from what I understand you only took into account the hours spent on proofreading but there was still some translation that hadn’t been paid
please see this email from Karel a few months ago:
Total amount earned so far: 558.804
How much have paid before:
Total balance due: 558.804
Based on how much I have in my PP account at the moment, I am paying everyone 60% of this amount, so I should have sent you:335
I also received $609 in June, for part of the proofreading, but that’s it (not including Friday’s payment).
Could you double check please?
According to the files I have got 3 payments by July,30:
335.28, 600 and 609 USD what adds up to 1544,28. Please, confirm this is right counting or correct it.
What I need you to check:
1)if all files you translated during the project are included in accountuing file I sent you.
2)if all files you proofread are in this file. If not – let me know the fies I should add and hours for them.
Plus, let me know if you did any other tasks but translation and proofreading, like spellchecking etc, which are counted as extra hours.
I can’t find any trace of the 2nd one you mentioned (600$)
could you check whether it was made to my Paypal or Moneybookers account? thanks
PS I did some spell checking but not long and I think it was included in the total hours anyway
I checked the accounting file and it looks like the only extra hours (final check of consistency with glossary) that are missing are the very last ones I did during the few days before the deadline.
They are files 6a and 6b:
6a: 5h55
6b: 5h50
Also, I wanted to check with you that the little translation I did on BOI (before we knew that JD needed to be improved) is not included. Could you confirm that?
Thank you for fixing the accounting
No more files at the moment?
Actually we have completed the project already. You will get an accounting file to confirm soon.
And of course we will contact you whenwe have new German project.
I added your extra hours to accounting. Attached is the file with final totals for JD.
BOI files were not added,..well, as this is JD accounting.
BOI will be counted a bit later.
1. Everything’s fine as far as I can see except: in my own records my wordcount for JD is approx. 150 lower than in your accounting file. I attach a comparison so you can review them.
2. The full extra hours for BOI are also attached. I guess there will be a final file with the totals for BOI later so I can check if everything’s there?
Hi, Sebastian!
Thank you for correction of words counting,this information was not reflected in GS. I applied it in the file I attach.
Karel will send BOI accounting file a bit later, for now I can send you the file which will be the ground for what you will get from Karel. Please, check it as well, so that we could resolve all issues right away.
Are you sure you cunted your hours right? I counted 10h25 for the attached file. Please, clarify whether anything is missing there or you did a mistake when counting.
Yes there are 4h10 missing because I didn’t write the details down at that time. should know what were those 4h10 for, but I don’t remember since it was months ago… If you really need all the details for each hour then you can count only 10h25, cause I don’t remember what were the files concerned, I can only say it was spellchecking.
I decided that you did a mistake when you counted hours, because you didn’t say anything was missing in detalisation. I added these hours to accounting. The amended file is attached.
Thank you for help
Your hours are added. I attach the amended file.
Thank you for help.
Thank you !
thank you — both files are fine now!
Sorry but I indeed never received any notification before…
For 13n and 18s I proposed Karel to deduct what the extra proofreading work costed, so I don’t know the exact rate (I had agreed for half price concerning 13n and you can count the same for 18s for instance).
The accounting file from Karel only concerned the two first files and it seems to be ok, he just asked me if I could give a reduction for the extra proofreading of 13n and 18s.
What do you mean by proofreading report ? If you are talking about notes and remarks for mitakes I corrected, I will search in my work (I wasn’t supposed to do proofreading at first but accepted to help out with all the problems and rush at the end, so in fact I didn’t get any recommandations for any report at first, but I can probably find some information back on what I corrected with my written notes) to send you something asap, otherwise I don’t know what kind of report you are talking about.
Tha attached document was the first invoice I sent just after having worked on the end of the project with already 50% off for 13n (18s still has a normal rate because it was before Karel told me that it needed more proofreading as well) in case it can help.
I will be available today in case you need further information.
Sorry, I didn’t specify, I meant your hours report for all files you proofread. Please, send me it, then I will send you an updated accounting file for your approval.
Ok now I understand 🙂
Concerning the time spent on proofreading or repairing files I counted 10 hours of work at a rate of 25$/hour.
I hope everything is clear.
Sorry for bothering you but I need detailed hours report, with hours spent for each file.
Hi, !
There is nothing you should do with old ticket.
Here is your report:
24.02.2010 30 Min. spellcheck 5b
24.02.2010 1 Std spellcheck 1a
13.04.2010 2,5 Std. file 7 a,e,f,g
14.04.2010 2,0 “â€â€
15.04.2010 2,0 “â€â€
16.04.2010 3,0 “â€â€
17.04.2010 2,0 “â€â€
18.04.2010 1,0 “â€â€
19.04.2010 1,5 “â€â€
I don’t understand what Std means and “â€â€. What kind of job these hours are concerned? I need items to add to accounting. and 2 hours spent for “â€â€ is a bit confusing for me 🙂
Ok, found these hours in your invoice.
17c : 1h
17d : 1h
1b : 8h
Also substracted untranslated words according to your invoice.
The final file which will be used for accounting is attached.
Check if everything’s right now
Ok yes everything seems fine to me.
Do you perhaps already know if the project BOI will finally start in French as well?
Good luck with everything and have a nice day !
Hi, !
Karel will send you BOI accounting file these days.
Tell me please, did you do any extra hours for JD( I mean not translation or proofreading)
By the way, did you check the latest (July,30) accounting file for BOI?
Karel will check this payment and send you the proof of it if it was performed, or money, if it wasn’t.
For now, just confirm that everything is right about proofread and translated files on the corresponding sheets of the accounting file( I mean that everything is included with right hours/words count)
Thank you for help.
What’s concerned French part of BOI, I don’t know, and noone does for now. So we just keep fingers crossed.
Good luck
yes, I confirm it’s correct
Hi again!
I actually did a few extra hours at the very beginning of JD, helping to assess German test translations. 3 or 4 hours at $25/hr, I guess it was. It has not been paid since.
I had a look at the accounting file, but I couldn’t make head or tail of it. (-;
All I know that of my two files I’ve done for BOI, this one is still unpaid: 01_part_057 (3279.5 words)
Could you please check on this?
1) Specify please, how many hours exactly you spent fro JD, I can not put into accounting “3 or 4”, I need “3” or “4”.
2) I checked, the second file you translated for BOI is included in the final accounting with words count 3076- 204 untranslated words were substracted.