Please do not spread this on the internet or notify Transit in any way, as I do not want to jeopardize my version. It was quite expensive. But if their free version is not working with the filter, as it should, and this is one of the main reasons why I bought the software in the first place, I am forced to take these measures for this project.
I still need the download link and the serial number for the full version of Transit.
Or can I use the freelance version I found somewhere on the site?
I still have the full Transit version installed on my XP notebook, but I\’d rather work on my new PC under W7.
What do you suggest?
thanks for your help and support. in the last project, i had severe problems with transit but hope that is a thing of the past.
i do however have a question…once i receive the glossary in my projects, how can i cancel the old files and the old glossary?
do i just go into the transit folders and delete everything from the previous project?
Actually, rechecking the files show that the comments for 240 does not match the actual 240.
They do match for 244-247. Ales misnamed the section, but the file numbers and the contents match.
We’ll find the correct one for 240 in a bit. Why not do 244-247 first?
The project files and the glossary have to be deleted separately.
For the project files, start Transit and load the project you want to delete. Then go to Project -> Delete.
It will ask you to confirm. Double check the directory name and project name. Be careful, because you could lose valuable data by deleting the wrong project. But if you are sure, confirm, and it will delete the files.
To delete to glossary, go to Options -> Database Administrator -> Expert.
Select the dictionary/glossary you want to delete and hit Delete.
If you want to do a clean up, I recommend doing it before you start in BOI project. But after you start, don’t delete anything and keep back-ups of everything until some weeks after the project is done. Avoid deleting stuff mid-project unless you are absolutely sure. I once lost a couple days work when I deleted the wrong project. Wouldn’t want that to happen to you.
3-2-1 Contact!
It’s the secret. It’s the reason. Of everything that matters.
Hi Velariia
Did you receive my reply yesterday?
Since I don´t see my answer here in the ticket I send it again:
Here are my answers:
* Skip it and not press ALT INS
* Replace hyphens with °°° or .hhh
* Under Project – Settings – Termstar select only the new glossary. Open the file and go to Edit – “Insert all terms from dictionary”.
* ALT INS to mark as translated and ALT ENTER to load Fuzzy Match
* Quotation marks should be left as they are
* Chinese characters should be left as they are
since I’m losing time looking through the various pages/links on…
I’ll ask here…
I remember seeing a list of words like DEMON and how they should be translated…
Can you give me the link…?
Thank you for taking care of the file.
Yes please, you can just search for red marks and remove them.
Just in case: here is correct lines for 240:
217,218 ,435,552,983
That sounds like the glossary or an excerpt of it.
You can find the glossary here:
Glossary_DEU_21Jun.PXF is used within Transit. has the same information (and a bit more), but is in Excel format. We keep it for reference purposes only, but chances are you don’t need it.
Add_New_Terms_German.PXF is an empty dictionary. You should download it and keep it. It’s used only when you want to suggest new additions to the glossary. If you do, switch the dictionary to Add_New_Terms_German, then insert the new term and its translation, save, Send. Usually when you Send a finished file we don’t want you to include the dictionary because that will send the whole huge dictionary back to us. If you want to suggest new additions, you can include that Add_New_Terms_German and that will send us a very small dictionary instead of the huge one. You can then switch back to the big dictionary.
Older Glossary directory contains… old glossaries. Stuffs there are for reference purposes only. You can find some stuff from the customer though, which you may find interesting.
# BOI_names_6-10.rar
# Comments_from_customer.rtf
Those are from our client. the BOI files have some data taken directly from the game. Comments file is as what the name says.
Hope this helps.
Thank you
that’s a lot.
Using Transit is still difficult and slows me down.
bye for now
thank you very much for your assignment and I estimate time of delivery of completed translation will be tomorrow, Friday 25th June latest in the afternoon.
Your first answer is incorrect.
Depending of how unsure you are, you can either skip or translate it. In both cases you should mark the segment with a plus (+) sign so a senior translator can look at it later. The plus sign is important. Sometimes we convert the files into Excel and then have someone look at it instead of looking at it in Transit. Having a plus sign enables us to do a Find quickly instead of having to scan the entire file for possible English words. Oh, we do scan the entire file, but we do try to both speed up the process. The plus sign is such an attempt.
Your second answer is partially correct. Previously in Jade Dynasty we did use both, but now we are using only °°°. Please don’t use .hhh. anymore.
here you go.
* what are the procedures if you are not certain of your translation?
I ALT INS but put a + sign directly after the part I am not sure I translated right. I can totally skip the part of the translation I am not sure about by not ALT INS it so it will not be counted as translated and another translator will do the job. If so, I just move down with the cursor to the next segment and continue translating
* how do we deal with hyphens when translating?
I fill in °°°
* how do you attach a glossary to a project and transfer the terms into your translation?
File -> New -> Dictionary or Database -> Create new database -> Browse -> select file -> Next
* how do you mark a segment as Translated and what is the shortcut key to transfer the text from the fuzzy window? (ALT 2 jumps without transferring the contents.)
ALT INS for translated, in Transit -> Edit -> Find fuzzy matches
* what is the rule for quotation marks?
I try not to use double quotation marks but if I see em in the English source I may use em.
* how do you deal with Chinese characters when you get to them?
I do not translate them
I can explain it further but I think I got it. Please let me know if you need additional information.
Sorry for the late reply but I accidentally sent it back to the no-reply email 🙁
.. 42…? Same mystery for me:)
By the way, thank you for staring using OT, thought it is enough just to press the link in your letter to be transferred to OT window, where you will see previous answer.
I secretly suspect the system isn’t your favor, but we will make it through 😉
” Oh, I see. You and have a little gaming in here…:)
is it ok to translate position info (isn’t it?) e.g. “at(224,264)” with “bei (224,264)” (German)?
As I have just started with my translation there occurs an error when using Fuzzy matches. This error refers to such Fuzzy matches which include a blue colored tag <> in the target language and in the Fuzzy match as well. But just when I accept translation to insert it into the target language the tag is NOT included and the segment number at the end of this line will be changed in that way that a # is added to the segment number. Hopefully you will have an idea about what’s going wrong here.
Hi Marcus
Here is your assignment:
05_part_288 2,911
05_part_289 896
You can download files form here:
Please let us know when you think files will be done.
Please confirm.
I received the files and will let you know the progress ASAP.
shall I leave the pink “><” in front of a term? This happened e.g. after I accepted a translation proposal like “Gebt die andere Hälfte des Verbindungs°°°Spiegels Worsh Sharby. ” (in front of Worsh…)
If you want get started please go to:
and read as much information as you can.
Before you get your first assignment, please, answer the questions below, so that we could make sure you understood everything right.
* what are the procedures if you are not certain of your translation?
* how do we deal with hyphens when translating?
* how do you attach a glossary to a project and transfer the terms into your translation?
* how do you mark a segment as Translated and what is the shortcut key to transfer the text from the fuzzy window? (ALT 2 jumps without transferring the contents.)
* what is the rule for quotation marks?
* how do you deal with Chinese characters when you get to them?
Please let us know how many words you can take care of within a week.
We look forward to hear from you soon!
” Ok, both noted. So what happens now? ”
And now starts your work!
Here is your first assignment:
05_part_292 1,115
Please download file from here:
Please confirm and let us know when you think file will be done.