I am somewhat worried from your message. Were you applying these changes (differences with glossary you found) to the original working files from sections 1-6? This merged file is only to ease work with the Formula, which doesn’t recognize an English glossary entry if it’s accompanied with gender sign or something in the brackets like (LV150). That is why we made this file – all extras both from French and from English had been cleaned to ensure recognition by the formula. It is only for reference, and the changes themselves need to be done in the normal, short files of these sections.
Did Karel explain this to you and Alexandre when he gave the link to the file?
Do you have the most updated versions of the original translated files, to which the changes need to be applied?
Okay , am farming out from segment 3500 onwards.
Your name
Your website
I misunderstood. I thought I had to change this file. I don’t understand the point of creating this file since some terms are inconsistent with the glossary. Basically, I lost a whole day of work.
I will work on section 3 then.
It’s not that bad.
I can copy and paste all sections I’ve worked on so far.
I’ll do it quicckly and I’ll send you the whole sections.
We should have explained better, I’m sorry!
Lot of the terms in the usual files are with some additional things in the cell, as I said before. In such case formula would be useless, as it would not recognize the English term.
This is why we created the file – for quick reference. Therefore now all is left is to update the original files. It may take additional time, but most work is already done, you can go over the files and copy-paste the changes.
May-be other translators can help, what do you think?
Let me make sure I understand.
I should use the macro on sections 1 through 6, right?
The macro needs to be applied to item lists, i.e. to cells containing only items, monsters, proper names etc, not to sentences (I’m sure you know that). It includes all files from sections 1-6 and, additionally, files 7e,f,g (two of them didn’t fit into the merged file and were pasted to sheet2 in same file.
The merged file is supposed to serve as reference, while you are going over the usual file.
You need to work with the most updated versions of files. You have you most updated 1ab;
here are Catherine’s 1cd:
Please find 7efg attached.
The rest of the files in these sections were not altered in this last proofreading effort as you can see form the GS.
Please let me know if you have any questions, it is lot of work and I want you to be sure you understand what I mean.
File 12n and report uploaded. Took me 2h30. Luckily, the file was very good quality, especially style-wise. The use the translator makes of French structures is often very clever. Very few mistakes. Most of the work consisted in taking care of typos, spelling mistakes and consistency with the glossary.
Hope you’re not in too much of a rush.
Let me know if there is anything else I can help with.
Did you receive my last message with the files? I am so sorry it came out this way, I was sure that you received the necessary explanations and material (files) along with the merged file.
If you received it all, can you please give me estimation when do you think this work could be completed?
We do have some time, delivery is at 9pm GMT tomorrow (18.06). After you finish it will be good if we had time to vet, but if not – we do need some time at least to add these sections to final global file we will be preparing.
Please be careful not to alter in any way the English in the files you work on – if English is altered, client’s software can not find the segment.
Thank you so much for help!
At this point nothing additional, but something might arise. In such case I will send you a message.
I received all your messages. I will need help with these files. Does anybody else know how to use the macro?
I am almost done with section 1, section 2 should be fast too since I already have what I did yesterday. It’s going to be slower for 3-6. I am confident I can send 1-4 today, maybe even 5 if my kids behave. It should definately be ready before tomorrow 9pm, but it would be great if we could vet the files.
could you use the terminology formula Karel sent?
Which version of Excel are you using?
There is some work to be done with that.
I see. I can assign section 6 to Carine, and 7 to Catherine or
, whom do you prefer? I don’t know how much more then sec. 6 can Carine make, but after she tries to work with the assistance of the merged file she will be able to tell. I think she can’t use the formula. But you did apply it to the whole merged file, right? Could you please upload the merged file after application of the formula to the “proofread” server? If you can, please zip it.
I am using Excel 2007 in English.
If you’re talking about the formula for the macro r&s, yes, I’ve tried several times on different files (with J-M’s help) but have had no luck so far.
I haven’t received any other formula from Karel since then.
Let’s work with Carine and Catherine since they are already experienced.
I already uploaded it. I applied the macro and made the necessary changes up to 28161. If they use my file as reference, let them know that since all signs were removed, some modifications might be over 31 characters once you add the signs, so they will have to shorten accordingly.
I hope this can help them.
If they have questions, they can contact me.
I uploaded section 1. Please let me know if everything is okay.
We do need help with the section 5, 6, and 7efg files. Not all at once, of course. I will explain what we did and what do I want you to do.
The formula recognizes an English term, checks if it exists in the glossary, and checks if the French translation in the glossary is identical to the one in the file. If identical, it gives “correct” message in the cell where the formula is pasted (in column C), if not identical – gives “wrong” message, and if the term is not found in the glossary – gives N/A error message.
There is one problem with that. The formula can recognize only a “naked” term, without any additional syllables, spaces, gender signs, brackets and all other stuff that was abundant in these files. What we did, was to merge files from sections 1-7(efg) to one single file, and cleaned it from all additional things, leaving only the terms in the cells. We deleted gender signs, brackets, and even whole words to make sure the more difficult terms can be recognized. For example, if there was “<Scroll>Horrific Intervention”, we deleted the <Scroll> so that “Horrific Intervention”, which is more difficult to translate would be identified by the formula.
We cleaned both English and French columns.
had run the formula in this file. I hope that if you will download it to your computer, it will still show the answer from the formula – correct, wrong or N/A.
Then what will be necessary to do, is to take file, for example 6a, search for something that wouldn’t repeat in other files, like a whole sentence, in order to find file location in the merged file. Then, you will need to go over the 6a, using merged file as reference for terms which differ from entries in the glossary. You will need to edit these terms in the usual, translated 6a file. We don’t edit the merged file, it is only for reference.
Are you ready to try that?
Please let me know.
I am ready to give it a go.
Just to make sure I undertand correctly. When I come across a ‘wrong’ message in the merged file, I need to go back to the original file (the one with all the tags and gender signs) and make the changes manually in this file as usual.
And then go back to the merged file to look for the next ‘wrong’ message in the list and so on and so forth. Is that correct?
I will check section 1
I understand that you remember the 31 char limitation, right?
I downloaded the merged file you uploaded, but the bad news about it is that it doesn’t show the formula response, i.e. correct, wrong, or N/A in the third column. It is entirely clean. Did you delete the macro from there? Carine and Catherine couldn’t make the macro work, so I need a file with the formula to the end of the file and on the second sheet and it’s response (hoping it will show it in other person’s computer).
Do you think you can paste the formula, drag it to the end of the file to obtain response and upload it again?
I would suggest to have both files open on half of your screen, and scroll them together to spot any other issues that the formula does not detect. Don’t forget that many things were deleted from the formula file, and there may be a mistake in these words. Just like the <Scroll> I gave as an example bellow – could be translated strange for some reason. Also you need to check that translation of terms which are not found in the glossary makes sense (the N/A marked terms). You need to see.
Also after you complete each file, you need to run the 31 characters macro (I believe you have it, right?) and abbreviate any terms which are longer then 31 characters. And spellcheck. It’s proofreading, only instead of jumping to glossary for each term, you will need to jump only for “wrong” marked terms.
I am waiting for Jean
to upload the file. I also need to see if the formula responses work on other people’s computers.
I uploaded file JM – Merged_sec1-7_for_TerminologyMacro27459.zip. If you don’t have the reference file – the glossary – to check against it, you will just get an error message. You need to change the formula according to document and sheet names.
I applied the formula up to around 50000, because it takes forever for my computer to calculate. I hope you can do something with it.
I do have the 31 char. macro. I used it while proofreading files 7e and 7f.
About the spellchecking, you know that the word spellchecker is going to stop on each abbreviation, which is likely to be quite often in an item list. Do you have any tip on how to avoid that in order to make the spellchecking more efficient?