This capitalization thing is seriously puzzling me. Do people even realize that the capitalization rules advised are simply the French capitalization rules?
These are the rules taught to every French kid in elementary school. People marketing themselves as French translators should know this better than anyone else. I have already written 3 different sets of guidelines about this in 3 different ways to make it clearer, I am starting to lose hope.
The translators need to start thinking by themselves instead of waiting for someone to grab them by the hand. I have people sending me emails asking whether or not they should put an accent on the “e” of this or that word. This is getting completely ridiculous.
I will try to write a final set of instructions but I am getting fed up with this. The “translators” should start reading grammar books or taking French classes.
Thank you for the tip. I just installed the software, it’s awesome.
At the moment I only have access to Office 2002 SP3. Would that work with this software? The screenshot was taken using the 2007 version.
Also if I understood correctly the macro formula only works with Excel 2007 so far. Bummer for me, maybe JM is using the good version though.
Anyway please let me know if I can be of assistance nonetheless.
According to the website, it should.
Well, okay, I don’t read German, but it says Excel 2007, 2003 und 2002/XP.
I am sure at least some of the translators know French grammar, and we are speaking about really basic rules. Only that the client’s requests had been changed over and over in the past few weeks too many times. May-be you were less aware of this due to your relocation hardships.
Please take a look – sent me what looks like your instructions from before. Please tell me if that applies to current situation:
*Character names are fully capitalized – Example: Shaw Danon, Bilu, etc.
*Area names are fully capitalized – Example:IncenseValley- Vallee de
*Item names are capitalized following this rule:
-if by themselves, we capitalize the first letter : Fire Sword – Epee
de feu
-if in the middle of a sentence, we don’t capitalize : You found a Fire
Sword. – Vous avez trouve une epee de feu.
The reason for this is that in a quest text, the items to find are stated
again at the end. For instance :
XXX asked you to find a Fire Sword in area YYY to save the villagers.
Items to find:
1 Fire Sword
XXX vous a demande de trouver une epee de feu dans la zone YYY pour sauver
les villageois.
Objets a trouver :
1 Epee de feu
Also, just to make it clear, these are not “my guidelines”, these are
basically the French language rules. This is why I have been fighting for so
long to enforce them.
Thank you.
Yes, this is the 3rd set of instructions I was talking about. I sent it to a couple of days ago for the client and he sent it to everyone later with a mass email. I think I sent it to you too.
This and the capitalization rules that were in the guidelines for JD should be enough to remind the translators of the general rules. I don’t know how to explain them more clearly.
I will do some proofreading and review my other files, please let me know if you need further details about this in the meantime and I’ll get back to you later.
Ok, great then, I will take a look at it.
I did not receive it before. I believe it’s enough – it has all necessary examples. Therefore please proceed to proofreading and let’s get to finalizing files.
By the way, may I know who was asking you about accents on the “e”?
I put up a JD List of terms, which is basically the list of NPCs, Locations, various Items and Gears, etc., from the customer, but without all the irrelevant stuff.
It’s at
It might be useful, it might not, but it’s there if you want to use it.
I put up a JD List of terms, which is basically the list of NPCs, Locations, various Items and Gears, etc., from the customer, but without all the irrelevant stuff.
It’s at
It might be useful, it might not, but it’s there if you want to use it.
I asked to go over some files you proofread. He did so, and this is his comment:
Quality seems good overall, most item names look consistent with the glossary.
Writing style could sometimes be improved a bit and there are a few issues with the translation.
A few examples:
Raw 4: My feet are tingling.e translated as Mes pieds me piquent.e Awkward, could be improved. Ex. J¢‚¬„¢ai des fourmis dans les piedse, J¢‚¬„¢ai mal aux piedse, etc.
Raw 77 ¢‚¬Ëœrefining weapons¢‚¬„¢ translated as ¢‚¬Ëœaffinage d¢‚¬„¢armes¢‚¬„¢. Refining is ALWAYS translated as raffinage. It could be a simple typo but I have seen affinagee very often during the project so a reminder couldn¢‚¬„¢t hurt.
Row 223: Animated Soldierse translated as Soldats animes sournoise which should be just soldats animese.
No major mistakes to report. General writing style could sometimes be improved but the basics are covered. Most item names seem consistent with the glossary, only capitalization needs fixing.
Great work overall, the proofreader just needs to get more acquainted with the relevant capitalization rules and maybe improve a bit more the writing style (hard to tell which is the proofreader¢‚¬„¢s and which is the translator¢‚¬„¢s though). The area names are properly capitalized though, good job.
There is no need to correct the files, capitalization will be repaired with the macro.
Good work, keep doing what you are doing!
Are you available for today? If yes, please open a OT ticket, title it ” – JD Repair French ”
And I will send instructions and assign some files. There is lot of work yet to be done.
Please let me know of your availability ASAP.
Was your payment issue resolved? If yes, please let me know if you are available to join proofreading efforts.
Thank you.
Thank you for your message, I’m actually working on other projects so I won’t be available before Thursday, if at that moment you still need help send me a message and I’ll open a ticket, sorry that I can’t be available before.
I asked to go over the files you worked on and he returned me his comments:
1C (item list file)
Lots of changes in there. Some were necessary, some I cannot explain.
Row 451. Cutthroat should still be ¢‚¬Ëœcoupe-gorge¢‚¬„¢ not ¢‚¬Ëœcoutelas¢‚¬„¢ unless I¢‚¬„¢m missing something.
Row 455. Proofreader removed gardiene from the translation, it looks like a mistake too.
Some issues with abbreviations:
Rows 2035/2036 ¢‚¬œ ¢‚¬ËœRobe¢‚¬„¢ shouldn¢‚¬„¢t be abbreviated, the name becomes very hard to understand
Rows 2039/2040 ¢‚¬œ ¢‚¬ËœChaussures¢‚¬„¢ is usually abbreviated as ¢‚¬ËœChauss.¢‚¬„¢ It¢‚¬„¢s always best to stick with the standard translation/abbreviation to avoid confusing the players and preserve consistency.
Still some issues with capitalization but we¢‚¬„¢re slowly getting there. A bunch of typos has been fixed, which is good.
1D (item list file)
Overall the quality seems good, though some changes seem unexplained in this file too. Same type of capitalization issues as 1C. These item lists should be added to the glossary at some point before using the macro.
It looks like the proofreader did more good than harm which…is good. Some changes seem arbitrary or erratic though and might need additional fixing. The proofreader should refer to the guidelines to learn more about the capitalization rules.
What I would recommend is to check in the glossary and to check in the glossary. No other way. It helps to have the file and the glossary open in parallel one next to the other, especially if your computer had a wide screen. Then passing from file to glossary is faster.
Please let me know when you are back, and I will assign you more files.
I requested to go over few files you proofread, and this is his feedback:
Item name capitalization needs fixing, it could be done with the macro but we need to be sure that all the items are actually in the glossary. The proofreader should provide glossary updates if necessary.
Consistency issues: the proofreader needs to refer to the glossary at all times, this is of UTMOST IMPORTANCE. Failing to refer to the glossary creates further issues, making the whole team effort completely useless.
Example: Row3, ¢‚¬ËœHorrid Fumes¢‚¬„¢ translated as Vapeurs horriblese – it should be vapeurs immondese.
7d (NOT an item list file)
Consistency issues: same as 7c, lots of consistency issues. Some important terms like upgradee have been mistranslated.
¢‚¬Ëœupgrade¢‚¬„¢ = ¢‚¬Ëœamelioration¢‚¬„¢, ¢‚¬Ëœameliorer¢‚¬„¢ or ¢‚¬Ëœaugmenter le niveau¢‚¬„¢. Mettre a niveaue is inaccurate though.
¢‚¬ËœGrade¢‚¬„¢ = ¢‚¬ËœRang¢‚¬„¢, not ‚« degre ‚».
This needs to be fixed by the proofreader and the file should be reviewed and improved.
The translation quality seems decent but there are way too many glossary/consistency issues. Even though it is tedious, the proofreader must refer to the glossary at all times to avoid creating further issues.
I would recommend – check in the glossary, though it takes more time. But consistency of the terminology is what is going to determine if we are going to return to working on BOI and if we are going to have any more projects form this client.
In the future files you will proofread, try to bring to maximum consistency of the terms. No need to change capitalization on terms you don’t replace, it will be done with the macro.
Please let me know of your availability. this is our last week and there are still lots of files left.
Thanks for the comments
I did try to refer to the glossary at all times… I checked almost everything 🙂 sorry a few things slipped through.
I don’t have much availability this week, maybe 8 to 10 hours in total, but you can allocate me files if I can help.
When do you have this free time? As you know we deliver on Friday morning. Do you think you could do today these 3 files?
Please let me know!
I fixed things with
you can assign me (a few) files, I am not sure I ave much time available until next friday but I will do what I can.
Where can I find the complete proofreading guidelines ?
Can you remind me the process to get files and everything useful (these informations are deep in my mailbox now, and scattered) ?
No, today, I’m too busy sorry
but I can deliver them by Wednesday morning and probably do some more before Friday.
Would that be ok?
Here are the first part of the guidelines:
Main problem in the files is inconsistency of the terminology with the glossary. Please work with the updated glossary found here: Consistency is the key point to be fixed in the files.
The proofreading will be done on Excel files. You can download all French files here: (8MB file, let me know if you have a difficulty downloading large files).
Please proofread the file, putting special attention to:
1. Consistency of the terminology used with the last glossary. This is issue of absolute importance, and consistency of terminology in our files will determine if we will be able to continue with French projects for this client.
2. Please adhere to the updated capitalization rules (see bellow). We are developing a macro to fix capitalization, but it will work only if the terminology is perfectly consistent with the glossary throughout all files. Since we will have the macro, to save proofreading time, we agreed that if you are making change to some word due to consistency or other reason – change the capitalization. But if the term is correct – don’t spend time on changing capitalization. Let me know if you have any questions.
3. Files need to be spellchecked. Please select the French column in Excel prior to launching the spellchecker.
4. It the files contain lists of terms and proper names -they need to be abbreviated to the 31 char limitation. Please download from here the two macros in one sheet you may need for that:
4.1 31 char macro: Open the excel file and have it open while proofreading. Press Ctrl+Q shortcut and the macro will color all lines which contain more then 31 characters yellow. You need to abbreviate only items/monsters/character names/etc, which can be easily distinguished because in such cases each word of the expression will be capitalized in English (which doesn’t mean it should be capitalized in French, it is only useful for recognition).
4.2 In same Excel file, in cell C5 I pasted the macro which detects number of characters in the cell on it’s left. It reacts to change in number of characters as you change it. You need to click out of the cell to see the change. Please paste it next to the terms (in column C) which were colored yellow by the first macro, and it will help you fix it quickly and precisely.
All yellow coloring and extra column with the second macro removed before delivery – it should be a clean file.
3. Additionally please pay attention that correct abbreviations are used for French:
SP (Spirit Points) – PE (Points d’Esprit) [sometimes also Spirit can be abbreviated PE, when matching the context]
AP (Attack Power) – PA (Puissance d’Attaque)
AOE (Area of Effect) – “Zone d’effet”
CritNull – ’‚©checs critiques
CritStrike / assaut critique – coups critiques
CritShield – bouclier critique
route-auto – itin’‚©raire automatique
Please do not leave any unresolved issues and untranslated terms. If you are not sure about something, you can contact or via CS. Any problems you think I may be able to help you with – feel free to contact me via OT or CS.
We are transferring communication on the JD issue to OT, so that could be updated with all messages along with me. Therefore please open a ticket here: , titling it ” K- JD rescue” and please confirm receipt of the instructions in the body of the message. Then I will immediately assign you files.
I see. Wednesday morning is OK, but please let me know when you make the upload – it is difficult to see that a new file got uploaded unless I’m looking for it.
Please keep me updated with your progress and don’t forget to check in the glossary.
sent a message about a new macro for terminology they developed, did you receive that?
I have not received the new vetting documents.
Please send asap. Also please inform me of new projects. I am also available to translate…
I did receive the message from , yes, thanks!
I am contacting you because I am having troubling with the new macro send earlier today by email.
I can’t make it work. Here is the message I sent to who told me you managed to sort it out and might be able to help:
My version of Excel is 2007 in English.
I have both files opened (the glossary I am using-which is called French_Glossary_14May.xls, and the file in which I copied columns A and B of file 15c I have to check -file that I named Essai_15c.xls).
I then copied the formula for English 2007 Excel in C1 of Essai_15c.xls. In the formula, I changed the name of the glossary into French_Glossay_14May.xls and the name of the sheet into Essai_15c. The formula I ended up with is:
I also tried this one:
Both En and Fr columns start in A1 and B1.
But when I press enter a message appears saying the formula I typed contains an error.
Do you have any idea of what I am doing wrong?
this macro is intended for item lists, as in section 1-7. File 15c is a “sentence” file, so it will not be efficient. The macro does not check random text in a box, it checks for exact match against the reference file, which means that leading or trailing spaces will create a mismatch.
I inserted the macro in 15c, and only two values have an exact match in this file: “Accepter” and “Termine”.
Could you try the macro on an item list file and let me know how it goes? I’ll try my best to help you.
I’m sorry, I thought the macro could identify glossary matches within sentences.
I tried on file 7e, which is a item file I proofread two weeks ago and the same error message appears, even though I changed the name of the ‘to be checked’ file. I don’t understand what’s wrong.
My next files are 15files so I won’t use the macro anyway. Do you mind if I get in touch with you again when I get one of those item lists again? I do want to sort this out but I understand I’d better carry on working on my files and finish them as soon as possible to try and help meet the deadline.
I checked again and I think there is problem with your formula. If you are using “French_Glossay_14May.xls” – assuming you did not modify sheet names – the name of the sheet should be “NoDups”. So basically, with your formula, your are asking to check a sheet that does not exist in the glossary. You can see the different sheet names at the bottom left of your Excel document. I think the right formula should be =iferror(if(vlookup(A1;[French_Glossary_14May.xls]NoDups!A:B;2;FALSE)=B1;”correct”);”wrong”) – assuming your file starts in A1 and C1. I hope you understand. Let me know how it goes. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions.
There were several vetting questions to file 16a. Can you please download it from here:
and the relevant comments from here:
Please take a look, and if any change is required, please upload the updated file to the usual upload folder. Please change the file name adding “updated”.
How is the rest of section 16? When do you think it will be ready?
I am trying to use the macro you wrote for terminology files, and it doesn’t work (says formula error).
Could you please help me understand how to use it? I am working on English Excell 2003.
The formula I’m trying to use is
When French_Glossary_14May.xls is the last French glossary; French_JD_100201_Localize_1a_backup.xls is the file I’m working on (I tried with and without the “xls”).
And I just can’ figure out how to make it work.
I don’t have access to the Files_PM section on the server, could you please upload the files somewhere else so as I can download them?
I have just uploaded files 16A-G on the server, maybe several times actually, my temporary connection is pretty bad so it took me several attempts to get it up there.
I expect to have the rest of the section done by tomorrow tuesday hopefully (I’m just starting my day here).
With many thanks
Can you open an OT ticket ( If you do so, I will attach the file there. That’s the easiest way to exchange files.
Thank you.
okay, the problem is probably, that you entered the French_JD_100201_Localize_1a_backup.xls in a place where not a file but a SHEET is called for. Thus, if your file has the standard 3 sheets and the glossary terms list is in the first sheet, you would need to enter [French_Glossary_14May.xls]Sheet1! … You have tried to give both filenames in one formula, which doesn’t work. So assuming your first SOURCE term in the file to check (French_JD_100201_Localize_1a_backup.xls) is in cell A2 (target B2) and you have the glossary file opened (French_Glossary_14May.xls, with the source column A and the target column B in sheet “NoDups”), the formula would be:
=if(vlookup(A2;[French_Glossary_14May.xls]NoDups!A:B;2;FALSE)=B2;”correct”). If this doesn’t work, please tell me and we’ll find a solution. Is it much trouble if you used one of my open tickets on OT with you for this because the CS is somewhat cumbersome for fast exchanges.
Did you have any chance with the latest formula?
Please let me know and do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions or concerns.
Sorry for the late reply, I have just finished working on one of my files.
I then tried your formula suggestion in C1 of an item file, which is file 7e (tag at the bottom reads ‘localize6’) and the same glossary as earlier (whose tag reads, you were right, ‘NoDups’).
I tried typing those formulas in C1 of the 7e file but I still get the same error message:
Do you know what the problem is?
I think you misunderstood me.
If you are using French_Glossary_14May glossary, the formula should be
The name of the file you are checking should NOT be in the formula. You should have the reference file ([French_Glossary_14May.xls]) and the sheet name for the reference file (NoDups).
Try this formula and let me know how it goes.
You’re right, I misunderstood again. But I have just tried the new formula you sent me and it’s not working either.
When I copy the formula, A1 appears written in blue and the A1 box of the file I am checking is framed with the same blue.
Also, the brackets before A1 and after FALSE are violet.
I’m not sure this is of any help, though.
Any spare ideas?
let’s try another formula.
Did you understand – even roughly – what I explained about file names and sheet names?
Yes, I understand why the name of the file that needs checking should not be part of the formula. That part makes sense to me.
No luck with the latest formula.
When you enter the different formulas in the cell, what is written in the cell after you press ENTER?
Once I press enter the formula in the cell stays the same: =if(vlookup(A1;[French_Glossary_14May.xls]NoDups!A:B;2;FALSE)=B1;”correct”)
There’s just that error message that pops up saying ‘The formula you typed contains an error.’
I am sorry, I don’t know what to do.
You should contact to see if she could put you in touch with.
He helped me figure it out.
Okay, thanks for your help anyway.
It is not that much of a problem as I don’t have to proofread item files for the time being.
But let me know if anybody’s got an idea of what the problem might be.
would probably know since he created the formula.