sorry, thought, it would be a litte bit faster. Okay, I have uploaded files 01_121-123.
My hours report:
01-121 35 min.
01-122 35 min.
01-123 25 min.
If you have more files, you can count on me.
sorry for the delay on Susanne’s files. I’m not feeling well today and it turns out I simply do not have the concentration to proofread carefully enough, so I will have to rest and try again tomorrow. Is that ok? If you’re in a big hurry, maybe you have to assign my work to somebody else. But I think I should be better tomorrow and I will give you an update before noon.
I will not reassign your files. We can wait till tomorrow. Take your time to get rest and hope you’ll recover soon.
Take care
I have uploaded the spotchecked files.
141: 55 minutes (so-so quality, grammar and punctuation errors, some literal translations, sticking to English word order, not adhering to glossary terms occasionally)
One important thing: “Champion Medal” has been translated as “Meister-Medaille”, so I changed “Streiter-Medaille” to this term, even though “Champion” now appears as “Streiter” in the glossary.
148: 15 minutes (good quality)
149: 30 minutes (worse quality than 148, some errors that a spellcheck would have revealed)
I have translated “Evil Harp” as “Böse Harpyie” before, since I don’t suppose this is an evil musical instrument, but a harpy, so I have changed “Böse Harfe” accordingly.
152: 25 minutes (so-so to good quality, some errors that a spellcheck would have revealed)
Best Gerald” Any ETA on that glossary and/or S&R list?
“, I will try to get the glossary to you by tomorrow night and the list by Sunday night.
I haven’t got anything more to assign you. All files has been proofread already or farmed, but if we need you help in polishing the project -I’ll let you know.
Thank you for your work
Those were the last files to proofread. Now we are going to start polishing process of the project. Will contact you if we need your help.
Only one thing for now. Herewith I attach 126 file you proofread. There are many + remained. The segments of your interest are marked red. Please, check them. If you had corrected the issues those + related to – remove those pluses, or resolve them if you somehow missed those segments.
rested and much better, and working again at these files 🙂
Are these marks from the part I checked, because I used the Find function to show all plus marks.
Best Gerald
Yes, this is the part you checked and uploaded on July,15.
I have just checked file 126 in Transit again, and at least one cell with plus marks (cell 148) was not part of the segments I checked after using the Segment Filter.
But anyway, here is the file without any plus marks.
Best Gerald
I have just checked your uploaded TXF file – you’re right. There are + in pretranslated parts.
just uploaded Susanne’s files, reproofed. Now continuing with the last batch to spot-check.
Time for this pass of reproofing:
028: 90 mins
029: 90 mins
PS. About , I found my earlier comments to you:
“Used a lot of + signs and left some segments untranslated. I looked at these and fixed them and commented on some to help the translator to be more confident in the future – a lot of these marks weren’t necessary. This seems to be a good translator, no problems found.”
But he was originally assessed by somebody else. The too many + singns remained an issue later, even though my comments told him he should NOT put a + behind every other word. With the quality getting worse it may be related to him getting sloppier, or maybe the first file was very easy and now the grammar is more complicated his weaknesses show. I wouldn’t be able to judge that without analyzing these files again, but if the latest comments say he isn’t so good, I guess he isn’t.
About the next files:
1. spot-checking only, or proofreading?
2. I noticed there are many xxxx des xxxx inconsistent with glossary in the pretranslated. I expect you would fix them in the polishing stage via find&replace, or should I fix them here?
Well, spotchecking only, why do you ask? Are there reasons to do fill proofreading?
We’ll s&r inconsistencies about glossary terms later.
done spot-checking. Will upload in a minute. The question above was just to make sure, because you used the word proofreading at one point. Report:
01_part_142: 15 mins, good
Steffen 01_part_143: 15 mins, overall good, but could proofread his own work more carefully. A bit too many issues with punctuation for my taste.
Holger 01_part_153: 15 mins. Good. Holger’s note is correct, I fixed the pretranslated accordingly.
Holger 01_part_154: 15 mins. Good.
Gerald 01_part_160: 10 mins. Good.
“Please, provide us your brief feedback about Steffen and Holger for the last time. ly speaking I didn’t manage to compose full picture of how they work.”
I looked through my notes again (from my earlier reports).
Steffen: Seems to be good overall, but there were always minor errors to fix. Never really bad or unacceptable, but he could be a bit more careful, in my opinion.
Holger: A good translator who seems quite professional. I think he had his own ideas about glossary terms a few times, but in any case, his language is very good/one of the best.
: Also pretty good.
Here are some excel files. List of issues attached.
done and attached.
Sophie, your three files are the only one that hasn’t been spotchecked from the entire BOI German project. Can you please do it soon so we can close the spotchecking phase?
I regret the delay of these files, I just loaded them up.
01_110: 15 min
01_111: 30
01_112: 30
Ok, good.
Was just about to write you and ask about the files.
That’s it. We’re completely done with proofreading and translation. So will approach you if we need your help with polishing the project.
Thank you for your work.
Good luck 🙂
Please, let me know your hours for proofreading files:
01_part_041 (Gerald’s)
Maybe you already provided your hours for these files, however… they passed by me and I want to add them to GS.
One more thing
please, provide me your hours for file 01_beta_reps_DEU. Need to update accounting.
thank you too for the perfect mentoring!!!
Good luck in polishing the project!
these also are not in the list:
Controlled file 05_283: 9 min
Controlled file 05_307: 24 min
Proofreading 01_beta_reps: 120 min
good night
The hours for controlled files actually are in the column Proofreading 2 on the very far right… a little hidden, should have awared you, not easy to find at once 🙂
here are the hours:
01_part_041: 1 hrs 45 min
01_delta_reps: 2 hrs 36 min
01_eta_reps: 3 hrs 32 min
I’m creating the S&R list, but I need some important info first, preferably from Karel. I haven’t been able to reach him today, yet, though. How fast and in what form do you want the list? Access? Excel? Do you have Excel 2007 on your machines?
Should I try and take into account grammar (different endings etc?)
The customer wanted the German terms to be differentiated. What will be the proofing strategy after term insertion? Incidentally, what is the insertion/S&R strategy?