[These pages concern interesting correspondence between our translators and project managers at KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]

Translator German Translation Send

your new file is:

Total word count: 4329

Download link: http://translationstop.com/files/BOI/German/01_gamma_63_DEU.PXF

Let me know when it will be ready.



Fine with me.




Sorry for interrupting your translation. I need you very much for spotchecking/assessing.
The whole list of files:

Now what we need to do about all that.

1) 05_part_294 file- it is e’s. He is a new translator and we haven’t assess his work yet. So we need a spotcheck, your impression, comments for translator.

2) 05_part_271 – Gunter’s SAMPLE. It is not a completed file. So don’t fix anything there and of course don’t upload to FS, just check, comments and you point of view for us.

3) 05_part_304 – Steffen. New translator. Spotcheck, comments, impression.

4) 05_part_305 – .Has been assessed before. Spotcheck&impression.If you have something you’d like to advise this translatoe-then comments.

5) 05_part_306 – Susanne. New translator. Spotcheck, comments, impression.

6) 05_part_307 – Christian. The same as for .

7) 05_part_308 – Kalle. You have assessed His work before. But there are many untranslated words. I guess it will definetely take you more than 15 min. Only spotcheck.

8) 05_part_309 – Gerald. His file should be excellent. Only spotcheck.

If you see that any of new translators’s files are very bad, make a list of comments for translator and I will send them back.

Let me know if you don’t mind to take more files to spotcheck/assess…I have a plenty))





Receipt of assigment confirmed.



I have got comments for you from the proofreader. Attach them here. Maybe they can be useful for you.:)



Please, upload this file to the FS, but change the name of it somehow. Update me when you are done.


Okay, I downloaded the new file. I will start translating now and let you know when I’m ready for a new assignment.



Please, don’t check the file 304, if you haven’t yet. Translator has just informed us that he accidently uploaded his file before he proofread it. He will reupload the right file and I’ll give you another link.



First I want to say thank you for you high quality perfoming.
We would like to start giving you proofreader’s tasks.I should notice that for this project we don’t actually proofread files in full understanding of this item. Client refuses to pay for quality control enough, so we do a spotcheck, what means extra-fast proofreading, resolving + marks, untranslated words and some main issues – approximetely 15 min per file.
The best we can offer you at this point is 20 USD/hour.

Please, let me know if you are interested to give it a try.


Thanks a lot for appreciating my work!

It sounds like an interesting task, but I would have to know if I could take more time on fixing a file if it is really messed up or there are lots of issues to be resolved (which should happen from time to time), or if these 15 minutes are the maximum I am allowed to use (and get paid for).

On the other hand, I have to say that 20 USD per hour is way less than I normally charge (and get) for this kind of task.

I am looking forward to your answer!

Best Gerald



Here are my answers:

– what are the procedures if you are not certain of your translation?

I do not mark the translation as translated (by pressing ALT INS), but simply go to the next segment to translate. I can get back to the untranslated text or leave it to another translator.

– how do we deal with hyphens when translating?

I need to put “°°°” instead of “-”

– how do you attach a glossary to a project and transfer the terms into your translation?

Terms in the dictionary are marked red. I can press ALT T to automatically load the translated term.

Or I look into the dictionary by selecting “TermStar (Project Dictionaries)”.

– how do you mark a segment as Translated and what is the shortcut key to transfer the text from the fuzzy window?


(ALT 2 jumps without transferring the contents.)

– what is the rule for quotation marks?
– how do you deal with Chinese characters when you get to them?

I did not find any hint to these two questions.




of course when file looks like a catastrophe or there are 100 untranslated words we can’t make you to fix it in 15 min and you can take more time.Usually when a proofreader finds a plenty of “typical” mistakes which should and could have been resolved by translator, proofreader makes a list of comments and we send the file back to translator to fix those issues. But everage time for checkng normal files is about 15 min.
Concerned rates,unfortunately we simply can not affort more at this point.


I uploaded the file again. The name is: “05_part_304 German Steffen Translation Final.TXF” sorry for the inconvenience.



Okay, I will think about your offer.

But before, you could assign me the next file for translation, since file 62 will be finished today.

Best Gerald


I have just uploaded part 62.

Best Gerald



Here is the file for you to translate:
01_part_071 (3,655 words)

Download link:


Steffen, your “Final” does not contain 05_part_304 at all. It has the dictionaries (which we don’t need), but that’s it.

During your proofread, did you make any changes at all? Transit does not Send files if there’s no change in it. If there’s no change at all, then we can proceed with the older version, since they are effectively the same.

If you must force Transit to send part 304, even without any change, add a space somewhere and then delete the space. This is enough to trick Transit into thinking that there’s a change.

PS: After thinking about it, do the above trick and force Transit to Send 304 again and upload it to us again, please. I’d rather not take any chances.



here are the comments on the first two files. See the attached docs. I will upload Martin’s file in a minute.

In both, I noticed that they did not deal with {h brackets as carefully as I think we should, but I may be exagerating this issue. Please refer to my comments for details. If you agree that this is important, I suggest you include it in the guidelines / send a mail to all with instructions.


Thank you very much.
Brackets are important and it would be nice if translators fixed them where they should be. But this point is not crucial because we can fix brackets when we vet files. So if you find such issue-know that it can be resolved by vettors.


Ok, I will keep them in mind.

Have a great start into the week!


Okay, it should be done on Wednesday.

Best Gerald



I have the comments list for you from proofreader concerned your 294 file. I attach it here.


yes, I changed a few things, mainly some typos and some spaces at the end of the segments. I dont know, what went wrong. The problem is, that I am currently at work and do not have access to Transit. Is it possible, that I send you the file again this evening, around 20:00?



Fine, Steffen.

Remind me please when you do it.


I just uploaded the file:

01_part_042 (3444.9)

Please assign new files ASAP.



I just tried. I think it doesn’t work. I still have a few minor remarks regarding the last file, and one regarding the one before.

Or is it the google link in the message from (just above) that I should try? I’m confused.

I always take a little extra effort in composing these remarks (& writing messages like this one), with the idea of delivering a professional translation, but is it really wanted?

Also, are there any news regarding the new files you expected for yesterday?



You sample file 271 was assessed. Herewith I attach some comments for you from proofreader.



Yes, we have got new files.
Here is one for you:
01_part_072 (2,588)

Download link:

What is concerned your questions to . If you have any questions/suggestions on glossary-submit them on the Google Sheet(I gave you a link). If you need some other advices-you can write directly to  on CS(‘s link).



Your next file:
01_part_073 (2,035)

Download link:

Please, confirm


Ok received it.


I herebly ask you to read all instructions again. You answers are not full and some are wrong. I can assure you that all answers are in the guidelines which you can read here:
Please, undersatnd that I can’t simply tell you the answers. The point is not to make sure you know these answers, but to make sure that you have read all the instructions and will not make mistakes which can be easily avoided.


I just want to let you know that I uploaded 01 alpha 28-29 DEU.TXF.




thanks for the files, do you have time for new files?
Let me know then I will assign you.




finished the spotting assignments. I attach all my comments in a zip file to this post.

Summary and hours report (see the comments for details):

[05_271_sample] : 35 mins – see comments.
[05_294_Martin] : 45 mins – good, but needs to be careful with tags.
[05_part_305_]: 12:35-13:25 – 50 mins – low quality, fixed a few things
[05_part_306_Susanne]: 13:25-14:10 – 45 mins – send back for proofreading?
[05_part_307_Christian] 14:10-14:35 – 25 mins – good
[05_part_309_Gerald] 14:35-14:45 – 10 mins, seems to be flawless
[05_part_308_Kalle] untranslated segments; otherwise good. 45 mins.

If you need me, I can take a few more files for spotting / assessing today, but of course that will further delay my translation assignment. Which is fine if that’s your priority.



unfortunately I have no time until Friday, I hope this is no problem. But I would like to as a favour: My first assignment was 05_part_306. Is it possible to have it back? I would really like to proofred it again and upload the improved version. I am afraid I overlooked some mistakes, sorry, but it was just my first file, it will not happen again.


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