repetitive ones were more wide-spred throughout the document, so one could never be really sure wheter it was really exactly the same sentence and I ended up having to read nearly every single sentence carefully.

So this time I needed about 4 hours for the 151-165 file.

If you are really desperate for a translator tomorrow feel free to contact me and I will do what I can…

Best Kristof



as guessed, this was a quicker file. Finished and uploaded 91-105_sc_sr1_Checked_zip

Note: Mannschaft / Großgruppe was checked according to ‘s mail. However, in this file, Mannschaft needs to stay Mannschaft often (it is not related to the team into which players can enter.) So don’t run S&R for Mannschaft on this one, if you were planning to. I changed it where necessary.

I am available until 18:00 CET if you need me for another short file. If you don’t, could you send me a quick note and let me know?

And as I wrote, I plan to be available from about 8:00 to 11:00 CET tomorrow (Sunday).


here is the English original:

You! It seems that in my arrogance I underestimated you and overlooked your group’s doings. Very well. But you have not won any great y. Do you think that I am the only one that seeks to wrest control of the flow of history? The times now lend themselves to people like me! Here, take the Scorpion Lord’s Goldwave Chest and see what I mean. The one known as the Dragon Emperor seeks power just as I did. He was to be the first rival I crushed upon my rise to power. Go ahead and try to stop him. If I cannot have the power I wanted, I’ll take what pleasure I can in watching my enemies’ bid for power and immortality turn to dust!

Here is the translation I found:

Ihr! In meiner Arroganz, unterschätzte ich Euch und übersah das Treiben Eurer Gruppe. Nun gut. Aber Ihr errangt keinen großartigen Sieg. Glaubt Ihr, ich bin der Einziger, der dem Lauf der Geschichte die Kontrolle entreißen will? Diese Zeiten eignen sich für Leute, wie mich! Hier, nehmt die Goldwellen-Truhe des Skorpionlords und seht, was ich meine. Jener, den sie Drachenkaiser nennen, strebt nach Macht, genauso, wie ich es tat. Er war einer der ersten Rivalen, den ich zermalmte auf meinem Weg zur Macht. Geht und versucht, ihn aufzuhalten. Kann ich die Macht, die ich anstrebte, nicht erlangen, dann vergnüge ich mich dabei, das Streben meiner Feinde nach Macht anzusehen und die Unsterblichkeit verfällt zu Staub!

My translation:

Ihr! In meiner Arroganz schien ich Euch zu unterschätzen und das Treiben Eurer Gruppe zu übersehen. Nun gut. Aber Ihr habt keinen großartigen Sieg errungen. Glaubt Ihr, ich bin der Einzige, der die Kontrolle über den Lauf der Geschichte erlangen will? Diese Zeiten eignen sich für Leute wie mich! Hier, nehmt die Goldwellen-Truhe des Skorpionlords und seht, was ich meine. Jener, den sie Drachenkaiser nennen, strebt nach Macht, genau so, wie ich es tat. Er war der erste Rivale, den ich auf meinem Weg zur Macht vernichtete. Geht und versucht, ihn aufzuhalten. Wenn ich die Macht, die ich anstrebte, nicht erlangen kann, dann begnüge ich mich damit, das Streben meiner Feinde nach Macht und Unsterblichkeit zu Staub zerfallen zu sehen!

This has been line 12 in the file. I stopped spellchecking afterwards.

There have been akward sentence structures as well as wrong translations in this line.

Hope that helps.



I just uploaded the files 286-300 (1h 15 mins time).

I can do some more if you still have.


That’s it for now.


that’s it for now. We’ll assign you something in the evening to be done in themorning, if we have anything.
Now, just let me know your hours for 76-90, 91-105.


Since you’re free…. what’s your opinion on the following?
here is the English original:

You! It seems that in my arrogance I underestimated you and overlooked your group’s doings. Very well. But you have not won any great y. Do you think that I am the only one that seeks to wrest control of the flow of history? The times now lend themselves to people like me! Here, take the Scorpion Lord’s Goldwave Chest and see what I mean. The one known as the Dragon Emperor seeks power just as I did. He was to be the first rival I crushed upon my rise to power. Go ahead and try to stop him. If I cannot have the power I wanted, I’ll take what pleasure I can in watching my enemies’ bid for power and immortality turn to dust!

Here is the translation I found:

Ihr! In meiner Arroganz, unterschätzte ich Euch und übersah das Treiben Eurer Gruppe. Nun gut. Aber Ihr errangt keinen großartigen Sieg. Glaubt Ihr, ich bin der Einziger, der dem Lauf der Geschichte die Kontrolle entreißen will? Diese Zeiten eignen sich für Leute, wie mich! Hier, nehmt die Goldwellen-Truhe des Skorpionlords und seht, was ich meine. Jener, den sie Drachenkaiser nennen, strebt nach Macht, genauso, wie ich es tat. Er war einer der ersten Rivalen, den ich zermalmte auf meinem Weg zur Macht. Geht und versucht, ihn aufzuhalten. Kann ich die Macht, die ich anstrebte, nicht erlangen, dann vergnüge ich mich dabei, das Streben meiner Feinde nach Macht anzusehen und die Unsterblichkeit verfällt zu Staub!

My translation:

Ihr! In meiner Arroganz schien ich Euch zu unterschätzen und das Treiben Eurer Gruppe zu übersehen. Nun gut. Aber Ihr habt keinen großartigen Sieg errungen. Glaubt Ihr, ich bin der Einzige, der die Kontrolle über den Lauf der Geschichte erlangen will? Diese Zeiten eignen sich für Leute wie mich! Hier, nehmt die Goldwellen-Truhe des Skorpionlords und seht, was ich meine. Jener, den sie Drachenkaiser nennen, strebt nach Macht, genau so, wie ich es tat. Er war der erste Rivale, den ich auf meinem Weg zur Macht vernichtete. Geht und versucht, ihn aufzuhalten. Wenn ich die Macht, die ich anstrebte, nicht erlangen kann, dann begnüge ich mich damit, das Streben meiner Feinde nach Macht und Unsterblichkeit zu Staub zerfallen zu sehen!

This has been line 12 in the file. I stopped spellchecking afterwards.

There have been akward sentence structures as well as wrong translations in this line.

Honestly, I had hoped that at this late a stage I don’t have to deal with this sort of stuff. But anyway, is this something I need to worry about or is this a matter of stylistic difference? (File in question is 301, if you must know)


Minutes for the last two files:

BOI final proofreading: 76-90: 195 mins.
BOI final proofreading: 91-105: 90 mins.

Comment on the issue above: Yes, this is a bit more than stylistic difference. There are a few errors in the first version, and overall, awkward style and sentence structure. I noticed a few passages like this in my files, too, and changed them when there were critical mistakes. With the whole spot-checking approach, automated pretranslations and a number of low quality translators I’m not surprised that we still have some passages like this. After all, you knew that we have bad translators on the team and spot-checking/proofreading can’t be perfect the way we did it. So I guess at this stage we can only fix the worst and accept that some of the rest is stylistically poor or awkward.

My 2 cents – hope this is helpful.


Let’s see, the average time for a file with similar number of flagged cells is about 3 hours.

§§§ Proofing ver3 Time
1194 Gerald 2.5
1138 Gerald 3
1153 Sebastian 3.25
954  4.5

Why don’t we say 4 hours?


I have corrected your words counting for 1c(4519) and 17 extracts(7056) files.

I need your help to sort out accounting for file 16 extracts. The original words count for this file is really 3557 words. But according to GS it was split between you and . I was told do devide words for this file 50/50. Tell me please, are you sure that you translated the whole file yourself?

I added your 82 extra hours to accounting as well.
You are claiming for 42 hours of proofreading for JD. But according to GS there are 44,6. Please, correct wrong hours in the file I attach and mark them…yellow for example.

Also you didn’t answer me about Fabian. Can I just mark those files as yours and remove his name from accounting? I would do it if he gets paid through you.

I don’t need proofreading hours if they are counted in GS – only extra.


Christina, there’s two files left. Including your current file, that’s 3. When you’re done with 46-60, do you think you can take another file tonight? 669 flagged cells, so hopefully faster than your current one.

(As usual, for our accounting purposes, tell me how long 46-60 takes when you’re done with it.)


That sounds good

Let me know if you have more to do.



sorry, the GS is right, it was 44,6 hours. What I don’t know is if 5 hrs 46 min of JD repair proofreading is included, though. The files were JD repair 1a, 1b, and something gave me on June 10, so I guess they might not be included.

Regarding 16 repetitions:
I did 933 of 1234 segments. Considering that fuzzy matches have also been built by me that  just had to confirm, I reckon I translated about 75% of the file. In Word, it says roughly 2600 words for my part and 1140 words for ‘s part. So that would be about right.

Fabian has been paid for the two files in JD by me, so his payment for the two files goes to me also. For BOI, though, please pay him directly, if possible. I will tell him to contact you about details (Paypal etc).

In the file attached, I have only entered 20 hours for Doris (marked yellow, last sheet, just for information, erase if not needed). Also, I have given a wordcount (in yellow) including the files of Fabian (and erased his entry). I did not add the proofreading hours mentioned for JD repair, nor the words from extract 16.

Hope this becomes clear

Thanks much


The last file in the bunch isn’t done yet.

Only 426 flagged cells.

Please concentrate on those cells. Just FYI, other people did similar files in about 2 hours.


I haven’t found your 5hrs 46 min in GS for section 1 so I added that to extra hours.
Words count for 16 extracts changed to 2600.
Fabian was removed from JD accounting at all and his files were marked as yours.

Thank you for help.


Gerald, are you available for approx. 3-4 hours tonight?
Got one file languishing.

The person who was supposed to do it seems to have disappeared. Probably out having fun. 🙂

Let me know ASAP.

” I am finished with the 46-60 file (120min). Just wanted to wait for your reply before I upload it. Which one should I do next? “This one’s next.

PS: Regarding 301-314, no, you aren’t supposed to proofread the whole thing. If you say it’s okay, it’s good.

PPS: See if you can get 166-180 done tonight. Almost everything else is done already.

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