[These pages concern interesting correspondence between our translators and project managers at KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]

Check Accounting Hours, Submit Ticket

Regarding the translation:

The problem here is not a stylistic difference. The original version is full of mistakes, sounds awkward, and contains wrong translations.



Please, submit a new ticket in Reports and accounting category and attach to it your extra hours reports for BOI and JD.


please, submit a new ticket in Reports and accounting category and send me your extra hours report for JD. Also check the JD accounting file Karel sent you on July,30 and let me know if anything should be corrected there.


I already did register some time during the last months but I completely forgot about it.
Anyways, here’s my user code: 13687

I’m not sure about your chosen way of payment
Should I fill in the bank account information?



Please, submit a new ticket in Reports and accounting category and let me know your proofreading hours for BOI. Also check JD accounting file Karel sent on July,30 and let me know if anything is wrong there. Plus send me your extra hours for JD if there are any.



Please, submit a new ticket in Report and accounting category to continue this conversation?
Let us know,please, if you have paypal account.



Please, check the accounting file for JD Karel sent on July,30 and let me know if anything wrong there. Also provide me your extra hours for JD.
Please, submit a new ticket in Reports and accounting category to continue this conversation.



I need your help.
You offered Karel 23% discount for the entire JD. I need you to confirm it. Plus check please, the accounting file Karel sent on July,30. Let me know if anything is wrong/missing there. Also I need your Extra hours report for JD, if there is any.

Please, submit a new ticket in reports and accounting category to continue this conversation.


how are things looking with the spotchecking?
Any problems? Do you see any?

I’d like to know more so I will know whether I need to pull another all-nighter tonight. If I do, then I need to get a nap now so I’ll be alert later.


The bad translation is on file 132, 136, 296, 300, 301. There seems to be two versions. You may run into the other version.

Check 121-135 row 2840 and 136-150 row 13 & 116. Replace it with ‘s version, or I can do it afterward, whichever is more convenient for you.

However, check also the surrounding text around that. I want to make sure that this is a singular incident and not a catastrophic failure across the whole section.



The bad translation is on file 132, 136, 296, 300, 301. There seems to be two versions. You may run into the other version.

Check 121-135 row 2840 and 136-150 row 13 & 116. Replace it with ‘s version, or I can do it afterward, whichever is more convenient for you.

However, check also the surrounding text around that. I want to make sure that this is a singular incident and not a catastrophic failure across the whole section.



Okay, I will replace it and check the rest.

Best Gerald


PS: The bad translation is on file 132, 136, 296, 300, 301. There seems to be two versions. You may run into the other version.

Check 286-300 row 2577 & 3160 and 301-314 row 12. Replace it with ‘s version, or I can do it afterward, whichever is more convenient for you.

However, check also the surrounding text around that. I want to make sure that this is a singular incident and not a catastrophic failure across the whole section.



I have uploaded the checked files:


I have spotchecked them and changed a few things, but all in all they are okay to use.

Since there may have been changes in the glossary but  has not uploaded the new version yet, here are some questions that have to be checked:

1. Is Magician’s Magic Hat now “Magier-Magie-Hut” instead of “Magier-Zauberhut”?
2. Has “Magiestein des Wachstums” be changed to “Wachstums-Magie-Stein”?
3. Is Champion Honor now “Meister-Ehre” instead of “Streiter-Ehre”?

Best Gerald


unfortunately, I sent some messages to because I was assuming he would do the first part. So Gerald did not get the information I wanted Sebastian to have about some issues that should still be fixed. If you want, I’ll check through Gerald’s files once he’s done with them and do last minute polishing tonight. As far as I’ve seen, I don’t dare to call the quality very good, because the spotchecking is really only a glance of the whole thing, but at least I didn’t notice anythin really grave.

So is there anyhting you have to do after I finish going through the files?


And yes, he changed all three.


Gerald’s already done. I answered yes to all three of his questions.
I have uploaded the checked files:


I have spotchecked them and changed a few things, but all in all they are okay to use.

Since there may have been changes in the glossary but  has not uploaded the new version yet, here are some questions that have to be checked:

1. Is Magician’s Magic Hat now “Magier-Magie-Hut” instead of “Magier-Zauberhut”?
2. Has “Magiestein des Wachstums” be changed to “Wachstums-Magie-Stein”?
3. Is Champion Honor now “Meister-Ehre” instead of “Streiter-Ehre”?

Is there anything I have to do after you’re done? I don’t know. That depends on whether you tell me if there’s anything you need done on the files. I know that I need to update the glossary to reflect any last minute changes. But basically given that the deadline is so close, I am at your service.

I spent a good fifteen minutes trying to write something that conveys my frustration to you while staying professional. I don’t know if this is professional, but if you said you’re available “now” 8 hours ago, I expected you to actually start then and be finished, oh, 4 hours ago.

Please start right away, please.


I did my files this afternoon and have uploaded them (all 10) within 2,5 hours of receiving your link. You didn’t tell me that Gerald was working on those files, but so I only heard about that half an hour ago. I did then send some minor last minute instructions to Gerald that I had previously sent to
My question now was if I should go through Gerald’s files again and maybe apply some very few last changes to them (because, as stated above, I had assumed Sebastian was on that, so Gerald probably didn’t receive my last instructions in time to implement them). I have other appointments too and I did check my mail, so I don’t see your reason for being frustrated, because the way I see it, I’m offering my help to give things a last polishing swipe.

So should I now go through his files again?


I’m just annoyed at the wasted time, which in reflection, is not a big deal.

I did intend to have you and Sebastian do the work, but Sebastian is within his right to say he has other commitments. I didn’t tell this to you because this sort of thing happens all the time and updating you on who’s available and who isn’t will just flood you with unnecessary data.

Had you told us that you have instructions for I could have forwarded it to Gerald from the beginning. As it is, I still don’t know what your instruction is. Without this knowledge, how am I supposed to make an informed decision regarding whether you should go through Gerald’s files?

Let’s chalk this as miscommunication and try to keep each other better informed next time.

Now what is it that you sent Sebastian and Gerald? If this is something trivial, I can do it myself or get Valeria to do it. If it’s something that requires German knowledge, naturally that’ll be you.

Sorry for taking half an hour to reply. I was else-window updating the glossary. Ran the 2nd pass S&R list, checked for the $$ and possible iterative error (e.g., Wassermannn and similar). It’s up now at http://translationstop.com/files/Glossary/Glossary_DEU_1Aug_Transit.xlsx



Row 274.

Minion and Slave are both translated as Sklave. They should have two different terms.

There are Wraith Tome Minion and Wraith Tome Slave in the game. The way things are, these two monsters share the same name.

EDIT: Christina has suggested that Minion be translated as Lakai. Which I assume is the English “lackey”? Anyway, given the amount and variety of “Minion”, I’m tempted to just use Lakai for Wraith Tome Minion and leaving all the other use of Minion as Sklave. E.g. Damonensklave. Is Schreckgespenst-Buch-Lakai be the correct conjugation then?



Alright, I agree, communication is still something we can improve upon, so no hard feelings, hopefully. I understand that you’re working very late hours (what’s your time zone, anyway).

I think I should do some last checks, I reckon it would take me about an hour, but I think I need to do it.

Minion and Slave: I really think your last suggestion is because the German Lakai doesn’t really fit minion very well and as Sebastian has said earlier, there aren’t any more instances of this differentiation in the game. So Schreckgespenst-Buch-Lakai is good. I entered Schreckgespenst-Buch-Untersklave into the S&R, but it probably never got implemented due to order issues.

If you don’t answer this within the next 10 minutes, I will simply assume I have the go-ahead to do these last checks and will hurry up as much as possible.


Okay, go ahead with the check.

As for Minion & Slave, okay, we’ll do Schreckgespenst-Buch-Lakai. I will do it on your 166-314.

Can you do a search/replace for Wraith Tome Minion on Gerald’s? File 061-075 row 4922. I’ve done it here, but if you made changes to the files it will get replaced.

” Will do ” Marc.

Did you receive the accounting file for JD on July,30? Please, check it and let me know if everything is right there from your point of view.
Also I need your confirmation for discount for 12e and 16a files. The reduction will be applied int he final accounting. It will be donethe following way:
Original words count:483 words. Your usual rate: 0,04. Discount rate:0,03. So 483*0,03=14,49.
It is really confusing to apply different rate for different files, so i will substract 120 words (483-121=363) and count them with your usual rate 0,04: 363*0,04= 14,52. Hope you understand what I mean. I’ll do the same with 16 a file.

Please, submit a new ticket in Reports and accounting category to continue this conversation.

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