[These pages concern interesting correspondence between our translators and project managers at KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]

Translated Files Project Terms Text

attached is the comparison file with some comments added, and my report on the issue. In total, it took at least 1.5 hours.

I’m afraid the answer to the issue wasn’t so easy, but see the document for that. I hope it helps, please write back if you have any questions.

While I am at it, can you clarify how to report hours like this that aren’t regular proofreading? I also assessed translator samples for Karel over the weekend and I’m not sure how to report the hours for that either, and
wasn’t sure either… so I’m not sure this was noted… (4 hours, if it matters).


here are my answers:

* what are the procedures if you are not certain of your translation?
Don’t mark it as translated and simply move the cursor to the next segment. Then press ALT ENTER.

* how do we deal with hyphens when translating?
We can type in °°° or .hhh for a hyphen if we experience problems typing in hyphens. In German, compound words should be hyphenated.

* how do you attach a glossary to a project and transfer the terms into your translation?
If your cursor is in front of a term which is in the dictionary, you have to press ALT T to insert the translated term. If you want to include a new term into the dictionary, you first have to query the lead translator and maybe send a dictionary list as word file for approval. To include the terms, you have to mark both the term in the source text and the term in the target text, then select Edit > Transfer Marked Terms to Dictionary.

* how do you mark a segment as Translated and what is the shortcut key to transfer the text from the
fuzzy window? (ALT 2 jumps without transferring the contents.)
To mark a segment as translated, you have to press ALT INSERT. ALT ENTER transfers the text from the fuzzy window.

* what is the rule for quotation marks?
I know that I must not use < or > as they are tag signs used by Transit. If there is anything else concerning quotation marks, I did not find it although I spent about two hour reading the guidelines and instructions. They are organized in a very confusing way so I am sorry if I just missed this point. If so, please tell me what I need to know about quotation marks or tell me exactly where to find it.

* how do you deal with Chinese characters when you get to them?
I have to ignore them, that means I should not touch or alter them.


Thank you for your help.
Please write in further reports for tasks like this, where you put your hour’s spent, details of what sort of work you did and your feedback if it’s needed.

Please upload your report through this OT(open ticket) system.


I would appreciate if you read all instructions of the project. Go to the main entry page at
and click on the Project Guidelines at the top left. Here you will find all the instructions you need and all the answers you don’t know yet. I understand, it takes time to read it now, but it will save your time and simplify performing of your duties in future.

Please, send me your updated answers after you learn the instructions.
If you ever have any questions-never hesitate to ask.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Thnak you for your mail.

So yes I downloaded Transit, but as I wrote in my previous mail there are a lot of set up files , what do I have to do, which one do I need?
And I could enter the Kenax file system under: http://translationstop.com/files/pindex.html. What do I have to do there?
Karel told me to ask for files under ZG OT. What exactly is ZG?

Thank you for helping me with my questions

Best Lee



The directory you mentioned is very important for you. Go to the main entry page at
and click on the Project Guidelines at the top left. You’ll be redirected to the page where you will find all the instructions concerned this project. You need to learn them very carefully. Let me know when you finish studying them and I will send you a list of questions to make sure you understood everything right. Then we’ll get back to the Transit installation,if you don’t install it by yourself by that moment.


here are my corrected answers:

* what are the procedures if you are not certain of your translation?
Don’t mark it as translated and simply move the cursor to the next segment. Then press ALT ENTER. If I am only a bit unsure, I can type a + behind the term or sentence and mark the segment as translated but I should not over-use this.

* how do we deal with hyphens when translating?
We must type in °°° for a hyphen. In German, compound words should be hyphenated.

* how do you attach a glossary to a project and transfer the terms into your translation?
If your cursor is in front of a term which is in the dictionary, you have to press ALT T to insert the translated term. To include the terms, you have to mark both the term in the source text and the term in the target text, then select Edit > Transfer Marked Terms to Dictionary. Only add new terms to the ADD NEW glossary.

* how do you mark a segment as Translated and what is the shortcut key to transfer the text from the
fuzzy window? (ALT 2 jumps without transferring the contents.)
To mark a segment as translated, you have to press ALT INSERT. ALT ENTER transfers the text from the fuzzy window.

* what is the rule for quotation marks?
We must not use double quotation marks (“) unless they appear in the English version. Then we have to use them for those segments only.

* how do you deal with Chinese characters when you get to them?
I have to ignore them, that means I should not touch or alter them.

Thanks for pointing out where to find the new guidelines for the current project, I read through the previous guidelines. The new ones are less confusing, though.


I can start only tomorrow night and will be available partly on Friday and on the weekend. Is the above “to-do-list” in urgency order?
I’ll tell Fabian again to send you a ticket. THank you much


This message is not concerned your previous communication with . Herewith I attach ‘s translated and ‘s proofread versions of 01_reps_alpha file. Also you’ll find a comparison Word file that has all the differences between  and ‘s versions marked.


, you also use a + when you are uncertain of a translation, to mark those areas you are uncertain of. The quotation marks are explained in the Special Points section. Please read that section and get back to me concerning the quotation marks so that I can assign you some files.


Through http://translationstop.com/files/pindex.html
you can download all your assigned files, and through the Instructions link on the bottom left and, more importantly, the project guidelines on the top left, you can learn all the instructions for this project. Please read everything and, once done, answer the below questions. Once we feel confident you understand all the specifications we can start assigning you files.

– what are the procedures if you are not certain of your translation?
– how do we deal with hyphens when translating?
– how do you attach a glossary to a project and transfer the terms into your translation?
– how do you mark a segment as Translated and what is the shortcut key to transfer the text from the fuzzy window? (ALT 2 jumps without transferring the contents.)
– what is the rule for quotation marks?
– how do you deal with Chinese characters when you get to them?


, you got most of the answers correct except one very important one: Insert Terms from Dictionary through the Edit before you start translating. ALT T works on individual terms but the Insert Terms puts them in for your ENTIRE document. Please make sure you get this step right.
I am assigning you the following file:

13551 Lee 05_part_262 1723 0 0 0 0 0 3397 5120 3,397

Let me know how it goes.


Sorry , I meant the following:

14249  05_part_262 1723 0 0 0 0 0 3397 5120 3,397


sorry the instructions are confusing. I have been trying to organise them as simply as possible. If you have any suggestions to make it easier for the other translators, I would gladly implement them.


Lee, if you still can’t get Transit to work, send me the link to where you got the zip file from and a list of what files are in that zip file.

OT is the short hand for Open Ticket.
It is this site.

If you submit a ticket, you will see that you have several categories to choose from. ZG stands for Z_Get. You post a ticket here (the fact that you are reading and posting here means that you already are doing this) and say you’re available and you “Get” an assignment here.

The letter Z doesn’t actually stand for anything. It’s just a random letter


Hi, back to the to-do list, no, they aren’t in urgency order. If I were to rate it on urgency, the list would actually be 2 (glossary), 3 (translate), and 1 (difference list).

Glossary needs continual looking-after and it’s very important, so it almost always get priority. Translating the actual files are the next priority. We have other people, but there are a lot of files to translate. The difference list is needed to make sure that the older files are consistent with the newer glossary. This can technically wait several weeks and be applied at the end of the project.


what follows is what I was able to answer. Transit is giving me some problems, maybe due to my little experience with it… I worked with it half a year ago…

1.If I’m not certain I try to look at the glossary for similar terms first then I communicate the problem to the PM and/or write a “+” at the end of the uncertain word/s or segments in order to make it easier for the PR to find them after I’ve loaded up the the file.
2.Hyphens are to be replaced by “°°°”. They will be dealt with (“converted”) by Kenax-Staff later.
3.The newest glossary (.pxf) is downloaded from the Kenax download area, then after receiving it through the menu clicks Receive, Setting and then accepting the glossary file I can associate it to the project by clicking on Projects then Setting and selecting the TermStar Dictionaries tab. Afterwards I select “Add” and add the current dictionary which is usually named “Video.German_MAIN”.
That’s the theory… But I’ve had some problems associating the glossary, so I’m working on it again. E.g. Transit tries to receive “Video.German_MAIN” but, of course, I have none on my pc yet.
So, some technical problems…

4.ALT + INS or by right-clicking on a translated segment, thereby opening a menu a choosing the “segment translated” option.
5.I must not use double quotes ( ” ), unless I see them in the English source, for THOSE segments I may use the double quotation mark (in other places it complicates the client’s games software). So I have to use just single ones ( ‘ ).
6.Chinese characters are not to be translated; if there are English parts in the same segment I translate only those, paying attention to other elements which are not to be touched (for example within the {h h} ).
PS I’m using a non-English version of Transit XV.


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