[These pages concern interesting correspondence between our translators and project managers at KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]

Uploaded and Proofread German Files Must Send Back for Check

I know, I know, you told me not to, but I spent 20 minutes figuring out why this one won’t export and I am too tired to do more.

I packed in 14h with the other 4 files. So instead of 14_glmn_GER you have

14_ghlmn_GER. This is how bundled them in first place anyway.

I promise I’ll have more by… umm, 9 in the morning.Russia?




What do you mean how I get them? All files I get are either form you or form , this 14i was in the 14ci_GER.rar you uploaded for me 1 hour ago.

Nope, notRussia. 9amRussiatime is 3pm inNepal- way too late. If you can have some earlier that would be much better. But it’s up to you.

Let me know.


Wow. Good I told the vettor to stop.

Are the new ones you just sent for sure proofread?

Yes. I keep them in separate folder. I also try to keep a list on paper, although that one is often outdate by a day.

What I am wondering is how you get your hand on them? It’s also not on files for Vetting spreadsheet.

Anyway, 14_glmn_GER.rar in the German folder.

Might not be much more. Run into a different bug.




I found untranslated text in 6b, I guess I should translate it !?

For solving the +questions it would be helpful to have the source text. Can you tell me where to find it?




What do you mean how I get them? All files I get are either form you or form , this 14i was in the 14ci_GER.rar you uploaded for me 1 hour ago.

The files I uploaded there are 11ci_GER.rar, which contains 11c.xls and 11i.xls.

I’m assuming you want the 11i.GER instead of 14i.GER





I just noticed I sent you the files without the English! How stupid of me.

I am going to send the bilingual files in few seconds.


I found untranslated text in 6b, I guess I should translate it !?

For solving the +questions it would be helpful to have the source text. Can you tell me where to find it?




I meant 11i. Just checked – really in 11i which I have there are 9 + marks. Not 14i, it’s my typo. It looks like an unproofread file. Or did you upload the officially unproofread that I will compare them?

What do you mean how I get them? All files I get are either form you or form , this 14i was in the 14ci_GER.rar you uploaded for me 1 hour ago.

The files I uploaded there are 11ci_GER.rar, which contains 11c.xls and 11i.xls.

I’m assuming you want the 11i.GER instead of 14i.GER





I’ve just uploaded file 14 k and 14 t




Hello again

file 17m and 17 n are also uploaded (Dorisproofread these files)




I uploaded following files:

They have been proofread and spellchecked.

Could you please take a look whether they are really there? If any file is missing I will upload them again.




Thank you for your reply and the interesting information concerning the server communication. I think that can give me a better understanding of all.

Then take note, please, that as a result of some trouble and misunderstanding referring to the mentioned file, I sent translated file in several steps (first step goes from seg#1000 up to 1100, 2 step goes from seg# 1000 up to 1516), the rest of the file goes untranslated as agreed before because not the complete file was assigned to me.

If you would like to get in detail, then send a short message, please.




Just to confirm that I spellchecked all three files I uploaded today, that is 10q, 10r and 10s.





File 19b you’re working on was supposed to be turned in Friday morning.

But so far we haven’t seen any of 9b, 13j, 14l, 18j, 19a, and 19b.

Maybe you’re sick, or busy, or was in an accident, but either way we can’t afford the risk of waiting any longer. Our internal deadline of Sunday already passed.

We will be reassigning those files to someone else. If you already have finished translating any of those files and submitted it, please tell me when and by what method you sent it, because I don’t have any record of it.




We had done and have submitted the following English to German files already:

7b, 7c, 7d, 16a, 16b, 16d, 14k, 14l, and 14r.

Except for 14q.

The 14q has not yet been started because needs to have it finished on Saturday but my translator can start working on it again on Sunday.

If can wait until the deadline on Monday, 14q would have been finished on the deadline but not before the deadline.

The French files (16a, 16b, and 16c) were not started because my French translators have their own difficulty with Transit and decide not to start.

That is why I need more translators to do samples again and be selected so that I have more translators to do files.

I am now waiting for Kenax payment already to my Moneybookers.





Thank you for updating me. As to checking if all files are there, please write a message to_PM – he manages all file receiving. I just don’t have access to that server.


I uploaded following files:

They have been proofread and spellchecked.

Could you please take a look whether they are really there? If any file is missing I will upload them again.




I have






Sorry about the single files. I looked but there simply aren’t any other files from section 12 that can be bundled together.

I also had 17e-o_FRA.rar, but turns out must have done and uploaded them independently, so that was wasted. My own fault too. I missed them on the Files for Vetting sheet.

We’ll try to get more coordinated in the future.




Were you able to find the unproofed version of 11i.DEU that uploaded to the server?

Did you get those + signs figured out?




We had done and have submitted the following English to German files already:

7b, 7c, 7d, 16a, 16b, 16d, 14k, 14l, and 14r.

Except for 14q.

The copy I have says you have 16c instead of 16d. Please confirm because the word count (and thus the pay) is different.

14q was reassigned to someone else. Sorry, but we really did need it by yesterday (and yes, it’s finished).

The French files (16a, 16b, and 16c) were not started because my French translators have their own difficulty with Transit and decide not to start.

I see. Thanks for letting know about that early. We were able to find replacements and got the files on time.

That is why I need more translators to do samples again and be selected so that I have more translators to do files.

When we have more things to translate, we’ll keep you in mind. We’re now in the proofing stage though.

I am now waiting for Kenax payment already to my Moneybookers.

You will have to talk to directly about that. Money-related matters are exclusively his purview.




Good morning.

I found it’s sure, but had not time to compare files. I don’t have other source of info on Excel but you and , so meantime this file is as it is.

Remember you told me some files were exported badly? Well, few of them got back to me undone (PM chose the best time to disappear).

They are GERMAN files:




I have someone to do them immediately, but can you reexport them?

Thank you!

If you will make for me even 50 files, I think I could load vettors to have them done by night.


Were you able to find the unproofed version of 11i.DEU that uploaded to the server?

Did you get those + signs figured out?




You are right, it was 16c instead of 16d which I mistyped.

I have herewith confirmed them again:

7b, 7c, 7d

16a, 16b, 16c

14k, 14l, and 14r.

In accordance with the Word Count info given by based on Googlesheet, the total volume for those files is: 23103 words.





The german files for 11f, 11g, and 11h are all exported and is in the usual directory.





I uploaded following files yesterday:

They have been proofread and spellchecked.

Could you please take a look whether they are really there? If any file is missing I will upload them again.




In the German folder.



Some of the proofed files came up misaligned due the Mrs. Samyo problem, where the period in the Mrs. causes Transit to start a new segment.

I’ve been fixing it as I go, but it does take time. Aren’t the proofers supposed to take care of it?




The files are all there and are being double-checked.

I cleaned up the ftp server since it was getting cluttered . It’s been sorted into several folders based on language, although I suppose you can’t see them.

It’s good that you mailed me and asked though. Better safe than sorry.




told me that the following German files have been spellchecked.

I haven’t checked and and exported (and fixed the bug on them if necessary) though. I’ll try to remember add a note too.




Uploaded 11j_GER.rar and 14 b_ijk_o_rst_GER.rar

I think 11j is the last file for the German translation of section 11.




I don’t know if has emailed you yesterday

but basically a translator has flaked out and we need one last file to be translated quick into German so we can close this.

the file is 17w.

If you can, that’ll be great. If you can’t, please let us know ASAP so we can look for another.




mailed me yesterday and told me about 17w. He asked me to translate the second half of that file. I did that and uploaded it a short while ago. Did you find it yet? Unfortunately, I won’t be able to help you any more today with that file. Sorry about that.






Uploaded 16_abcgilm_GER just now.




in this rar there is not file14k. Can you send it separately?

Uploaded 11j_GER.rar and 14 b_ijk_o_rst_GER.rar

I think 11j is the last file for the German translation of section 11.




mailed me yesterday and told me about 17w. He asked me to translate the second half of that file. I did that and uploaded it a short while ago. Did you find it yet? Unfortunately, I won’t be able to help you any more today with that file. Sorry about that.

Ah, good, has contacted you. Thanks for the help.





is out so I can’t ask him.

What’s going on with 17w? I was told you’re going to do the first half only after all. Is that right? In that case, have you turned that in? If you haven’t, when?




in this rar there is not file14k. Can you send it separately?

Done, taken care of.




can you contactDorisand tell her she’s missing a file? She (or you on her behalf) uploaded two files. 17m.TXF and 17n.TXF. However, they both contain 17m.GER.

File 17n.GER isn’t anywhere to be found.

Can you check on it, please, and make sure 17n is both proofread and sent correctly soon?

Thank you.




17_klm_GER uploaded.

If you’ve been wondering why I’ve just been sending you German files, that’s because we’re out of French files.




I just uploaded the file again (m) and it should contain both m and n, proofread.

If there are more problems, please contact me.



can you contactDorisand tell her she’s missing a file? She (or you on her behalf) uploaded two files. 17m.TXF and 17n.TXF. However, they both contain 17m.GER.

File 17n.GER isn’t anywhere to be found.

Can you check on it, please, and make sure 17n is both proofread and sent correctly soon?

Thank you.





The above file also contains 18a, which was yours to proofread.

However, neither the filename nor the list you just gave me has 18a in it.

Is this 18a proofed? Is it supposed to be included and you just forgot to list it?




17_klmx_GER.rar uploaded.




Sorry, no. The file you just uploaded still contains 17m.

TellDoristhat the file which is missing is 17n.

I just uploaded the file again (m) and it should contain both m and n, proofread.

If there are more problems, please contact me.



can you contactDorisand tell her she’s missing a file? She (or you on her behalf) uploaded two files. 17m.TXF and 17n.TXF. However, they both contain 17m.GER.

File 17n.GER isn’t anywhere to be found.

Can you check on it, please, and make sure 17n is both proofread and sent correctly soon?

Thank you.




How’s it going? Can I help in anything?




How’s it going? Can I help in anything?




no 18a, 18s and 18r have not been proofread by me because r ans s were not translated and a had a too many tag mistakes (the translator totally ignored the tags and put all of them at the end of each sentence without considering that they have to stay where they are) so sent that file back to the translator as far as I know.

I don’t know how to send single files so yes a, s, t have been uploaded too but they have not been proofread. Only those files that I list in the file name.

Best wishes



The above file also contains 18a, which was yours to proofread.

However, neither the filename nor the list you just gave me has 18a in it.

Is this 18a proofed? Is it supposed to be included and you just forgot to list it?




just tried for a second time. It should be file 17n_german_doris_proofread2.txf.




Regarding 17w, which part/segments are yours?




We need an available German translator who’s not proofreading to finish translating 17w. The first half. The second half has been translated.

Do you know of any?

Also, where do the translator usually download the files from?




has file 17x been proofread already?

Please let me and know. Thank you.




A few of our translator has flaked off and we’re scrambling to finish things at the last minute.

Would you be available for a last minute translation work?




Skipping section 18. Bug takes too much time to squash.

Uploaded section 19_a-f_GER.rar




Hello, I was not aware that 17x was assigned to me or my team.

Can you please check on this?



Hello, I was not aware that 17x was assigned to me or my team.

Can you please check on this?

17x was in one of ‘s files. The file in question is 17_proofread_ .TXF

Can you check with her? If it’s not hers, why is it in there?




No doubt you’ve seen ‘s mail.

Well, you’ve submitted 18s. The problem with that isn’t in your translation, but with the structure of the original English file, so not your fault. I’ve emailed about this.

That said, I still don’t have 17d. If you have sent it, please let me know roughly when and where you sent it.




17n_GER.rar uploaded. It came some hours after I sent the earlier files, so it’s left all single and alone. Poor 17n.

I’m almost out of files to send you. The files from section 18 needs to be bug-fixed first. But other than that I have no more for you.

Can you send me an update version of Files for vetting sheet so I can doublecheck and make sure nothing got accidentally lost?




there were some serious problems with some files in 17 and the policy was at the time to send problematic files back to the translators to fix. did that and told / about this. Apparently, the files have not been fixed. does not have the capacity to do these files today and neither do I. I’m sorry, but there must have been problems in communicating the corrections issues.


Hello, I was not aware that 17x was assigned to me or my team.

Can you please check on this?

17x was in one of ‘s files. The file in question is 17_proofread_ .TXF

Can you check with her? If it’s not hers, why is it in there?




only asked me to repair 17c.

If there is also an alignement problem with 17d I can get started on it straight away.

Tell me if that’s the case, only talked about a problem in 17c, so I didn’t check the other one.




Just in case you don’t know, I only repaired the alignment in the file 17c, as asked me to do, but I wasn’t the one translating it…




18_d-g_mpqt_GER.rar has been uploaded.

Please double check the Excel files and make sure the segments and the Chinese characters (if any) are alright.




Ok I went through the file and founf the problem I will fix it and send the file in within 15-20 min.

Never mind if an other translator already took care of it, I prefere to do it just in case to make sure you won’t be late because of that.




A few of our translator has flaked off and we’re scrambling to finish things at the last minute.

Would you be available for a last minute translation work?

unfortunately I’m already booked solid for this week.






the second half of 17w is mine.





Ok I think the file 17d is fixed now and I’ve uploaded it here as well, but also on the link you asked me to the other day.

I was only supposed to fix the alignement (not to proofread it), but I still saw at least one big mistake that should be corrected: “Vous apprend comme …” instead of “Vous apprend comment …”.

It’s not wrong everywhere but I’ve seen this mistake in several segments towards the end (where the alignement problem was).

Tell me in case you want me to correct it and in case you want me to check if I find other mistakes in the document.

Thank you.




No, don’t bother correcting it. Let the proofreaders fix it. That’s what they’re for. Instead, change of plans. As you saw in that mail, some translators flaked out at the last minute. Now, I’m going to take an hour break and hope that they’ll pull through at the last hour, but if not, we’ll reassign those.

I can’t promise you anything. Maybe a miracle will come and they’ll all come through. But assuming worst case scenario, how many files do you think you can finish in 24 hours?




I’m sorry to disturb you but I try to contact without any reply for now, I translated the French file 14J and I send it to Yesterday morning, I see in the email he send me today that you don’t have yet the file, I send it once again to today but I don’t know if you have it.

Please let me know if you need me to send it to you also this way you’ll have it in your records






Any idea if any of the proofreader’s available?

I also need that list of what Excel files you have so far so I can check it with my paper notes (I know, primitive).




Well it’s hard to say… do you mean translating entire files like 18s and 14t?

In that case, 1 for sure but I prefere not to say 2 depending on the difficulty, length and when I receive it, even if it could be possible…

I’ll stay connected and check my mails often in case you don’t receive the missing work during your break (or need other files to be fixed or wathever).




I told you earlier that says her files have been spellchecked. I forgot to write so in their filenames though.

Her files are:

They’ve all been uploaded, although I have bundled many of them with files from other proofreaders with the same section.




I’m sorry to disturb you but I try to contact without any reply for now, I translated the French file 14J and I send it to Yesterday morning, I see in the email he send me today that you don’t have yet the file, I send it once again to today but I don’t know if you have it.

Please do not send files to unless you really have to.

gets hundreds of email a day. Seriously. Just today I counted 50 back and forth correspondences between me and him. The chance of your mail getting lost in the shuffle is big. Oh, it’s there, and eventually will be found, but it takes time.

Instead use the upload server at





Proofreader? In French?… If you just have a question ask, but if to do something… Try?

I just sent you my updated file to your gmail account. tell me if you got it.

Any idea if any of the proofreader’s available?

I also need that list of what Excel files you have so far so I can check it with my paper notes (I know, primitive).




First, I apologize for this late reply. Thank you for your messages, I’m glad to learn that the quality of my translations is satisfying.

I received a message from stating that there are still French files that are not translated yet. So I think it would be better if I took some of these files, I think I would be more efficient at translating these than at spellchecking, at least for the moment.

Thank you for your understanding.




first, I apologize for this late reply. I got a message from stating that there are still some French files that are not translated yet. So, is it okay if I handle some of these? I told I would start with the files 8z and 9s but didn’t get any answer. Can you tell me if it’s all right?

Thank you.



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