[These pages concern interesting correspondence between our translators and project managers at KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]

Translated Files Assignment Proofreader

Sorry, did not attach the file.
Here it is.


Sorry one more time, maybe I need a break.
I attached TXF file instead of PXF.
Here is the right one.



1) Please, let me know,if the file you provided me for the assesment was completely translated and it is the same file you uploaded to FS.
2) Not to keepyou waiting I assignyou one more file.
05_part_291 (3,759)
Download link
Please confirm.



Please,let me know how it is going with your assignment.
When do you think you will upload translated files?


No problem, I’ll send you the file once I have translated a few pages worth of text.
Unfortunately, there’ll be a delay of a few days. There’s a family emergency – my granddad’s in the hospital and the doctors say they can’t do anything for him – so I need to travel to Kassel, Germany, for a few days. I’m sorry about not being able to deliver the translation in time (especially since this is my first assignment), but I hope you’ll understand. I’ll be in touch in a few days and then I’ll be back to work!



I had a super problem with my computer and had to re-do all the installations. So I am starting working on the files NOW and will turn em in by Monday. I am very sorry for the delay as this is not how I am normally working, but shit happens. So I am working full speed now and turn em in on Monday.

I hope this is all right with you.

Kind Marcus



I uploaded my proofed 05_299. Attached is a short message for Gerald, but there’s not much to say: The quality was very good (and the file was easy, and only 700 words). So this seems to be a very good translator :-).

I noticed 05_300 is also included in the file, but not yet translated.

Total time for carefully proofreading Geralds part,comments, and spot-checking the rest (for out of context/pretranslated problems): 0.75 hours (45 minutes).

Had you noticed that I wrote I won’t be available until wednesday? This little assignment was not a problem, but now I really cannot be available until wednesday. I will also check out the new CS and update my status there.


can you please deliver the proofread 01_alpha_reps by tomorrow (28th) afternoon GMT? We will run out of raw files by about then. If you can finish the proofreading by then, we will have a new batch of files ready for the others and can continue without interruption.


yes, I will be able to deliver by then.



Fine. Please, update me on how you proceed from time to time.



Please, clarify the situation for me. Have you started translating or no yet. If not, I will give your file to another translator and assign you another one when you are back.



Waiting for you.



Your translation was checked by the proofreader. He was very satisfired with your work. Herewith I attach his comments for you.


Let me know your usercode please.
Also don’t forget to send me your sample I askedyou about before.



Now you have access to CS. Please, send your linguistic questions in CS directly to . PMs cannot answer such questions.

P.S. Your usercode is 13587



Please, let us know if you are still interested in participating in this project.



Please, let me know how you proceed with your assignment.


i am certainly intersted in this project,
sent me the questions, which I will answer and send back to her today as soon as I can. Sorry for my late reply, but it is a very busy weekend. I am available on Monday, and I can translate about 2000 words a day.




Thank you for confirmation.
Please, read the updated guidelines carefully. Some rules have changed since the previous project.

Looking forward for hearing from you.


I’ve already started working on the file.
The situation has now been somewhat resolved; I won’t have to leave right now. I’ll send you the unfinished file with a few pages worth of translated text later today so you can check it, and the whole file should be done by Tuesday.


I just have one question: shall I send the answered questions to you or to



I’ll have finnished the assignment by this afternoon. Still need some time for proofreading and to formulate my comments on certain problems. I’ll send it to you ASAP.



that’s good to hear ๐Ÿ˜‰

By the way, I have already uploaded file 301.

Best Gerald



We both can see your ticket,so it doesn’t make difference. Just send them ๐Ÿ™‚

Good luck!


the file for assessment was completely translated and it was the same file I uploaded to FS.




Thank you for 301. I see you still have another file to translate. I believe you won’t accomplish it today. So when you feel you are approaching the finish line, let me know and I will assign you one more file.





The current file should be done on Tuesday or even on Monday, so maybe you could assign me another file tomorrow.

Best Gerald



I asked you to send me a part of your first file to send it to the proofreader to check. Have you completed 05_part_310?
If you have, send me complete file, the same you will upload to FS. If not- send me it with uncompleted translation. Just make sure you have translated at least 2-3 pages, so that the proofreader received enough of your work to assess.



Hope you granddad will be fine.

Waiting for your sample.


Here’s the sample. It’s the first 4 pages worth of text.

I’m sending you the .DEU file compressed to a .rar file. I checked the .pxf and apparently, my translations are stored in the .DEU file, not in the original .pxf – I hope I’m not doing anything wrong there! I’ve also created a .txf file, which I’ve attached as well.
Sorry if this causes any inconvenience.

I’ll wait until I hear back from you or the proofreader before I finish translating the rest.




Please, move forward with translation. I can’t promise you that you sample will be assessed right now. But we’ll have proofreader’s comments before Tuesday, and if he notes any mistakes, you’ll have time to correct them.


A little update concerned the file of new translator. It is completely translated file. So after you spotcheck it, upload it as a proofread file to the FS and additionally create a list of comments for the translator.


Make sure that notifications you receive from OT don’t get to the spam list in your mailbox. In this ticket
I have assigned you 2 more files yesterday.
05_part_287 (2,082)
05_part_284 (3,548)

Please confirm the assignment.


I attached 05 part 310 to 314 and uploaded it to the FS. All parts are completed, yet there are several segments I had to leave out due to lack of context (marked them with a +).


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