Folder size are pretty strange.
I have 531MB for unpacked and 449MB for archive.
Can you downloaded zip. archivator?
You can try one in here, or just google “free zip archivator”
Just to be sure, you can delete the first download file and do all again. So, download the file and make sure it has same size as in FTP. And unpack with Zip.
Don’t give up! Correct decision exists :)!
Look forward to hear on progress.
Here is the questions:
* what are the procedures if you are not certain of your translation?
* how do we deal with hyphens when translating?
* how do you attach a glossary to a project and transfer the terms into your translation?
* how do you mark a segment as Translated and what is the shortcut key to transfer the text from the fuzzy window? (ALT 2 jumps without transferring the contents.)
* what is the rule for quotation marks?
* how do you deal with Chinese characters when you get to them?
Please let us know how many words you can take care of within a week.
We look forward to hear from you soon!
Hints are here:
Hi !
So how do you like CS system? Did you get through it to contact ?
P.S. How was the football yesterday? Did you team win;)?
Thank you for your support.
Which one of the files from the link should I download, theres a lot of different ones. Which one do I need exactly?
Here is your first assignment:
05_part_299 700
05_part_300 1,295
You can download the files from here:
Please let us know when you think files will be ready.
It’s a very good questions, Lee.
Let’s find out it!
If you go to Star—>Control panel—>System
you can see info on how many bit your system has.
I have Vista, so you might see a bit different terms, but
the sense it pretty much the same.
If you have 32-bits I would suggest:
Download .exe (7zip) or
Try how it works. Watch your disk space!
If you don’t want go for searching, just download couple versions for 32 and 64 and see how it goes.
You can uninstall them after.
just thought of another possible solution…
here are the statistics: – compressed by WInrar – 470,908,334 – compressed by older WinZip – 471,196,367
Original Transit directory – 557,408,441 bytes (select and press ALT ENTER in Window to see full size of the folder)
If the folder is incomplete, you can try unzipping the first one using WinRar, downloadable from the same place. Maybe that will help. I used the Winzip on the server (also downloadable) to create the number 2 file, but I received a warning that there are compatibility issues with that version of Windows. So now you have three options how to unzip the file and hopefully one of them will work for you.
I will be away from the computer in a while but we can resume the discussion tomorrow.
Hi, Lee. My download’s finally finished.
I can’t find anything wrong with the zip file. I unzipped it in my download directory. See screenshot.jpg attached. You should have the same thing. Is the file size for Transit XV.exe the same?
Anyway, I double-clicked on Transit XV.exe and that starts Installshield, which eventually gets me to the installation screen. See screenshot2.jpg
Can you confirm that you got this far, at least?
If you can, I’ll go with the next step. If you can’t, that will narrow down the list of possible causes by a lot.
I could take 5.000 words within next week.
So here are my answers – hopefully I understood everything right 🙂
* what are the procedures if you are not certain of your translation?
– I’ll refer to the glossary for similiar terms
– if uncertain i’ll put an + sign at the end of the translated segment and write a separate note which I’ll upload with the translated document
– not translate it and use a + sign; separate note
* how do we deal with hyphens when translating?
– either °°° (or .hhh.) instead of hyphen
* how do you attach a glossary to a project and transfer the terms into your translation?
– download glossary, in transit: >project >receive glossary; then receive translation project;
– > file > open > language pair;
– then > project > settings > termstar dicts: add video.german_main
– > edit > insert all terms from dictionary
* how do you mark a segment as Translated and what is the shortcut key to transfer the text from the fuzzy window? (ALT 2 jumps without transferring the contents.)
– point the cursor to the translated segment, press ALT INS
* what is the rule for quotation marks?
– I’ll only use them if they are used in the source segment
* how do you deal with Chinese characters when you get to them?
– if the Chinese segment begins with N/A -> skip it;
– mixed English and Chinese -> translate the English part
– won’t mark untranslated Chinese segments as translated
Best Kalle
If you have not started yet downloading, please better try this one:,6383-order,1-page,1-c,alldownloads/description.html
Specially for your XP!
Good evening
to :
Why the Vikings intend to make a concession to Modo.
This is not a question but a title or similar, is it?
Ok, I’m downloaded both of them. And then I’ll download the Transit again. This as you know will take some time, so I suggest I’ll give it another try, and hopefully it will work by tomorrow. I’ll keep you updated.
I have not gotten that far.
Sorry that we can not connect you to CS so far, but you can do following:
Please collect all your marks on terms in the Word file,so once the system is on you can just transafet them to .
For other question, which you need to know from him, please write here.
And here is another question from :
to :
Why the Vikings intend to make a concession to Modo.
This is not a question but a title or similar, is it?
In any case I am here still for sometimes to give you a hand.
If you don’t even get as far as the Install screen, there’s only two possibilities.
1. You got a corrupt file.
2. Somehow, when you unzip it, you didn’t unzip everything.
For the first possibility, pretty much all unzip programs I know has an option to test a zip file and verify that it’s complete and working. Check that.
The second possibility is very unlikely. All unzip programs I know unzips everything unless you specifically tell it not to. One thing you do need to check is that you actually unzipped the thing. Unzip programs can actually just show a list of files and you can click on a file and it will temporarily unzip a file into the Temp folder. But if you follow Karel’s instruction about right-clicking and selecting unzip or extract, it should unzip everything.
to :
new errors in English… attached.
bye bye
Kalle, the following answers are incorrect.
> either °°° (or .hhh.) instead of hyphen
We don’t want you to use .hhh. anymore. That was used in our previous project, but we don’t want it used now.
> – ALT T
Alt-T transfer a term from the dictionary. This is a different process from fuzzy match.
A dictionary is the glossary file we gave you. You “Add” it to the project and you’ll get a dictionary file that you can refer to. A fuzzy match is a Transit feature that lets it “remembers” your previous work in the same project (and all the Reference Material you set-up) and offer a possible match if it’s close enough to what you’re working now.
You got the previous Alt-Ins correct, but you shouldn’t confuse the dictionary with a fuzzy match.
That said, we’ll try you with an actual file and evaluate you further.