Proofreader has checked your 310-314 files. Glad to tell you that he’s got a good impressions of your work. Herewith I attach some comments for you.
, regarding your translation of 01_beta_reps, the proofreader has the following comment.
Comments for translator of file 01_beta_reps:
Terms often don’t conform to dictionary-terms.
Apart from that the quality is high.
This is the second time we got people saying that your work often doesn’t conform to dictionary-terms (glossary). The first time was when rechecked your work on 01_alpha_reps proofread.
Please try to ensure that terms are consistent with the glossary. And double-check to make sure that your glossary is the latest one. Currently the latest one is June 29th’ one.
no problem. I guess I haven’t gotten used to updating my status in the CS, will be more careful with that.
… and I forgot to upload the proofreading assignment (or did I upload and forget?) – so I uploaded it now: 05_310-314_DEU_spotted_by_Seb.TXF
now continuing with translation.
” Oh, one more thing. We redid the word count for 01_beta_reps. I copy-pasted the source text and cut out the Chinese text first and then redid the word count. Came up with 6125 instead of 6215. Not that many, but I thought you should know why the discrepancy.
I just uploaded file 05_262.
As attachments: comments about the translator and comments for the translator:
Work time:
20 min
I’ve got new files.
Please, translate
01_part_042 (3444.9)
Download link:
Don’t forget that we have a glossary from June,29, please.
Please, confirm.
the new files arrived.
Here is the assignment
the total word count is 3934,3.
Download link: beta_41_DEU.PFX
Okay, this should be done by Saturday.
Best Gerald
the 310-314 TXF does not contain 312.
Transit does this only if 312 has no change whatsoever. Meaning that you found no errors and nothing you need to change in 312. It’s very rare that there’s no error/change, but it has happened before. Can you confirm that 312 doesn’t have any error/change, please?
There is a new file for you:
01_part_043 (3029.2)
Download link:
Please, confirm
confirmed: nothing edited in 312. Skimmed over what the translator did, which was fine, and most of the file was pretranslated anyway.
I have just upload the file 05_279 and few – very few – notes.
I would be available to start on the next file.
Your new assignment:
01_part_053 (1814.2)
Download link:
Please, confirm
Thank you very much. You should have it back tomorrow afternoon.
let me know if you are available to take a new file.
Not to make you waiting after you complete your current assignment, I give you one more file in advance:
01_part_055 (3771.2)
Download link:
Please, confirm
the new files arrived.
Here is your assignment:
Total word count: 4545.4
Download link:
Please confirm when it will be ready.
, we have not received either 287 nor 284. You estimated completion of 05_part_287 on Tuesday, which is the 29th, so that one’s late.
If you have uploaded it, where did you upload it to?
Translated files should be sent to
Any notes for the spotchecker/proofreader can be sent the same way. Just pick BOI_Notes folder instead of 002_BOI
Please, submit your application here:
Sorry for inconvenience
Ok. Thanks
I am sorry for delay, but confirm that I have uploaded the files successfully and I am still working on the _287 and will return transaltion tomorrow. Then continue with 284.
Here are 3 new files for you to spotcheck: 290,291,293. has noticed that in the file 292 you were assigned to spotcheck and control, and uploaded by you as 292_controlled file there are still + marks. File 05_290-293_DEU_for_spotting contains your spotchecked version of file 292. Please, fix unresolved issues.
thanks again for your feedback. You’re welcome to send me a new file, I’ll still have to do some work on the previous file but I appreciate having a new file so I can continue with translation right away.
Are you still looking for additional translators? If so, I would be glad to recommend a colleague of mine who is familiar with Transit and is well versed with MMORPG language.
Let me know, if I should provide you with her contact details.
Kalle” Oh boy, tell her to sign up, please. We’ll have to make her read the instruction and guidelines and all that and give her that little test, but if she’s familiar with Transit I’m sure she’ll pass easily and can get started soon.
files received. I do have the new glossary.
Your next file:
01_part_056 (4068.9)
Download link:
Please, confirm.
Below are comments of the proofreader concerned your 257-258 files. Please, proofread them yourself one more time and take into account proofreader’s notes. Upload them to Upload TR when you check your files and resolve all issues. Update me please when you are done.
05_part_257, and 05_part_258: too many sloppy errors, send back to translator or proofread more carefully.
Here are some examples:
“Ich habe die Legenden der III vor den Buddha°°°Köpfen im Jungel platziert.”
-> must be “Legenden der Rama III”
“Es liegt in der Nähe der Buddha°°°Köpfen im Jungle.”
-> Jungel/Jungle not correct, “Dschungel”.
“Ich habe die Legenden der Roma VI noch nie gesehen, aber ich habe gehört[comma needed] sie wären in der Angkor°°°Tempel°°°Ebene 1 in die Wand eingeritzt.”
-> comma missing
“Geht und beuscht {hSudann”
-> “besucht”
“Seine Begleiter sind nach Hause zurückgekehrt und ihn dort gelassen.”
-> verb missing.
“While I was hesitating, a trumpet shook the air and I felt encouraged”
“Während ich nich zögerte, brachte eine Trompete die Luft zum Schwingen und ich fühlte mich ermutigt”
-> “nich” is gibberish
“Auf meinem Weg dorthin, traf ich Wiglaf, der mir erzählte, dass Beowulf den Drachen getötet hatte dabei aber selbst seinen schweren Verletzungen unterlag.”
-> Comment: commas are wrong, correct: “Auf meinem Weg dorthin[delete comma] traf ich Wiglaf, der mir erzählte, dass Beowulf den Drachen getötet hatte[insert comma here] dabei aber selbst seinen schweren Verletzungen unterlag.”
“Ihr wurdet durch den Zusammenprall des Chi verletzt, als er versucht habt zu lernen, Eure neue Halbgott°°°Macht zu kontrollieren.”