Did someone answer your question about Elephant Lord?
I can’t find the term in the official list of terms, but judging from the name it’s a Monster name and should be within 31 characters total.
ok, I have this in English: Cursing Ghostslave’s Body Fluid, not in glossary, but within limit of 31 characters in English, however in French there are 51 characters!: Fluide corporel d’esclave fantôme lançant des sorts
There is no way I can reduce this without retranslating, but because it is not in glossary I am tempted to leave it out. If Alexandre left it like that, it probably means it is fine.
I will upload the file within minutes.
I managed to reduce it to: Fluide corp. escl. fant. gross., but I will ask Alexandre on the CS if he agrees with it.
CS is not working, can you just pass my comment for this term on to Alexandre and I’ll upload the file, thanks!
File uploaded: French_JD_100201_Localize_6d_Catherine.xls
I hope you are on time for delivery, I can squeeze one more file in total between now and tomorrow before lunch time, but that will be it as tomorrow afternoon I have another project, but then on Tuesday I’ll be able to do some BOI if the client goes ahead with it. Wouldn’t that be nice.
Could you please check on small pluses issues for 03_part_214,216
All attached.
” Alex, is this file going to be done tonight or is tomorrow morning/noon a better estimate?
I’d say roughly 3 or 4 hours max. Not sure what time zone you’re on so you can see for yourself.
With many
I’m going to bed soon.
Please upload 05_reps_DEU as soon as you’re done tomorrow. Heck, should you finish tonight, upload it then.
A lot of people are waiting for this file, so if you can do us a favor a put a priority on it
I´m still on it. It´s a lot to change due to the new glossary terms. It´ll be finished tomorrow.
btw, who will proof my part on 05_reps?
Tsk. All translators were supposed to use the 15 June glossary already. Certainly I gave them explicit instruction on which glossary to use and where to find the glossary. Which segments are we talking about here?
As to who will proof your segments, no one will. There’s no time to hand over the file and have another person do it. If we can get them to extend the time to make up for the stop-work, we may have the time. They didn’t give us any extension though, so they’ll just have to accept the risk.
I myself made the mistake of not splitting this section into smaller subsections. I learned and section 1 will be split into several subsections so we’ll have a manageable reps file.
I am giving you my detailed hours for all work involved in JD repair so far:
I had already given you my hours for
7a, 10i and 11e but again: 8 hours in total
1c: 4 hours
1d: 4 hours
2a: 4 hours
2b: 4 hours
5a: 2 hours
5b: 3 hours
5c: 3 hours
6c: 3 hours
6d: I am not charging, it was very quick to check
I also did some BOI files (translation), I will check which they were.
I just want to let you that we have the JD.repair files all merged with the s&r2 script run.
Should you need this file for any reason it’s here over at
Please, proofread file 02_part_193
Link to the file: http://translationstop.com/files/Proofreading/German/02_193_DEU_Valeria.PXF
Comments: http://translationstop.com/files/Proofreading/German/rudiger_glossaryannot_193_202.doc
I can´t tell you when I´ll finish my file that I´m currently proofread (05_reps with 18400 words), maybe tomorrow afternoon/evening.
But I´ll start with proofreading your file as soon as possible.
If you feel overtasked and want me to reassing this file to someone else, tell me.
Ok, thanks .
Also, when I’m done with the current list, I will need to add JM’s file to it and tweak the whole thing, so it will probably take a while to have the final complete list together.
I just thought you might want to know in case you are waiting for this file, I think it’s safe to say that it won’t be ready until morning GMT.
With many
If it´s ok for you that I can´t start with that file before late tomorrow, I´m fine with that 😉
Then it’s yours. I think it’s not a problem.
I spent another 4 hours on the inconsistency file.
That’s a total of 7 hours on this file.
Good morning everyone
I have just finished working on the file and it is now almost ready. You will find it enclosed with this message.
The final issue remaining is that there is a bunch of unwanted spaces after the terms in the second column due to the capitalization operations in word. These spaces need to be removed otherwise they will interfere with the s&r process.
I am hoping that there is a way to get rid of these spaces automatically since doing it manually would take forever.
Once this issue has been solved, the list can be applied to the project file to fix the capitalization of terms in the middle of sentences.
UltiMidCaps is fixed. That is, trailing spaces removed.
I´ve finished proofing file 05_reps_DEU. I had to edit a lot of hyphens and old/wrong terms, so all in all it took me 9 hours 15 minutes.
I also made some comments on the Glossary_DE_15Jun in a doc file that I´ve uploaded in the reports section (Glossary_DE_15Jun_only_comments_.doc).
, are you available right now to update the glossary before we create the next big section? Lots of work coming up for everyone! the lead translator will not be available until about Monday and I think that it would be good to tweak the glossary before we create the files for this very large section.
Your name
Your website
What exactly do you want me to do? Going through the glossary looking for errors line by line? This would take a time and after the last proofreading I´m a bit worn out. I also have an assignment from for another proofreading.
I can update it with the few terms I´ve found so far and that I can remember from other work if you want me to.
Let me know what and how I can help.
A little update would be good, if you can think of anything important. Right now we are preparing the files so if you can do this asap, we can then update Transit’s dictionary before farming out the files.
Not a full scan of the entire glossary but just implement whatever important suggestions were brought up.
Your name
Your website
Ok, I´ll see what I can do. I think I should use the excel file for editing or if you want me to edit the google glossary, if updated, please let me know.
We do not have a google glossary so whatever you think is the latest Excel file.
Your name
Your website
I´ve edited some terms and added some. I work with Office 07 and by saving the file there was a message saying something about “accuracy”. I´ve no idea if the file is ok but it looks alright to me.
I´ve attached two versions:
Glossary_DEU_21Jun__w_marks.xls (I coloured the column right next to the German for further checking later)
Glossary_DEU_21Jun__no_marks.xls (without colours)
The new terms added are at the bottom of the file. I admit that I´m not a hero with Excel, so let me know if there are any problems.
This file was the one from the site and it contains HYPHENS, so I think they have to be changed into °°° before exporting into Transit.
I hope all works fine with that.
Would you like to take 4 files to translate with 2049 words in total?
1.05_part_248 – 576 words;
2.05_part_249 – 633 words;
3.05_part_250 – 18 words;
4.05_part_251 – 822 words.
If “yes” please download them from here:
Please confirm and tell us when do you think the files will be done.
Ok, I’ll just take a look at it then.
I will have these files finished sometime tomorrow.
I got an email from Karel asking how many words I think I could get translated by next Monday; the answer is approx. 10.000.
So count me in for another 8.000 words after these files until Monday.
Karel asked me to estimate how many words I can do this week. I think 10 000 is realistic (if no unforeseen problems occur).
Please take files
05_part_266 4,272
05_part_267 4,702
05_part_268 4,521
Total words: 13,495
Please download files from here:
Please confirm.
thanks for the files. You’ll have them by the end of the week.
You can have them right away:
05_part_263 4,202
05_part_264 3,733
Total word count: 7,935
Please download files from here:
I just read Karel’s mail about the 05 batch he’d like to get done by monday.
The timing is a bit unfortunate for me, as I only have limited capacity until next monday, so I can only offer a total of 7500 words until monday. Not much, I know, but I hope it helps.
Starting August 1, I will be more fully available for the next batch.
Also, still waiting for ‘s reply to finalize my last proofreading assignment (see above). Let me know if it is too urgent to wait.
” Oops, an error crept in there, I meant to write that I’m available more starting on July 1. ”
Please, trnslate these files:
05_part_254 – 2,385
05_part_255 – 3,993
05_part_256 – 4,507
Total words: 10885
Download files from here:
Please confirm and let me know when you suppose you can finish them.