[These pages concern interesting correspondence between our translators and project managers at KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]

I need your advice again. There are quatation marks in some files. Sometimes they are present both in the sourse and target text, sometimes -only in the source. I need to estimate, whether such discrepancy is acceptable or it would look bad if some of the windows were inconsistent in this way. I attach 2 […]


thank you for your prompt reply. I hereby confirm that I’ll get started with above files asap and I’ll finish no later than Monday. If I get done before Monday I’ll let you know ahead of time so you can send some more files. ———————- Please, take these files: 05_part_252 (1,650) 05_part_253 (3,389) 05_part_259 (1,810) […]


Did someone answer your question about Elephant Lord? I can’t find the term in the official list of terms, but judging from the name it’s a Monster name and should be within 31 characters total. ———————- ok, I have this in English: Cursing Ghostslave’s Body Fluid, not in glossary, but within limit of 31 characters […]


I guess, I need again your expert advice. Please see the letter I send to Karel below: Karel I have doubts about the text proofread (or translated) from different people. In the file 02_part_166 we have in the source The hero has blessed Card – Libra with a Starwish Charm, and has fortunately acquired the […]


I have uploaded file 6b with finished abbreviations. Took me 5h50 all together. I didn’t keep record of all the abbreviations I did, there were too many. Do you want me to start on 6c, or part of it, or have you given the file to someone else? Carine ———————- Okay, back to reps file. […]


Green light received! Please work on 6d. Please don’t forget to abbreviate to 31 char. If you have problems extending the formula to the part which belongs to 6d, I will try to help. ———————- I have reupladed files 5a and b: French_JD_100201_Localize_5b_Catherine_Final.xls French_JD_100201_Localize_5b_Catherine_Final.xls ———————- Carine how is 6b? I gave 6d to Alexandre, so […]


, can you take care of a small job for us? The following is an email from ——————————————————- But as I asked earlier today, first I’d at least like someone to spotcheck them, to double check consistency. But NOT a full proofread. Each file should take no more than 5 minutes. We need to get […]


Please update us ASAP on your progress on section 6. How much did you make and when do you think you could deliver. Please use OT (this ticket) to reply – I will be away for some hours, and Karel will take care of it instead of me. When you reply via OT we will […]


I will try to get K. Catherine is not replying so far. There are some abbreviation (more then 31 char.) in files 2b and 1d. In 1b is just one: Rec. bandeau de croyance(NV105♂) 1b, line 1259, 1307 But in file 1d there are about 20 terms which are not abbreviated enough. Rec. Coiffe de […]


Please rename your May14 glossary into ULTIMATE_GLOSSARY.xls Open it. Then download this file: http://001yourtranslationservice.com/uploadedfiles_001/PR/001_JD.repair/JM%20-%20Merged_sec1-7_for_TerminologyMacro27459.zip It is the merged file. You use this file as a reference to the file you work on. Open it, and when Excel asks you if to update values, click “update”. The glossary with the new name needs to be open. […]
