January 2011

[These pages concern interesting correspondence between our translators and project managers at KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]

I will try to get K. Catherine is not replying so far. There are some abbreviation (more then 31 char.) in files 2b and 1d. In 1b is just one: Rec. bandeau de croyance(NV105♂) 1b, line 1259, 1307 But in file 1d there are about 20 terms which are not abbreviated enough. Rec. Coiffe de […]


Please rename your May14 glossary into ULTIMATE_GLOSSARY.xls Open it. Then download this file: http://001yourtranslationservice.com/uploadedfiles_001/PR/001_JD.repair/JM%20-%20Merged_sec1-7_for_TerminologyMacro27459.zip It is the merged file. You use this file as a reference to the file you work on. Open it, and when Excel asks you if to update values, click “update”. The glossary with the new name needs to be open. […]


I am somewhat worried from your message. Were you applying these changes (differences with glossary you found) to the original working files from sections 1-6? This merged file is only to ease work with the Formula, which doesn’t recognize an English glossary entry if it’s accompanied with gender sign or something in the brackets like […]


What is your question? Your post consists of statements but has no actual question. I am going to make a guess to what you are asking and answer it. No, there is no problem with the glossary. Double quotation marks are ”. This is to be avoided because the client has trouble with it in […]


Rudiger has the following note for the glossary. http://001yourtranslationservice.com/uploadedfiles_001/TR/002_BOI/rudiger_glossaryannot_186-192.doc ” Ok , thank you for info. I´ll wait for the new glossary. ” I uploaded file 18m and the corresponding report. Here is the hour count: JD_100201_Localize_18m 3,5 Do you know if the big item file will be ready soon? Please let me know. JM […]


I am still waiting for 179. Did you get the missing segments restored? I hope you did not stop when it didn’t ask you to delete a segment. Transit’s recommendation varies depending on its calculation but is almost always not what you want to do anyway. As for word count, substracting the untranslated Chinese words: […]


Alright, next file. Section 1 is too long to be tackled all at once and will be split into 4 subsections. This is the repetitions file for 01_alpha http://translationstop.com/files/BOI/German/01_alpha_reps_DEU.PXF Like other reps file, actual word count is unknown. It’s worth 2629 words though. As before, use the glossary to insert all dictionary terms. The latest […]


Yes, please take these 3 files. As to section 9 and 14 I was not updating hours because there was a chance you may update the files. Can you send me the final hours for files from sections 14 and 9? ———————- I want to be sure we are on the same page regarding capitalization. […]


As to segments filter, this is how you use it: Go to View -> Segment Filter -> “Segment attribute filter” tab. Tick “Edited by” checkbox and choose “User” and “Fuzzy match (user)” from the selection list. Click “Apply filter” button. Now Transit will display only the segments translated by translator. Having proofread the file, go […]


I think you are right. I just focused on items before. I am sorry about that, this capitalization issue is confusing. I will uncapitalize titles where needed and send the files back in batches ASAP. JM ———————- Jean Let’s better wait for Alexandre’s capitalization tutorial. It is super confusing, and I am afraid to think […]
