[These pages concern interesting correspondence between our translators and project managers at KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]

Glossary German Terms Translator

At the time the files were assigned to me, I thought spotchecking means just spotting errors and not fixing them.
Sorry, but your explaination reached me too late.

So, … discard my times (130 min all in all) on these files and reassign them to someone else.

Sorry for confusion!



More files to spotcheck: 259, 260, 300-301, 297,298.

Files 297-298 were translated by new translator. His 297 was once checked by , but as file consisted many mistakes, it was sent back to translator with ‘s comments to resolve issues. For any case I give you a link to ‘s comments.
Files 300-301 was translated by new translator as well, but Sebastian has already given very good testimonial about his work. Let us know your opinion about him.

Download links:


P.S. please, try not to spend more than 15 min for file

Good Luck!



I need your hours report for the following files:


I need your hours report for these files:


Lee, this is what our proofreader says.

In my opinion this file cannot be fixed in an adequate amount of time. There are quite some spelling issues and a few grammar issues. Also, as you spotted, none of the glossary terms were used. I was wondering if she’s a native speaker or is she typing on a non-German keyboard? My suggestion would be to let her redo the file but only if:
She adheres to the glossary.
She makes sure not to touch segments and tags.
She makes sure to deliver a file that she has checked and proofread intensively herself.


So right now we can’t use your file.

Do you want to redo this? As the proofreader said, you need to make sure that you adhere to the glossary, not touch the segments and tags, and check and proofread your work first prior to delivering to us.

Looking at your file, I’m quite sure you’ve been working with “Hide All Tags” view. Which caused you to not even see the game codes.

What do you want to do? Do you want to try again? Alternatively, if you just aren’t comfortable with the software, you can turn us down and we’ll look for a replacement.


I need your hours report for the files below:



All files together took me 360 minutes.


Thanks for the detailed explanation.

Unfortunately that doesn’t change much though. A database/ODBC connection called Termstar Received already exists. (It’s not possible to delete and recreate it either.)

I still get the same error messages when trying to receive the glossary project file (and a blank site when I try to add the glossary to my project file)… 😐


please, also give me your hours for 178 file.


I’ve solved issues on that excel file which took me 15 minutes.


That’s odd.

Hmmm, re-reading my post it’s possible that the glossary is looking for TermStar Received while I wrote down Termstar Received.

Try going to Options -> Database Administrator -> Expert.

You’ll see a list of your database. Click on the + sign next to it and see if it’s just like my screenshot. Obviously you don’t have the French file, but otherwise it should be similar.

If you see a Termstar Received but not a TermStar received, that’s probably it. If not, send me a screenshot of the screen and we’ll debug that.


I’ve attached the glossary with (hopefully) the latest changes all included. Still fiddling with creating a S&R-list, but I have still some time for that, right?
Is it correct that both 01_gamma_reps and 05_295_DEU are assigned to me for translating? I assume reps have priority?


ok, that’s enough for now.

One question: In several files are a lot of mistakes. It would take longer to proofread and it would demand more than spot-checking. Should I fix the mistakes, than it takes about 30 or 50 min? Or only spot-check, but there would be no guarantee for files without mistakes?



First, I’ll get to the glossary right away.

You have time until probably middle of the month for the s&r list.

For translation, the reps get priority, yes.

Mmmm, I’m still not seeing anything from your friend Fabian. Is he joining us or not?

” Sorry, , I forgot to add a few terms from my own Add_New, so please give me another minute! “It is odd indeed. And it doesn’t seem to be an issue of case sensitivity either.

I do have exactly the same two DBs as you though there are no + signs of course as there are no dictionaries attached yet.


Okay, Valeria told me that since I’m posting to you anyway, I should ask you for a list of your logged spotchecking time. She also says that you should to ‘s file first. That way we know whether she’s any good or not.

Back to your question. The answer to your question is complex.
– Are the mistakes in the pretranslated section using the old glossary? For this sort of mistakes, don’t worry about them because  will be making a list of terms to search and replace with to update all the files.
– If the mistakes are the translator’s, then fix them. We have a lot of new translators. However, write a quick note for them about their mistakes and we’ll pass them back to the translators. That way they can learn. We’ll also use those notes to see if they’re good or bad.
– If there’s a lot of mistakes (like Lee’s), don’t bother fixing it. Just write down what sort of errors he/she made and tell us to send it back to the translator.


Yes I would like to redo the file, and yes obviously I accidently worked with “Hide All Tags”, because I did not see any gamecodes.
And also there were no terms in the glossary, maybe I uploaded it wrongly.
I definetely am a native speaker, but I use a non German Keyboard.



Here now the final version.


I haven’t worked on file 04 so far.




Maybe you have forgotten. These files were in Excel format. You received this assignment in this ticket 2010-06-24 12:45:02. Please check again.


Problem solved.

There must have been something wrong with the whole environment. I suspect due to remains of the previous free Transit version.

I deinstalled Transit XV, made a clean reinstall and then I could finally receive the glossary file and add the dictionary. Both dictionary and TM seem to be working fine now, so I’m good to go. 🙂

Thanks for your support.


To display the segment markers and tags, load the file. Then go to View -> Display Attributes and select them.

The glossary may require a new download.


After you downloaded that, get into Transit, select Project -> Receive and pick that file. When you’re done, close Transit, start again, and load up your assignment.
Then go to Project -> Settings -> Termstar Dictionaries.

You should see a Video.German_MAIN available. Select that and hit Add. You should have the glossary now.

You may want to copy the entirety of your translation to a Word file. The reason for this is because the instruction for Insert All Term from the dictionary works only on raw English text.

To revert everything (and I mean everything) back to English, the simplest way is probably to go to Options -> File Status -> Untranslated, and then answer Yes when Transit asks you if you want to replace the text.

You can then go to Edit -> Insert all terms from the dictionary and then start working by referring to your Word file.

The alternative is to look up the individual glossary terms. This manual look-up is likely to take a long time.


Hi, I’m assigning this file so that you can get started right away on Wednesday. If for some reason you’re still unavailable then, please let us know right away.

The file is 01_delta_reps_DEU. 5377 words.


There’s a new glossary file also.

Let me know. Thanks.


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