[These pages concern interesting correspondence between our translators and project managers at KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]

File Folder Project Received

thanks I will try now! thanks Just to double-check, while I’m translating, how can I know how many words/fuzzies are left? I have yet to find that command πŸ™‚



The link does work, as I’ve just clicked it and it immediately opened a download window. If your browser blocks downloads, you can try another browser (I’m on Mozila) or paste this link in to a download manager like FleashGet.


Yes these files are named just a bit differently in the FTP site. Go to folder 08, choose your language (is it French?) and pick file named French_10001_08_FRA_d.pxf

And just to make you feel entirely sure that all is correct, having Received the project, click to Open Language Pair button in Transit, it will pop up a window asking to choose file. There you will see the name exactly as it is in the mail you received from Karel.

If it’s not same name – write me asap! But I think it should be fine.


Please take a look to Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. in our Knowledge Base.
Just to make sure, you see this information if Karel’s mail, you don’t need to do anything beyond that.
Don’t forget to download and Receive the Glossaries BEFORE you commence your work.


Let me now if it’s alright.


Please take a look at the link I provided in the previous answer. The first column from the left are pretranslated words. The second white column for the right is the untranslated words – the main volume you’ll be translating. While the rest, all that is between the pretranslated and the untranslated are various percents of repetitions.
More info about it you can also find here: Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. under “Calculating Payment” subtitle.

I hope I helped you!


I re-installed everything, restarted my computer and re-configured everything, and it seems to work now.


No, haven’t heard of it. Did you already Receive any files?
If not, let’s try the following:
1. Close all programs you don’t need so that you won’t overload your computer
2. Receive the Glossaries.
2. Receive your project.
3. Open your project and make sure it’s associated with the Main Dictionary for French.
4. Put your cursor in the Target window and then go to Edit->Insert all terms form dictionary.
If it all works, try to “insert translation”, and “go to next untranslated segment” commands using the buttons on the top menu of Transit (right above the working window. If the buttons work, then try the shortcuts Alt+INS or ALT+ENTER and let me know how it is.


Problem solved, thank you .



Yes these files are named just a bit differently in the FTP site. Go to folder 08, choose your language (is it French?) and pick file named French_10001_08_FRA_i.j.k.pxf Your file is fourth from the bottom.

And just to make you feel entirely sure that all is correct, having Received the project, click to Open Language Pair button in Transit, it will pop up a window asking to choose file. There you will see the names exactly as they are in the mail you received from Karel.

If it’s not same name – write me asap! But I think it should be fine.


You first Receive the dictionary into some folder, and later Receive the file to some other folder.
Then with the Received Project open, you go to Project->settings->TermStar Dictionaries->Add the dictionary Video.French_MAIN. Then return to your working window, click with you cursor to the Target window in the first segment, and go to Edit->Insert all terms form the dictionary. This will insert all ters from the dictionary.

Please let me know if this solves your problem.


You do have a Transit user guide! A bit long, style “Crime and Punishment” though πŸ™‚ Go to the Transit folder which you received when you extracted the Transit.iso file. There, in the main folder there are several subfolders. One of the is “doc”. Open it. Inside there are folders with instructions in different languages. I chose eng, and there are 4 *.pdf files, and two folders, “tr” and “ts”. I entered to the “tr” and read the userguide.pdf.
The other pdfs there are also instructions and userguides, may-be one of them is more simple than this – take a look yourself.

As to your question, I am not sure. I would rather Receive the new file into a new folder, and add your old translations to “reference materials” in Project->Settings.


and the way I have things set up now is that the translation memory is incorporated into all the files I am preparing, so you do not need to worry about this. At the moment I am setting up a dedicated server which will be powerful enough to handle all the file processing. So for now no need to worry about the TM and referencing. Will inform everyone if this changes.
You just need to Receive the glossary project and hook it up to your translation project.


I’m checking, no panic.


Please describe me the steps you take to Send the file, and the messages Transit gives you.


Honestly – there is not chance I’ll find time to check files, I’m sorry! Try to check it yourself, go segment-segment, your files are not too large.

In the first file like the vast majority of the segments are either pretranslated or repetitions. When Karel sends you mail with info of your files, you can see all this information. Take a look on how to read info about files in in here: Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. under “calculating payment”. So if you see you have lot of pretranslated words and repetitions, you can expect to finish that fast.


When I want to send a file, I go to Project > Send.
A window appears, asking for a .TXF file. But I can’t find any .TXF file. Transit doesn’t show any message. I don’t know what else I can tell you…


Strange, but I also have same problem. According to tutorials, it has to open an entirely different window.

Do you have what to translate? If yes, save your last changes to this file and continue to the next. Meantime I will try to resolve it, and once it’s done – get back to you with troubleshooting instructions.

One more thing – i am using userguide.pdf which can be found in the extraction folder you received from extracting the ISO file. Go to the “doc” folder ->to eng or fra folder, and there is this userguide.pdf file. I will be trying to resolve, but there is always a chance you’ll find it faster than me. So if you want – take a look there.
If you find it first please let me know πŸ™‚


I’ll take a look at that userguide
I can continue on the second file yes, the only problem is that, as I told Karel, I’m leaving in a few hours and will only be back on April 12th, and he wanted to take a look at what I did so far. If we haven’t found a solution in 4 hours I’ll have to tell him there’s a problem and that I can’t send him the translated file.
I keep you informed if I find something in the userguide.


I found what was the problem: it’s my fault. i was looking for a .TXF file, but in fact I have to specify a name in order to create it. Sorry for the loss of time, I didn’t understand that part of the software, but now it’s ok.
Sorry again!


– I just found same :-)))) Logged in to tell you and as I expected, you were faster! Super, don’t be sorry, we are on the same boat.

Don’t hesitate asking me anything else – I’ll do my best to find it (before you do)!


try to be a little faster next time haha! I’m kidding, glad to hear it solved your problem too.
I’m translating my last file and then I’ll have to go, I’ll get back to you on April 12th if there’s anything else I want to know.
Have a nice week


I had already checked the excel file. The first file I worked with (8u) had 1307 untranslated words according to the table. I was just wondering because (once I understood the program) it went very quick. Maybe I’m wrong, I just thought you migh tcheck if everything was alright with the file.

Also, it would be good to have some feedback to see, as you wrote earlier, if I’m “on the right track”.

Thanks for your understanding

please check these terms, if they are translated in your file: Ground Control Charm, Stareaching Woods, Dreamcasting Herbs

For the sample I would like you to prepare about 15-20 segments, origins against translations. You can paste them here or attach a Word file. These will not be reviewed by me, they will be sent to the lead translator. Please try to prepare these if possible today, if not – tomorrow.

” thanks Karel! ”

My translation has actually arrived last night hasn’t it?

About the terms:
“Ground Control Charm” is only part of the segments that were already translated. It has been left untranslated there.
“Stareaching Woods” is part of “my” segments, I translated it as “Schmerzstarr-Holz”, which is weird but was suggested by the glossary.
“Dreamcasting Herbs” is “Traumspender-Holz”, which I took from the glossary as well in the segments I translated.
(I think the latter two terms have also remained untranslated in the segments that were already translated by someone else.)

Hope this helps. See also the 20 sample segments in the word doc attached & an extra word doc with some notes & suggestions I made during the translation.


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