[These pages concern interesting correspondence between our translators and project managers at KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]

French German Today Received Work English

Now I had revetted your previous, very difficult files, and you had done an excellent job. I corrected may-be in two places. All that you marked red were actually fine – one of the French rows was a bit longer and continued to additional line, but there was no “line break”. There was one marked red for aligning, but I actually corrected confused commands.

So here are two more:

All files are to be completed today.
Please confirm!


Please receive re-vetted French files 10a,b.



Files received.
Here are next:
JD_100201_Localize_12c Ales
JD_100201_Localize_12k Ales
JD_100201_Localize_12l Ales
JD_100201_Localize_17w Ales

Whatever you can- do today, priority to German.

Please confirm.


I received files. They will certainly be completed today, but you haven’t noticed if they are French or German. Specify, please.


They are German, sorry!


Confirmed. I thought you are sleeping already.
I ll do my considering DEAD LINE.



The files are a bit delayed in vetting. I will sure have some tomorrow morning.
Will you be available?


These are French:
They MUST be completed tonight.

Please confirm.


I have just reviwed file JD_100201_Localize_18k in order to fined that confused command you have mentioned which I missed, and found another mistake. In the 21 line a space is missing in the last row after the word Abaissement before the”:”. Correct it please if you haven’t done it yet.


Two more, FRENCH files:

If you can make them tonight – excellent, if not, please try at least in the morning.
Please confirm.


I’ll do them all tonight. I think you’ll get the results not later than in 3-4 hours.


I uploaded the file, and attached it here as well.
I spent 3h30 on it…
I marked 3 segments with “+” because there is a mistake in the source segments (same mistake for each segment), so it needs to be checked.


yes, I will be available

” Cool. You okay for work or are you short of files?

“Well, you started at segment 216 though, leaving segment 215 untranslated. ๐Ÿ™‚

I’ll let the proofreader translate it. It’s a lot faster than giving it back and forth again. I have your word count anyway.



I am finishing 9 Reps right now. Am I still supposed to proof 13 j,r,s,u or do you want me to work on another file?


Please find attached the assessment for Karen (file 9 repetitions).


I would say continue with what you are assigned. I am slowly assigning responsibility for this task to . Also, today I checked and I could not find any repetitions files to do, so the rest is just files.
The 13 section is mostly your own repetitions. Can you filter out those and work only on the worst parts? How about 13 b-e? They were assigned to you as well.


Please receive re-vetted files 12 c,l,k and 17w.



I finished with file.


I take this files.



I don’t understand what happened to 13b-e, I already uploaded them twice. I will just attach the files to this email. Here is the detail for the files:
13b – 75 minutes
13c – 120 minutes
13d – 120 minutes
13e – 90 minutes
I can filter out my repetitions and proofread the worst parts only, which will save time. I will start working on the new batch right away.
Please let me know if you received all the files that were assigned to me, because I am certain I either sent or uploaded everything. In case something is missing, I can send it right away.


I have those the 2nd time JM uploaded them (although not the first time). It’s already be exported and given to although since she’s only she may not have updated the sheet yet.

There’s plenty more files to proofread. ๐Ÿ™‚


I have just vetted the first German file(JD_100201_Localize_18n) you assinged to me.
It is fullfilled with commands adn really difficult (for me) to vet and it took me 1h 25min. Maybe I should mark such files in my Hourly report to provide you an opportunity to make sure I don’t exagerrate working hours when you have such doubts?
The file is already on FTP.
” ”
Please receive re-vetted files French 10q,r and 10s.
I could not find comments for 10s, so I have written my own.
And we have a situation with the “empty line” in 10s, but the same was before vetting, I have re-checked.



Sorry, forgot to mention.
Issue with Sunstream City, and translated ($line).
All corrected.



I finished with new files.





JD_100201_Localize_18o is also vetted.


Done and uploaded. Will be ready for new work in the morning (in 7 hours).



French files
are vetted.


just in case I’ll be available in 9 hours.



Here are French files for revetting today:



Thank for informing me. I am glad it is not as bad as the previous one.


Here are 3 more files – 10rqs – for spellchecking and issue resolving. There are a segment which had been left untranslated in one of the files, please scroll not to miss it.

Now other two files, 13t and 13n do NOT require spellchecking, but do require ISSUE resolving.
In file 13t line 4 is untranslated, please translate.
In file 13n line 53 is untranslated, in line 218 last sentence is untranslated – please translate. Additionally in line 300 there are some glued words, please check.
I know the untranslated sentences in this file are a bit strange, I guess that’s why they were not translated, but would you please put there something in French, it would be better then leaving English.

When done, please delete all comments and +marks that the result would be a clean file. Additionally, please rename the spellchecked/issue-resolved files, adding “_Spelled_” after the name of the vettor in the file name.

Due to the shortage of time to deadline, these files should be checked as soon as possible, preferably in the morning. If you are busy, please let me know at once.

Please confirm receipt.


Some German re-vetting:


Please confirm.


Good morning

M” Sylvia, can you tell me roughly how much time you spent proofing 15j? You still have k, l, m, and p, right?

Please receive re-vetted French 13b,c

p.s.Could you please ask guy upload they comments only together with vetted? For me to be sure if comments exist.


files received.

Please upload your comments next time to server along with the files – there is a person helping me, who does not have access to your ticket.


Thanks for reminding me, I just sent him a message for uploading to server next time.

Files received.


Please receive re-vetted French 13 d,e



Few more:






JD_100201_Localize_14p Ales
JD_100201_Localize_14u Ales
JD_100201_Localize_14q Ales
JD_100201_Localize_15g Ales

Quite lot of work.
Please confirm.

One more thing. Our delivery is on Monday evening European time. Will you be available online form morning that day?


I’ll do my best. As you sent me 3 more files yesterday for spellchecking, everything won’t be done this morning, but everything should be done in a maximum of 8 hours.
Tell me if it’s ok or if I have to focus on some of these files.


The files are for spellchecking, so no need to proofread them. It usually takes 5-20 minutes to spellcheck a file, if you use the embedded spellchecker in Excel and select only the column with French.
The issue resolving takes even less, there are really few (1-4) issues per file, all clearly marked inside the file.

So I hope it will take you less then 8 hours even for the whole bunch.

Please try to do them, and we will see how much time does it really take.


Oh I see… By spellchecking I understand spelling but conjugation as well, and grammar mistakes etc… The problem is that Excel doesn’t take in consideration the conjugation problems, but if you tell me not to care about it then I won’t. In that case I won’t need 8 hours indeed!


The files had been proofread. So don’t care about conjugation, just catch the typos and resolve the issues in the issue resolving files.


I’m ready to work. You can assign me up to 6 files today.


Good morning .

Your files received
For today:

Please check GR 17g carefully. There is a mismatch between the number of lines between my English file with translator’s English file. While vetting this file check carefully, so that if any discrepancy between the English and the German translation occurs, we still have time to fix it. Just try to see that the English corresponds to German. No need to translate, but try to judge according to length of text and alignment. Please do this file carefully.


I am leaving for a few hours now, and need to have all these files ready when I’m back. Please try to do it.

Please confirm receipt.


I am going for a few hours. If I am not back (I’ll message you) when you finish with all these files above, here are two more French:
JD_100201_Localize_18c Ales
JD_100201_Localize_18e Ales

I know you can’t check alignment, so please concentrate on checking position of the commands and tags, and I will check alignment when I’m back.

” ok, confirmed. ”
Please receive re-vetted German 9e,t,u.



I take this three files in work.


Please URGENTLY repost the message to Z-Get category! It is for and here he will not get it here.


Please go to our files server, follow the following folder path:
And download this file:

Please paste the English inside and vet the files 9b and 9s.
FR 9b has Segment 216l untranslated. Please mark it red.

Please confirm.


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