[These pages concern interesting correspondence between our translators and project managers at KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]

German Proofreading Words Translate

Translate this file, please:
01_part_123 (3,067)
Download link:

Plwase,confirm and let meknow when we can expect for this file.



Files for you to translate:
01_part_124 (912)
01_part_125 (1,034)

Total words count: 1946

Download link:

Please, confirm and let me know when you can deliver translated files.


Fine, .
The current project will be completed by that time. Hope the next one will start soon and we can continue our collaboration.

Enjoy your vacations.

” Susanne.

I just uploaded file 05-part 283-287; 296,302,303.

comments on file 285,286,287 : they took me more time, because there were several grammatical mistakes, translators often didn’t adhere to the dictionary terms, some segments were not translated.

05-283: 20 min
05-284: 20 min
05-285: 40 min
05-286: 35 min
05-287: 30 min
05-296: 25 min
05-302: 20 min
05-303: 25 min



Thank you Sophie.

Next files for you:

There 9 words untranslated in 085 file. make sure to translate them please.

Download links:


File received. Return possibly on Tuesday.



I don’t see your previous files 95-96 to be uploaded to FS. Are you still translating them or maybe forgot to upload?

” Jan, think you’ll be done on Monday? If so, noon? Evening? I’d like to get a better estimate so I can decide how much work to give to the proofreaders so one of them can be available to proofread the extract file as soon as you’re done. Please let me know. Thanks.

do you think you’ll be available to proofread a reps file on Monday and be able to finish it by Tuesday? It’s quite a long file at 7500 words. If you are busy, that’s fine, we’ll find another person. I’m trying to work with your schedule, but the deadline for translation is getting close, so I’d like to make sure that you’re available first.

“I’ll be done within an hour or 2.

Be forewarned, though:
This file will most likely need some serious verification – the source text is a disaster, so I had to do a lot of guesswork, and I put plenty of +signs.


I do appreciate your efforts to coordinate stuff with me. I should be able to do the proofread tomorrow; however, I haven’t finished the translations assigned to me yet, part of which will then have to wait until Tuesday or Wednesday. Hope that’s ok. Also, I think we might need another glossary update (at least for the proofread).


The translation can wait, but needing a glossary update for the proofread concerns me. I was hoping to get away with not needing that.

But still, if you think it’s needed, please do so.

Warning: source text for the section is… off. Odd sentences everywhere. Translator has warned that while he’s making his best guess, there will be a lot of +.

If you think it’s necessary, I can make the original xls file available so you can get a slightly better context from the surrounding sentences.


, so far I think the update would be very limited in scope, but still important. It would be more of an addition to the S&R list.


I have uploaded the last files you assigned me. My hours report is: 01-042 1 hour, 01-043 35 min., 01-044 45 min., 01-045 40 min. and 01-046 25 min.
I just want to tell you, that I have time to do something for you next week.



yes, I already sent it to you. Maybe it went under. Here it is again: KNX14395



I just uploaded 01 part 92…

please send me 2 files, so that I always have one file to work on. (I think I was told to inform you about my uploads through OT)

I left my comments on the GS glossary page.

All the best for now and



Here are 2 files for you:
01_part_126 (1,445)
01_part_127 (1,627)

Total words count: 3072

Download link:

, the deadline is approaching, so the last file you will translate must be delivered by Thursday morning GMT. Please, let me know your availability for the next week, so that we could make planning. Also tell me when we can expect for the files I’ve just assigned you.



Below are comments from another proofreader about your mistakes in file 01_042. We can not affort proper proofreading for this project – we substitute it with spotcheck, when proofreader resolves main issues, like +marks, untranslated words, etc. And we estimate 15 min per file for this spotcheck. That is why I ask you to proofread your own files in an extremely careful way, so that proofreaders were able to squeeze in time limits they have.

In detail:
1. Numbers are often letters
2. difficulties with singular-plural
3. orthography
4. incorrect names in German
5. translated literally


Re: update.
I understand.

Re: proofreading
Here’s the reps file:

The notes from the translator:

If you want to see the source text:

As usual with reps file, please prioritize this one. If you can get this done within 24 hours, please do so. Deadline is approaching and I’d like to get all the translation done by Friday so we can concentrate on spotchecking, proofreading, the s&r list, etc. for the rest of the time.


I will pay more attention to this issues. I am proofreading and spellchecking all my files and do not deliver em before I am happy with em but I will do it more carefully.



uploaded 01_part_100 along with my notes. got no file in reserve, so i’d appreciate it if you’d assign me a new one.



Susanne, your upload is empty. This means that as far as Transit can tell, the files have no change between then and the time you sent it.

Most likely cause is you corrected the files, then started Sending them before Saving them. Transit sends the files in your harddrive, not the one in the computer’s memory. So it will look into the old files, sees that it’s the same as before, and not package them because as far as it can tell there’s no point.

Please check and try again and check the content of the resulting .TXF file.

If you can’t get it to package the files, try adding a space somewhere, save, then delete that space again and save again. This fools Transit into thinking there’s been significant change and the files should be packaged then.

If you still have trouble, let me know and we’ll go manual.


, your 92 PXF is only 2kb long. Opening it up shows no file 92 in it. Instead, there’s an Add_New.GER, which belongs with Add_New_German.

In short, you sent us the wrong file. Please upload the correct file.


I have just uploaded file 120. Since the next file is rather small, you could already assign me the next one.

Best Gerald



As you told that you are fully available for us the next week , I assign you 2 files at once. Let me know when you are approaching the finish line – I’ll assign you the next one. Please, keep in mind, that the last file of this project must be delivered by Thursday morning GMT (July,15).

01_part_140 (1,583)
01_part_131 (4,608)

Total words count: 6,191
Download links:

Please, confirm



Okay, here you go:
01_part_128 (315)
01_part_129 (1,303)
01_part_130 (1,418)

Total words count: 3,036

Download link:

Note that there is one very small file(128). We try to give such files to the reliable translators and skip the proofreading for them. So if there are any issues about it, or you are not certain it is perfect – let us know.
Please, keep in mind that the last file you will translate on this project must be delivered by Thursday morning GMT (July,15). It is the deadline for translation.

Please, confirm


The Thursday deadline should not be any problem. Does this mean it is the deadline for the whole project or just the translations I was assigned?

Best Gerald


You should have them by now. I had to spend some extra time on reviewing the files due some consistency problems of the English translation.


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