[These pages concern interesting correspondence
between our translators and project managers at
KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]
Please find the translation of the 15l file here attached. Please confirm reception. Could you please pass those comments to your proofreader? Hope this helps. I’ve introduced quite a number of terms into the dictionary, I hope that I didn’t mess too much around! I did not translate all the “Names Coupon” from Segment onwards […]
Hello and thank you for your efforts! Here are my comments: is correct in most of her comments. I have tried to incorporate her comments into the guide. Can I upload it on the platform? For now, I added an “update” paragraph to each old paragraph. That way, translators may skim through the already finished […]
Gender It is hard, in German, to employ the politically correct gender terms without rendering the translation text somewhat clunky and sacrificing atmosphere if the gender is not known. The tailor can be found in Sunstream City. Ihr findet den Schneider/die Schneiderin in der Stadt Sonnenstrom. We are working on compiling a list of characters […]
The glossary translated some words for me and I noticed some names which would need proofreading. I corrected the ones in my document but I am assuming there are other files out there with these terms. For example, I found a lot of the following (I used an imaginary name just for the example) *Evil* […]
It is again, I got a few examples and requests from translators to proofread and make clear if they have some questions and forward it for you as lead translator. Please take a look and let me know. Have a wonderful day X. As instructed, the followings have *not been translated*, as I think they […]
I am sending this from another account. Please respond to this message when logged into your account so that I can see if it got to me. It’s OK! —————————- okay, so it looks like the scripts are working. please respond to this email by logging into your account, so that i can see whether […]
Thank you for information. Unfortunately, I only have information to justify 43 Hours you spent for proofreading. Please, provide me hours report for the rest of hours you spent for JD. (4 more as far as I understand?) Concerned BOI…yes, this part will be paid a bit later. I have actually did accounting for BOI, […]
so in the meantime I re-checked my Paypal history to be sure and found the missing $500 from my calculations above, so indeed everything has been paid back according to Karel’s figures, namely $3445.15. There is a slight discrepancy with my own results, $3490, of $45, not a big deal, but not sure where this […]
I don’t need your mailing with Karel and I applied the common rate just to simplify counting of hours this time. The point is we’ve got the amount you are supposed to be paid. Hope, you don’t mind. ———————- Hi just letting you know that I checked the finalized BOI file uploaded by Karel, and […]
I cannot remember exactly, but it took me a whole afternoon. So let’s say “4”, then, okies? (-; So, any idea when the next payment will be issued? Karel said he expected his next payment on August 2nd. Cheers ———————- Ok, 4 hours added. In relation to the next payment- I don’t know exactly, I […]