[These pages concern interesting correspondence between our translators and project managers at KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]

Glossary German Download Translated

Does that mean there will be new files for translation all through the week, & after that I will have hardly anything to do regarding BOI? Just good to know for my organisation.

Uli” Very likely. There’s inevitably going to be people who didn’t turn in their files or turned in a bad translation, and we’ll need to replace them, but I expect those to be very few.

“On the other hand, zeta_reps is short at 3000 words or so.

If you want to ask  (or anyone) a question, you may want to ask him now. That way he’ll have the whole night to see your question and check the files and ponder the answer.


Where do you want me to upload the corrected files? Through the “normal” way or send it here?


Thanks for the reminder. Yes, I have already updated the glossary.

I will do my best to get the file ready before Thursday as I do not have much time on Thursday either way. So I will probably send you the translated file sometime Wednesday or even on Tuesday.



Send it the normal way.

Always send those sort of files the normal way to 002_BOI folder. Any notes for the assigned files can be uploaded to the BOI_Notes folder.


, for the new assignment.I confirm receipt of the file 01_part_112 (2,856)

and the new glossary I’ve downloaded yet.
I estimate completion of this latest on Wednesday, July 14.


Is it possible to comment on the feedback?



Valeria’s away for a few hours, but to answer your question, yes, you can.

Keep in mind that we read all comments back and forth.


I just uploaded delta_097.

I can take some more off your hands over the weekend if you like.

All the best and enjoy your weekend as much as possible


here is your new file:

Total word counts: 3279.

Download link: http://translationstop.com/files/BOI/German/01_epsilon_114_DEU.PXF

Let me know when it will be ready.



I forgot one thing, we have an updated Glossary, please don’t forget to add to your project.
Download link: http://translationstop.com/files/Glossary/Glossary_DEU_08Jul.PXF



Ok, thanks!



Thank you very much for sending me the new file and glossary.

You can expect the file back by Monday night.


Uploaded the file and can take a new one now.


I’m available now. I can’t do much next week, but I think I can translate at least 1 file!



Please, translate this file next:
01_part_115 (3,597)

Download link:

Don’t forget to attach the newest glossary to your project, please:

Please, confirm



I’m done with 01_081.




Next file:

01_part_119 (3,029)

Download link:

Please, confirm


We are approaching the finish line already, so I think you’ll manage to translate only one file.
Take this one:
01_part_120 (2,878)

Download link:

Newest glossary:

Please, read new guidelines for translators before you start translating. Some rules has changed since JD:

Please, confirm and tell when we can expect for your file.



Herewith I attach comments from proofreader concerned your 30-31 files. Please, revise you files, make corrections and upload them to FS again.


ok I will do it! I think I can manage till Sunday next week if it is ok!


No, Sunday is too late. Wensday…ok Thursday morning – is the latest we can affort.
Can you manage by this time?


Hi /

Zeta reps was not such a pain after all, quite a normal reps file actually. It was helpful to have the context to check for some of the partial/incomplete sentences, though.

Please see the attached comments file for a few comments on one dictionary term, one issue to consider in vetting, and a few comments for Uli.

Concerning the one glossary issue, I didn’t contact  about this one term. I thought it better to let you know because I will be out in the afternoon and tomorrow, so it’s not feasible to wait for me to change it, plus IF you change it, it probably occurs in other files as well.

Time for proofreading zeta reps: 2.25 hours.

I will now finish the rest of spotting 75-80 (not much left). I probably won’t be able to do much more over the weekend because I will be out in the afternoon and also tomorrow.


Can you please provide me with the files as wrote 2 days ago that he had already made some changes in file 30. Or can I download the current state of the files from the check upload sheet?
If I change my original file than his changes will be lost. So I would prefer the suggestion of the proof reader who attached the comments that you send back the current state of both files and I will revise them according to the suggestions.
I don’t know who wrote these suggestions but a few days ago  had advised me to use plural and now in this attachment the proof reader advises me to use singular. It would certainly help me to know what is being prefered as I revised one of my files completely and changed the according nouns from singular into plural….whenever appropriate (like 230 ice attacks into Eis-Angriffe instead of Eis-Angriff) now I have to reverse it again…



I’m available for new files!




Done with spotting 075-080, too. Report:

[ 01_part_075]: 20 mins. Overall good, but there’s a short message below, can you forward it to ?
[Isabell 01_part_076] already reported (15 mins)
[Ulrich 01_part_077] 15 mins, good
[Dennis 01_part_078] 15 mins, good
[ 01_part_079] 15 mins, good, also a message below about a term
[ 01_part_080] 50 mins for new translator welcome pack – already reported above.

Messages for translators:


just spot checked your file and wanted to send you some short comments:

“Feuer und Eis°°°Angriff” I changed to “Feuer°°° und Eis°°°Angriff” (not a big issue)
HP Ragan -> GSP Ragan -> GSP°°°Erholung (likely a typo in the original for “Regen”)

and you consistently translated “deal xxx damage” as “verlangt xxx Schaden”. I do not really understand why you used “verlangt” here, and changed it to “verursacht” via search&replace.


just spot checked your file and noticed you translated Goblin as Kobold, although it is “Goblin” in the glossary for German, too. I think it is important to leave it as Goblin: In fantasy literature and games there’s a difference between Goblins and Kobolds – both words are used in both languages and mean different types of mean little creatures.




You didn’t confirm your last assignment. Can we rely on you?



You’re just in time.
Please, spotcheck these files:



Proofreader has checked your file 075, below, are his notes for you:

just spot checked your file and wanted to send you some short comments:

“Feuer und Eis°°°Angriff” I changed to “Feuer°°° und Eis°°°Angriff” (not a big issue)
HP Ragan -> GSP Ragan -> GSP°°°Erholung (likely a typo in the original for “Regen”)

and you consistently translated “deal xxx damage” as “verlangt xxx Schaden”. I do not really understand why you used “verlangt” here, and changed it to “verursacht” via search&replace.


And new file for you:
01_part_121 (1,958)

Download link:

Make sure to attach the newest glossary before you start translating:
Please confirm and let me know your availability for the next week, we are approaching the deadline and want to do some planning.


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