[These pages concern interesting correspondence between our translators and project managers at KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]

English French Translation Proofreader German

I had sent you 3 files for spellchecking 3 days ago. Please let me know when can I have them back. We need files checked ASAP, and if you are busy, please inform me so that I could assign them to another translator.


I’m truely sorry about this. I thought I could handle the spellchecking in time but it turned out I’m too busy for the moment due to an unexpected event. So please, send these files to another translator. I will focus on the translation of the files Karel sent me.

Once again, I apologize.

Best regards.

Sylvia Raffin


That’s ok. 🙂
I am sorry, the changes must not have been saved. I attach the clean file 10o for you.


I attached the re-vetting file 12 g,h ().
Proofreader will have work to do, I also put there my issues.
The comment from I put in the separate file” -feedback”, very similar to what I got from you – hope that will make it easier for you.
My general overview: he is good. The file 12 h is not easy at all, specially for beginner. He spotted lots thing. I would hired him, just keep watching him as usual.



please find attached the spellchecked files.

Time spent as follows:
10i – 20 mins
12q – 25 mins
12i – 15 mins
12j – 10 mins
12m – 15 mins
12n – 20 mins
12r – 10 mins


Is my work OK? Maybe there are some more files for me?


I just got feedback form my assistant. She is satisfied very much with your work. Please read her comments, and try to follow her advice.

I am waiting for files, once we have any I will assign you (today in the evening and tomorrow morning should come).


good work. I don’t think that is ready for not writing his edits, so I deleted this line, I hope you don’t mind.

Since we are still waiting for those French files, please help me again with revetting. This time these are files of one of the experienced vettors, once of the few who can mark only what’s for proofreader. He sometimes misses small things – so a light revetting is required.

Please upload his files and comments from German->Vetted.


They are files of

and they are marked with his name.
All same.

Do you think you could do it during my working hours (until 4-5pm Ukraine time)? I you can, we will have a good quantity of files to send to spellchecking.

Please confirm.



I apologize it took me so long to get back to you.
We are offering remote work for project managers. Often there are different types of assignments, but at this point, the main type of work to be done is vetting translated files in Excel.

Vetting is the last stage of reviewing translations, where we compare source to target and looking for all kinds of differences in formatting etc. Not difficult but requires good concentration. Does not require knowledge of the target language as we do not edit the text itself, but it sometimes helps.

There are large volumes of work waiting, so we need someone to begin right away. It is possible that will be other types of assignments to do as well.

Please let me know if you are interested in this work at your earliest convenience.

If you are interested, please let me know how would you like to get paid. Our prefared payment methods are PayPal and Moneybookers.


I apologize it took me so long to get back to you – I had been overloaded and had not time for training new people.

Please let me know how do you want to get paid. We can pay PayPal, Moneybookers and probably LiqPay (will be established if there are enough people who are interested to get paid with it).



I revetted your file. On one side – good attention to details, on the other, some mistakes you should avoid.

1. I requested in the instructions to list ALL issues or changes you make in the table, but ALSO in the file. Otherwise both me and the editor need to jump for file to file trying to understand what did you do. Please do so. You had been deleting hyphens (seg. 105, 106) and not listing it in the excel file.

2. In the useful links for PMs was a link to a page with rules of French punctuation. You did not read it. French punctuation is significantly different form English – they have space before !?:;. You deleted all these spaces, and I had to go all over this file correcting them. Please do not do it again, read carefully that page and act accordingly.

3. There is no such thing as “missing commas”. French sentence construction is different from English, so punctuation also difers. Same with German – you will see many more commas and semicolons, and it is normal in that language.

4. In this project there is a limitation of 31 characters for proper names. Therefore many of them are abbreviated. This is the reason why you may have periods in the middle of the sentence. Just see that translator used same abbreviation throughout the file. If not – mark and leave a note.

5. When replacing ~55~ in English you must be extremely careful not to add any spaces. You just mark the whole combination and type & instead of it, even if it “glues words (no spaces between & and words before/after it). If we will make any smallest changes to the English, client’s localization program will not recognize the segments and will not be able to insert the right German translation. You left ~ in segment 1237. Please be careful.

6. Be careful and attentive to hyphens. They often originate from the English source: In the CAT tool Transit used for this project, English segment appears also in the target window and translators type on top of it. If Transit converted to tags a hyphen which was in the English text, translators can not delete it and usually leave it in the beginning or end of a sentence. If you see a hyphen stuck like this – it’s probably not supposed to be there and you can delete it. But mark it clearly in the Excel file AND in the table.

I guess that is more or less it. Please be careful following and reading all instructions – it saves work for you and later for me.
PMYou added spaces


files received.

And here are more – please let me know if you have time to do them.
The “lonely” file is without issues.


I will have time to do them tonight so you should have them tomorrow morning again. Would that be ok?


Yes, I am interested in this task and can start right away.

Please let me know how this work is paid – per words/per hours/etc., and when the work is paid – monthly/weekly/on request/etc

I will open account in MB for payments.

Best Alexander Ts


It seems that Karel has already enough people for proofreading. I’m interested in the spellchecking. Maybe you could send me a file to illustrate more specifically what the work would be. Would $ 0.025 per word be ok for this?


SORRY!!! I am writitng from another computer. I have no light since early morning and for 3 hours more.
I could not reply earlier.
If you dont mind, I ll do those files in thee hour (hope I will have light toll that time), unless I recieve other from you.
Of course I dont mind any of your edittiong to my comments about ‘s work. It is only up to you.



Thank you for getting back to me so fast. This work is aid by hour, 3$/h. You record your hours yourself, but I check quite often. We usually pay once a month, but to establish trust and positive relationship we are willing to pay every two weeks. Tell me whatever is convenient to you.

Here is some explanation of what will you need to do:
We are managing a very big translation project (1500000 words). The project is translation of a Video Game from English into German and French. Each file goes roughly the following steps:
1. Is imported to Transit, special translation memory software, and then translated by German or French linguists.
2. Is proofread by proofreader.
3. Is exported back to Excel – the resulting file contains only the translation column.
4. Is going through vetting.
5. Is going through spellchecking with proofreader.

Sometimes in the process of transferring the file from one software to other happen small non linguistic mistakes, for example, some characters were replaced by other symbols prior to exporting to Transit because they were causing problems and now need to be replaced back. Sometimes is missing space between sentences, sometimes there are double or strangely located hyphens. Sometimes translators don’t pay attention and leave extra spaces, periods, or several capitalized characters in one word etc.

Here enters the process of vetting.
Usually you will download from a dedicated server a zipped file, containing a folder with proofread files and a folder with unproofread (sometimes called “translated”) files.

You will work only on those files, which I will assign to you.

We work in two steps.
First, we save the .xls files in txt format, open in Word and compare proofread files to unproofread files to see if the file had really been proofread.
If it was, we open the proofread file again in Excel, copy into it English source text, and start vetting.
So vetting is always done in Excel on proofread target (German/French) text against the source (English) text. The purpose of vetting is to find differences from the source, to see if anything is missing and to introduce these minor corrections, or, alternatively, to communicate these differences to proofreader.

Sometimes it is not clear if there is a small missed moment we can correct or a real linguistic mistake. For example, if in the source there is a question mark, but in the target there is a period, you can not just change the period to question mark, because in most languages the structure of the sentence would change. These kinds of cases are communicated to me, and I communicate them to proofreader.

Now, detailed instructions are attached. Please read them, get connected to the FTP server and let me know when you are ready to try.


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