1 question. I see in file 6d you changed expression Mystic Trinket·Kinesis, which was translated as Mystisches Schmuckstu·Kinesik (according to glossary) to Mystisches Schmuckstu·Bewegung (which is not according to glossary). Any particular reason? Is there a mistake in the glossary or can glossary translation be acceptable? We should avoid changing glossary entrances as much as possible because they are used in other files.
Please let me know ASAP.
here is the file. Hope I’ve spotted all of it.
May I ask a question? The translator to whom it refers disappeared, but I need to resolve fast.
There is item: Mystic Trinket·Kinesis, which was translated as Mystisches Schmuckstu·Kinesik in the glossary. But in one file proofreader changed it to Mystisches Schmuckstu·Bewegung (which is not according to glossary).
Is there a justified reason for this change? Is there a mistake in the glossary or can glossary translation be acceptable? I want to avoid changing glossary entrances as much as possible because they are used in other files.
What do you think?
For reasons of clarity and consistency…Kinesik is really a scientific term somewhat inappropriate for the JD setting.
In addition, “Bewegung” is used in all other instances, too. So yes, glossary mistake. But not a severe one. So if it causes too much of a hassle, I/you can redo the changes.
I see no justification at all for changing this to Bewegung other than wanting to forcibly avoid a foreign word. I strongly recommend leaving Kinesik!
” Do you want me to do any other files? ”
Recommendation accepted. I’ll put back the Kinesik.
you’re working on the reps file, which does not include variables.
In the actual Transit files (e.g., part 251, 312, 314), the variables are there. This is how that part looks in 215:
You were killed by
. You lost
EXP, and the item
If you can get the German translation to work with the variables’ current location, please do it. If you can’t, leave them untranslated and make a note for the proofreader so he/she doesn’t try to translate them.
Then remind me to assign you afterward file 251, 312, and 314 so you can change the location of the variables there. This will allow you to get a sensible translation out of the sentence.
I have uploaded file 2b with track changes.
I will talk to you again on Tuesday morning, where I will be again available until the deadline of the 18th, and then hopefully for BOI.
I have uploaded file 2b with track changes.
I will talk to you again on Tuesday morning, where I will be again available until the deadline of the 18th, and then hopefully for BOI.
I’m ready for new files for proofreading.
This is the hour count for section 9.
JD_100201_Localize_9a 3,5
JD_100201_Localize_9b 2
JD_100201_Localize_9c 1,25
JD_100201_Localize_9d 2,5
JD_100201_Localize_9e 2,5
JD_100201_Localize_9f 1,5
JD_100201_Localize_9g 1
JD_100201_Localize_9l 2,25
JD_100201_Localize_9m 2
JD_100201_Localize_9p 2
JD_100201_Localize_9q 5,75
JD_100201_Localize_9r 0,75
JD_100201_Localize_9s 1,5
JD_100201_Localize_9t 1,75
JD_100201_Localize_9u 0,5
Total Section 9 30,75
I uploaded Excel files and reports for section 9. I already posted the hour count (see message above).
Let me know if you have questions.
Sorry I was not responsive yesterday. We finally finished the German, so now all my time will be dedicated to French.
1. I sent a message to
_K, hope she’ll get back to me.
2. Hour counts received, I will update GS today.
3. Can I consider section 9 files you uploaded final? And any other files? I want to begin vetting as it also takes some time.
4. Now that the client agreed to follow French grammar (capitalizing only place names and proper names), after 2 weeks that it told us to use capitalization, I guess there are lots of capitalized terms in these files. Do you think the macro developed can change them back? If to do it manually, what is your estimation as to the time it may take?
Sorry I was not responsive yesterday – I was reading your messages and I am aware of your availability.
I am not reassigning 2c at this point, but to be sure, send me a message once you are back. Due to time difference, better send me the message Monday evening, and then you will see my response with files assigned to you in the morning of your time zone on Tuesday.
I am going to request JM or Alexandre to take a look at your work and you will receive their comments (if any) upon your return.
Have a nice refreshing weekend!
I guess now you go back to BOI. If you had a BOI ticket, add there a message saying that you are available to take files and willing to continue working on BOI and ask for any new instructions or any change of guidelines in the past 2-3 weeks. I am not updated enough with BOI to give you this information.
Hope you enjoy BOI!
I guess now you go back to BOI. If you had a BOI ticket, add there a message saying that you are available to take files and willing to continue working on BOI and ask for any new instructions or any change of guidelines in the past 2-3 weeks. I am not updated enough with BOI to give you this information.
Hope you enjoy BOI!
I see that you uploaded all files 7a-d,g and 15s-u.
4 things:
1. Please let me know your proofreading hours for these files.
2. Can you report on the quality of the files? Particularly – had there been any problematic files?
2. How is your availability? We still have about 20 unproofread files, and many proofread which require additional fixes.
3. Did you receive update about capitalization issue?
Please let me know.
I am back on BOI again and can take new files.
I already uploaded the BOI files I had to translate. So I’d be glad to translate new BOI files.
Are there any proofreading hours you had not reported me? I have some confusion about your hours because you had been reported many files at the time. If you could make a list of the files and their corresponding hours I will appreciate that.
what sort of capitalisation rules are we using for BOI?
Capitalise the first letter of each word for items, etc., right?
What about if the item/action/location is in a sentence?
The way I understood the client last time, proper names (items/skills/places etc) must ALL be capitalized in ALL contexts (even proper names verbs, like Fortify). The English source is mostly a consistent example of this. The client wants its proper names to be instantly recognizable in all contexts.
ok, thanks!
The reason I asked you earlier is because the client is apparently thinking of changing the capitalisation rules. I told Karel already that they’d better be prepared to give us a time extension and pay for any costs incurred if they do change it.
Karel is asking your opinion on what’s the best method of accomplishing the change if the client goes ahead with it anyway. I believe he wants to be able to describe a method of action.
Hi, Sophie, sorry for not getting back to you sooner.
I was taken ill with stomach flu for two days (still ill, actually) and what little energy I had went on JD.repair.
I still haven’t caught up on BOI too, and the massive headache isn’t helping any. To top this off, there’s some rumblings that the client wants to change the capitalisation rules, which only makes things worse.
I’ll try my best to catch up.
Hi, .
I’ve been sick for a couple days now (stomach flu, still sick actually) and thus neglected BOI for a while. I am trying to catch up now.
Now, looking at your submitted files, I saw that you have two files for part 162. Can you explain this and tell me which one I should use?
I also notice that you are not submitting individual files, but rather each file will have everything else before it. So your 02_170_German_Mayo.TXF has everything from 162 to 170. This is a bit inconvenient, since I have to check now whether it’s okay to replace all the other files with the one from 170. So, is it okay to just use the files from 170 and ignore everything else? 170 does contain the translated files for everything you’re assigned, right?
I admit I don’t know how Transit works from the translator’s side, but it should be possible to select individual files in the middle of the list by pressing and holding Ctrl while clicking on the files you want.
Some of your files contain more files that their filenames suggest.
02_171-179.3GERMAN-ULRICH has both 172 & 173.
02_174GERMAN-ULRICH has 172, 173, and 174.
02_175GERMAN-ULRICH has 172, 173, 174, and 175.
Any reason for this multiple updates to 172, 173, 174? Moreover, judging from the filesize, these updates are identical to the previous files. So why resend them again?
If this is an accident, please let me know so I can proceed. If this is intentional, please let me know the reasoning.
Is tha macro available yet?
Otherwise, I can modify files manually. I can work on a couple of them and then give you an estimation.
Please let me know.
I’ve been sick with stomach flu for the past a couple of days, so I’m sorry for neglecting you. What little energy I had went to JD.rescue. Still sick, actually, but at least I can semi-function.
The proofread 203-205 file is empty. Filesize is 1887 bytes, leaving me to believe that you accidentally selected nothing when you send it. Please resend.
For translation work, I’m afraid there won’t be one until next week.
For proofreading work, there will be some tomorrow. I’m spending today catching up on the files backlog.