I think you are right. I just focused on items before. I am sorry about that, this capitalization issue is confusing.
I will uncapitalize titles where needed and send the files back in batches ASAP.
Let’s better wait for Alexandre’s capitalization tutorial. It is super confusing, and I am afraid to think what is in Emle’s and Carine’s files.
Therefore please work on proofreading new files, and when Alexandre will produce his guideline then if really any change required, only then you can make it. I will rather take more vettors to do it fast later, but we will know our files are same capitalization style.
I remember when you were proofreading files during the project, any monster names, items and any titles were not capitalized. But I really don’t know what is now.
yes I proofread 6a and this was 2 hours.
Ulrich, file 178 shows 97 words untranslated. Considering that originally there were 99 untranslated words to begin with, this is unacceptable. Inspection shows several English sentences and a section of German that was not marked as translated. E.g., segment 37
File 179 has 14 segment discrepancy caused by those segments going missing. First occurence of that is on segment 2013. To fix this, Insert blank segments until you get back to the right position. Then “Mark as Untranslated” and say yes when asked if you want to copy the source text into the blank segments. Then translate. When done, scroll down until the next discrepancy and repeat.
EDIT: Fix these first before even starting on your next assignment.
Okay. As I expected, my sickness only made the backlog worse. We haven’t started on Section 5, while I’m still encountering problem with section 3, and pretty soon I’ll run out of material from Section 2 and 4 to assign. We may get some idle time in mid-week.
For now though, please proofread file 162-165.
Glossary at the usual place (still 09 June).
IMPORTANT: We discovered that overreliance on the segment filter has allowed out-of-context pretranslated and outright untranslated parts to get past the proofreaders. So first thing you should do is to look for untranslated and partially translated segments. If there’s none, then use the segment filter and proofread the translator edited parts as usual. Once you are done, note the time you tool. Now switch the filter the other way around and quickly go through the pre-translated segments. Look for out of context parts.
Pre-translated parts should be 95% correct, so this is should be pretty fast. When you are done write down the additional time and any comment about the accuracy of the pretranslation. We want to know this stuff how much proofreading we need to do for pretranslated materials in the future.
Okay. As I expected, my sickness only made the backlog worse. We haven’t started on Section 5, while I’m still encountering problem with section 3, and pretty soon I’ll run out of material from Section 2 and 4 to assign. We may get some idle time in mid-week.
For now though, please proofread file 166-169.
Glossary at the usual place (still 09 June).
IMPORTANT: We discovered that overreliance on the segment filter has allowed out-of-context pretranslated and outright untranslated parts to get past the proofreaders. So first thing you should do is to look for untranslated and partially translated segments. If there’s none, then use the segment filter and proofread the translator edited parts as usual. Once you are done, note the time you tool. Now switch the filter the other way around and quickly go through the pre-translated segments. Look for out of context parts.
Pre-translated parts should be 95% correct, so this is should be pretty fast. When you are done write down the additional time and any comment about the accuracy of the pretranslation. We want to know this stuff how much proofreading we need to do for pretranslated materials in the future.
Okay. As I expected, my sickness only made the backlog worse. We haven’t started on Section 5, while I’m still encountering problem with section 3, and pretty soon I’ll run out of material from Section 2 and 4 to assign. We may get some idle time in mid-week.
For now though, please proofread file 170-173.
Glossary at the usual place (still 09 June).
IMPORTANT: We discovered that overreliance on the segment filter has allowed out-of-context pretranslated and outright untranslated parts to get past the proofreaders. So first thing you should do is to look for untranslated and partially translated segments. If there’s none, then use the segment filter and proofread the translator edited parts as usual. Once you are done, note the time you tool. Now switch the filter the other way around and quickly go through the pre-translated segments. Look for out of context parts.
Pre-translated parts should be 95% correct, so this is should be pretty fast. When you are done write down the additional time and any comment about the accuracy of the pretranslation. We want to know this stuff how much proofreading we need to do for pretranslated materials in the future.
EDIT: incorrect file link corrected
Okay. As I expected, my sickness only made the backlog worse. We haven’t started on Section 5, while I’m still encountering problem with section 3, and pretty soon I’ll run out of material from Section 2 and 4 to assign. We may get some idle time in mid-week.
For now though, please proofread file 174-177.
Glossary at the usual place (still 09 June).
IMPORTANT: We discovered that overreliance on the segment filter has allowed out-of-context pretranslated and outright untranslated parts to get past the proofreaders. So first thing you should do is to look for untranslated and partially translated segments. If there’s none, then use the segment filter and proofread the translator edited parts as usual. Once you are done, note the time you tool. Now switch the filter the other way around and quickly go through the pre-translated segments. Look for out of context parts.
Pre-translated parts should be 95% correct, so this is should be pretty fast. When you are done write down the additional time and any comment about the accuracy of the pretranslation. We want to know this stuff how much proofreading we need to do for pretranslated materials in the future.
I have some prior commitments – I can have this done on Wednesday (maybe earlier).
I uploaded 14a f g j. The file name is JD – French – 14a f g j –
– Uncapitalized – New.
Only place names and proper names are capitalized now. I will send the rest of section 14 during the day. Please ignore the files I uploaded before.
Please let me know if everything is okay.
JM” Sounds good.
“I was really conflicted about this but decided that there won’t be any time saved by reassigning them.
Do your best during the limited time, that’s all.
I received your message after I sent the files again, I am sorry. Since the beginning of JD rescue, I have received many updates on capitalization, often contradicting each other, and consequently, I am lost, just like you.
I will switch back to proofreading, but without clear guidelines, I cannot be sure that capitalization will not have to be checked again, and this is probably true for every proofer.
Ok, I will check both the new stuff and the untranslated parts as soon as I find the time.
These are guidelines Alexandre sent few days ago, for some reason I did not receive it.
It is exactly same you were doing all the way before the instructions began to change – in a sentence – capitalizing only names of characters and places, standing for itself – capitalizing first word of any expression.
Please take a look and let me know if the last file you uploaded follow this principle.
*Character names are fully capitalized – Example: Shaw Danon, Bilu, etc.
*Area names are fully capitalized – Example: Incense Valley -> Vallée de
*Item names are capitalized following this rule:
-if by themselves, we capitalize the first letter : Fire Sword -> Epée
de feu
-if in the middle of a sentence, we don’t capitalize : You found a Fire
Sword. -> Vous avez trouvé une épée de feu.
The reason for this is that in a quest text, the items to find are stated
again at the end. For instance :
XXX asked you to find a Fire Sword in area YYY to save the villagers.
Items to find:
1 Fire Sword
XXX vous a demandé de trouver une épée de feu dans la zone YYY pour sauver
les villageois.
Objets à trouver :
1 Epée de feu
Also, just to make it clear, these are not “my guidelines”, these are
basically the French language rules. This is why I have been fighting for so
long to enforce them.
The last batch I uploaded follow these rules.
Capitals for place names and proper names.
No capitals for monstar names, item names, titles.
Let me know if you want me to proofread of to check more files for you to send to vettors.
Do you mean this one:
JD – French – 14a f g j –
– Uncapitalized – New.zip?
If yes, then we will vet it tomorrow. If you could update some more files would be nice, but proofreading first.
Yes, these files have taken longer than the files from JD. I had to synchronize the proper names with the glossery terms and vice versa to have reasonable consistency at least. So I had to deal more with glossary work than usual.
I think its only a syndrome of the beginning of the project and proofing will get much faster as the glossary is more incorporated.
about the segment filter: I consulted with about the use of segment filters via telefon, but we did not work out how to use it correctly. Now I have to say I’m not even familiar with the filter function.
Maybe you can help me with a description about the use.
I will try to update the whole section by tomorrow morning, Europe time. I will also name them “XXX – New” to avoid confusion with the files, I updated earlier.
In the meantime, I am still proofreading section 17.
Just confirming that I am proofreading files 8k, 15c, 15f and 15i.
I sent all my hours by z_get.
I’ll send you the ppt tomorrow showing all my files and hours.
I updated another batch for section 14. I will update the remainder of section 14 tomorrow, right now, I am too tired to work eficiently.
please find hours attached to this email.
I uploaded the last batch of section 14.
I confirm proofing file 162-165.
Get well soon.
I uploaded files 1a and 1b. Here is the hour count:
JD_100201_Localize_1a 4
JD_100201_Localize_1b 4,5
files received. Did you try the new macro? Does it work and does it speed up the replacement process?
Karel doesn’t want any capitalization fixes to be done manually.