I’ve spotchecked your file Dennis_297.PXF. There’re 117 words untranslated and it contains many errors that have to be edited. The translation quality itself is good but there’re problems with typos, capitalization, terminology and adressing.
I’ve only uploaded a brief report (Dennis_297_brief_comment_on_translation.doc) to the FS PR report folder because this file needs a revision.
Proofreader has checked your file.
Please, read his comments to your file: http://001yourtranslationservice.com/uploadedfiles_001/PR/Reports/Dennis_297_brief_comment_on_translation.doc and try to resolve the issues he mentioned. Then upload your file to FS again for final proofreading.
Thank you for your report.
There are more files for spotcheck. They are 259, 260, 300-301.
Download links:
Just to remind you, it should be a brief spotcheck, please, try not to spend more than 15 min for one file.
There is a couple of assignments for you.
1) Spotcheck files 267, 268, 270,272,197-200. Note that there are comments from translator for 272 file. 197-202 are very small files, so please try not to spend more than 15 min for the whole section.
Download links:
Comments for 272:
2)We have new translators onboard and need to make quality control of their work. Below is translated file of one of them. It is completed. Overall this task shouldn’t take more than 15-20 min. So make a spotcheck of it and if there are no valuable reasons to send it back to the translator, upload it to proofread files on FS. Also make a list of comments/advices for the translator and send it to me.
Issues have been resolved. I just uploaded the file onto FS. The corrected file is named slightly different:
5_297_German_Dennis_Translation (2).pfx
Thank you for your answers. One note, leave + mark both when you are not sure in translation and when you leave the segment untranslated at all.
Here is your first file.
05_part_294 (3,184)
Download link:
Please, make sure to download and add to the project the latest glossary BEFORE you start translating.
Your next file is
05_part_293 (3,291 words)
Download link:
Your next file is
05_part_293 (3,291 words)
Download link:
yesterday I tried to send (as requested) the attached file through CS. But it didn’t work due to some technical error it seems.
So, here is the beginning of my Translation of “05 part 269”.
I’m going to proofread my “05 part 269” and contact you again if I have problems or questions.
Hope the attached file is ok.
Okay, it should be done on Wednesday at the latest.
Best Gerald
Sorry for bothering you. It would be convenient for the proofreader to check PXF or TXF file. Please, just save uncompleted project and send it to me.
This might be a relly stupid question but I have to ask it anyway.
How can I upload the file from Transit?
I also tried sending it via Transit, but it does not seem to have worked.
Can you please send me instructions?
I hope to finish the file 01_beta_reps today in the afternoon.
Before you start answering, make sure you have read all guidlines of the project. You can find them on this page: http://translationstop.com/files/pindex.html
Then please, answer these questions:
– what are the procedures if you are not certain of your translation?
– how do we deal with hyphens when translating?
– how do you attach a glossary to a project and transfer the terms into your translation?
– how do you mark a segment as Translated and what is the shortcut key to transfer the text from the fuzzy window? (ALT 2 jumps without transferring the contents.)
– what is the rule for quotation marks?
– how do you deal with Chinese characters when you get to them?
Shall I send you this file 05_part_269.DEU; I don’t know yet how to deal with/find/make(?) PXF or TXF files with Transit…
I’ll attach it as ZIP (I zipped all 05_part_269 files ).
I’m going to go on proofreading the file, too.
ciao, till soon
as suggested in the guidelines I have taken my time to read everything and get myself familiar with all the procedures.
I have played around and bit, and now it is time to get serious. And there is the first problem.
I have done a RECEIVE for the project 05_271_DEU.PXF, and also the INSERT TERMS procedure.
However, the following instructtion from the procedure.htm seems to cause a problem:
“Once you have Inserted Terms, you can add the Add Dictionary to the project, and make it the top/default one, ..”
I have downloaded
from the FS, and then received it into Transit.
Now the original project 10002_5 seems to be empty.
Please advise.
Lee, you do not actually upload a file directly from Transit.
When you do a Send, Transit creates a file to be sent. That’s it. That’s all it does. YOU, not Transit, need to get the file to us somehow.
To upload the file to us, go to the pindex.html file that
mentioned and click on Upload TR. Ah heck, I’ll give you a shortcut. Click below.
The folder you need to upload to is 002_BOI. If you have a note/comment, send a text/doc/whatever file to Notes folder. Click on 002_BOI and scroll down and you’ll see the Notes folder. Click on Browse and find the .TXF file you want to send to us. The password is 001. Double check to make sure you get the right file and the right folder and the right password, and hit Upload File. Wait until it finishes. You’re done.
To check and make sure your file is there, go to the upper left corner and click on check upload. You’ll see a list of files. See if your file is there. Check the filesize and see if it matches yours. If it is, cool. Move on to the next file.
I have the file 05_part_289 896 left to translate what should be done in a view hours. I will upload it ASAP and send you a confirmation message.
Please assign new files.
Empty how? When you load up project 10002_5 and try to load a file, did it show you no file?
By any chance did you change the default directory of Add_New_Terms_German from Add_New_German to 10002_5? If you did, you would have overwritten the .PRJ file for 10002_5. This file is the index of files for the project.
If that’s the case, all you need to do is re-Receive everything. You don’t have to redownload them, since the PXF files are all in your computer already. Don’t change the default directory for Add_New_Terms_German and Glossary_DEU_21Jun files. Let them be stored in their own separate directory.
When you’re done, load up project 10002_5, load file 271, and then go to Project -> Settings -> Termstar Dictionaries and add back the two dictionaries.
(Actually, you might be able to skip Receive-ing the glossary. It should not be affected by your problem, but in case it does, re-Receive-ing should fix it.)
Hope this helps. If it doesn’t, please tell me if there’s any error messages.
A small change concerned your assignment. DO NOT spotcheck 197-202. All other files still have to be proceeded.
, I know but my question is how do I create a file from transit, or better how do I get the file from Transit to e.g, my desktop so I can upload it?
When I presss send then where is this file saved?
I don’t have it on my desktop, and I don’t have the option save as to save it at some place on my computer.
when you go to Project-Send, a window appears with a button Send project. If you click this button you’ll have another window open, where you can choose the directory to save the file and give a name to it. Do it and click save. Then you have to find the file you just saved and upload it to FS the way explained you.
To create a file in Transit, go to Project project menu. Select Send. Pick what to name the file and where to save it. Hit save.
See screenshot.jpg
NOTE: The above won’t work if you haven’t actually started on the file. You need to do at least do some work first.
You get to decide where the file is saved.
See screenshot2.jpg
Send is not Save. They are two different things. Save doesn’t ask you where to save, but if you must know it’s saved in the working directory, which you can find by going to the Project Settings menu. You can also change the working directory from there, but don’t do that until you are familiar with Transit. Send does not save your work. It grabs the necessary files from your working directory, compress it, and puts it wherever you like under whatever name you like. This does mean that if you worked on a file and hit Send before you Save, what get processed is the old file in the harddisk.
Advanced stuff: Technically all we need is the .DEU file, but at this stage let’s not mess around with that until you’re familiar with the software.