Okay I informed about the glossary(ies) butly I can’t say for sure either, I’ve been working only on glossary files for a few days now I must have 50 of them with different names.
I think I used glossary 14may to create the capsfix so if she needs to compare it might be the best version. If she wants to update though that’s another story, JM and I have both our own version that we have improved during the proofreading stage. Not sure what would be more appropriate for.
Regarding the script, well, once it’s finished it’s important to replace all the quotes signs like ” ” and by ‘ ‘ to avoid compatibilty issues.
If there is some more time before the delivery, JM and I can do some fine tuning manually. I hope we will have some time.
I think you should check with, he is the lead translator for the French project and he has been in touch with other PMs. He probably knows what needs to be taken care of next.
Working on the 01_alpha file took me longer than I expected but I am available again this week.
said that we are going to work on the section 5 files so I would be available for this.
here‚’s my advice for the following terms
file 209:
Please tell the translator not to put any + signs behind the Chinese.
I‚’ve always left it untouched and just marked as translated.
Maybe it‚’s good to tell about chinese signs when delivering the translation.
And, is it possible to just use the OT message system?
I have technical problems to answer any messages from this place here if I‚’m logged in longer than one or two minutes.
I always have to log out and in again before I can send any answers from here.
Thank you.
I will use OT for you next time.
The script is done running.
You can find the result at
I don’t know if there’s time to tweak things any further. Have a look at the file and see.
Iit looks fine, there’s not enough time for a thorough check though, let’s just hope the customer will be satisfied.
Good night then and hopefully we’ll get BOI back soon enough.
We have started vetting process already and to keep mailing more organized, please create a new ticket from here:
with Subject “Vetting” so that we could contact you on purpose.
Thank you!
Hi !
Thanks for your personal invitation! (-;
Indeed, I have a lot of time to give the coming 3 weeks. I’ll let or one of the other PMs know when I’m ready to go.
BTW, I still cannot send you anything directly, as I’m still blacklisted on Boxbe. Could you give me the green light, please?
We need your advice about two points.
1)Please, take a look at the file 01_reps Alpha. It was translated by Stephan, who used to provide rather good quality. was the one to proofread. He told that the quality of translation was extremely bad, with lots of grammar mistakes. As we can not evaluate the situation, please try to understand what has happened there. Whether the translation was really so awful, or the text was so complicated,…we can’t get it.
2) From the very beginning there was an instruction for BOI not to use quotes in German. Finally the client told that we can use quotes. While vetting the files it turned out that some translators fixed quotes exactly like in English, some-didn’t,some-depending on the case. As a result the text of the game doesn’t have common punctuation style. Now we need to work out concrete instruction like “no quotes at all” or “quotes exactly like in English”. From the previous communication with translators I understood that the is no way to avoid quotes in target insome cases. What I need to know, is to know if there are such differences betwen Eng and Ger punctuation, when it is right to use quates in English, but unacceptable in German. Finally if we can enact the instruction to fix quotes exactly like in the source text.
Looking forward to hearing from you
P.S. My second question takes the priority at the moment. Please, let me know your opinion ASAP.
please post in Open Ticket – Z_Get so we can assign you some work. We’re trying to move out of this Communication System page (this current page) because it doesn’t work very well and need re-coding. Also, if you don’t know already, isn’t assigning files himself anymore via email. File assignment is done via Open Ticket by a project manager (I’m one).
Go to http://www.translationstop.com/OT/
Submit a ticket. In the category select Z_Get (this is important, if you pick the wrong category it won’t get seen in time). For priority… use High this time so we’ll see you right away. Make sure you put your KENAX ID number together with your first name to make our accounting easier.
Thank you.
I will have time to look at 01 reps alpha tomorrow night (Thursday) and will report to you then.
Regarding quotation marks: I wasn’t aware of the instructions not to use quotes. At the top of my mind I cannot think of an example where it would be bad/not fitting/bad style to use them in German. However, this may be hard to standardize as sometimes they may not be necessary in German and sometimes they help understanding. I would assume that simply using the same quotation profile as the source should be the safest thing to do. The proofreaders can still check this afterwards. For now I would advise to use the as in the source. I’ll try to get some more opinions on that as soon as possible, too.
are you available for translation work? I promise you that yes, we have enough to keep you busy for at least 2 weeks.
Nicola, are you available for translation work? We have enough to keep you busy for at least 2 weeks.
Are you available for translation work? I promise you that yes, we have enough to keep you busy for at least 2 weeks.
Are you available for translation work? I promise you that yes, we have enough to keep you busy for at least 2 weeks.
I will be available from Monday. I am happy to receive a file / files but please note that I won’t be able to start translating before Monday.
Thanks for the file. Should be ready by Monday. Will get back to you for more by then!
BTW, I’ve got me a new PC since Jade Dynasty. Any idea whether or not Transit will run under Windows 7 64bit? With my old PC I hadVistarunning, but Transit wouldn’t work, so I had to revert to my old XP notebook.
thanks for your e-mail. I’m pretty busy right now and I can’t take on anything else at the moment, sorry. But to tell you the truth, even if I wasn’t – I haven’t been paid yet for my work on the previous project, I didn’t get any feedback regarding the quality of my work and I don’t even know whether I’m going to get any mony at all and until all that has been resolved I’m not going to start working on the new project. I haven’t badgered at all regarding payment because I realise that he’s horribly busy with everything but I do hope you understand my point of view. I really did enjoy translating for you guys and I’d like to do so again, but first the problem regarding payment has to be resolved. I simply can’t keep on working for you not knowing whether I’ll get any money for my work. Hope you understand!
Have a nice day!
Will try installing Transit under W7 now.
BTW, where can I get all thing necessary for BOI? Things like how to treat hyphens, protocols etc.?
Looking forward to working with you
Me again…
Could you please send me a link to download Transit and the serial number, please?
Thanks and sorry for the hassle
* what are the procedures if you are not certain of your translation?
‘+’ at the end of a term
* how do we deal with hyphens when translating?
* how do you attach a glossary to a project and transfer the terms into your translation?
In Transit: Project Settings Termstar Dictionaries tab
* how do you mark a segment as Translated and what is the shortcut key to transfer the text from the fuzzy window? (ALT 2 jumps without transferring the contents.)
* what is the rule for quotation marks?
single quotations rather than double
* how do you deal with Chinese characters when you get to them?
Don’t translate, don’t mark as translated.
You should have contacted him, since he was busy enough that he forgot about you. Sorry for that.
He’s asking you to contact him. I don’t know, send him another invoice or something.
Hello again!
I still need the download link and the serial number for the full version of Transit.
Or can I use the freelance version I found somewhere on the site?
I still have the full Transit version installed on my XP notebook, but I’d rather work on my new PC under W7.
What do you suggest?
much to my surprise I can’t find out the payment information for you. In particular, the proofreading for JD French 1b that you did.
Trying to make sure you get paid correctly here. Do you have an invoice for your work in Jade Dynasty? Complete invoice with breakdown for individual files etc.?
Several months ago for Jade Dynasty you translated file 17x. Do you still have an invoice for that? I need to know the cost of that file. Thank you.
Several months ago back in Jade Dynasty you translated file 17x. You should still have an invoice for that file, right? Can you tell me the cost of translating that file?
My invoice for file 17x is 107,94 USD.
If you want participate in BOI project please go to:
and read as much information as you can.
Before you get your first assignment, please, answer the questions below, so that we could make sure you understood everything right.
* what are the procedures if you are not certain of your translation?
* how do we deal with hyphens when translating?
* how do you attach a glossary to a project and transfer the terms into your translation?
* how do you mark a segment as Translated and what is the shortcut key to transfer the text from the fuzzy window? (ALT 2 jumps without transferring the contents.)
* what is the rule for quotation marks?
* how do you deal with Chinese characters when you get to them?
Please let us know how many words you can take care of within a week.
To submit you answers please go to:
and submit a new ticket.
We look forward to hear from you soon!
Best wishes
I actually never “wrote” an invoice. I did translate the file and there should be the word count somewhere in the old google sheet but I have not idea about the cost.
I only saw that with 2 files, ‘s name was associated with the files but wanted to change that….
sorry that I am not more of help.
thank you for your e-mail. I’ll repeat what I already told: I haven’t been paid yet for my work on the last project and I’m not going to work on the new project until I have been paid. I can’t work for you guys not knowing whether I’ll get paid for my work.
Please, provide me hours report for the files you proofread for JD Rescue.
here is the breakdown
so 15 hours in total
I’m tweaking CS so that you can now respond directly from your email program by double clicking on the link at the bottom. Can you confirm to me that you received this and that it is working for you?
Please, provide me your hours report for the files you proofread
for JD Rescue.
workin dude?
sending again. This is so fun!!
New translators started, but they don’thave an access to CS yet. So till they have it we’ll forward their questions to you.
Caroll[299]findet es schwierig, der Kalte einer Wusten nacht zu widerstehen, selbst wenn sie in einem Zelt schlaft. (desert night)
muss der Bindestrich sein? Es ist ja nichts Spielrelevantes, also kein Character oder Gegenstand…
You can send you reply to me, I’ll forward it back)) Or submit a new ticket “New translators’ questions” and answer there, so that any PM could see it.
Please, let me know the time you spent for proofreading file 1b
Thank you!
Please, provide me you full hours report for JD Rescue. I understand, you must have uploaded it already to Reports, but there is much mess now, I want to be sure about info.
Thank you!
Here is my hour count for JD Rescue:
One more thing.
Explain me please what is
Item files 1-4 19,5
Inconsistencies 7
Thank you and sorry for stealing your time!
I cannot find your hours report for proofreading JD Rescue. I understand, you must have been uploaded it to Reports,but it’s such a mess there now. Just want to make sure I get right info. Please, provide me it one more time.
Thank you!
Sorry for my previous message.
has just updated methat now you have access to all
OT tickets.
In this case there is no need to create that “new translators’
questions” ticket, of course.
Best wishes
For “Item files 1-4”, I checked files 1a 1b 1c 1d 2a 2b 2c 2d 3a 3b 3c 3d 4a 4b 4c 4d with a macro to make sure all items appeared exactly the same as in the glossary. It took me 19,5 hours to check these 16 files.
For “inconsistencies”, I tracked terms translated inconsistently throughout the French project and sent a list (roughly 200 entries) to so as to replace all inconsistent terms in the final files.
This task took me 7 hours.
Let me know if you need further explanations.
One more thing.
Explain me please what is
Item files 1-4 19,5
Inconsistencies 7
Thank you and sorry for stealing your time!
Thank you for reminding me.
I remember that you were working really MUCH and gave us a rigid support before the deadline.
I just couldn’t remember what exactly you were doing. That’s my mess in my head, sequently my fault.
Thank you very much!
here are the files I proofread with the amount I spent on each of them:
I hope it’s all right.
Also, can you tell me about the status of the French translation for the JD project?
And what about the BOI project? Will it be translated in French?
Thank you.
did you retrieve my comments on the files above? I sent them last weekend, when you were out, via the PM.
I still have not turned in these files, so if you could send me your comments on my questions, I could finish them.
I have uploaded a commented version to. Please ask him. If he doesn’t respond timely, I can send them to you again.
If you want get started please go to:
and read as much information as you can.
Before you get your first assignment, please, answer the questions below, so that we could make sure you understood everything right.
* what are the procedures if you are not certain of your translation?
* how do we deal with hyphens when translating?
* how do you attach a glossary to a project and transfer the terms into your translation?
* how do you mark a segment as Translated and what is the shortcut key to transfer the text from the fuzzy window? (ALT 2 jumps without transferring the contents.)
* what is the rule for quotation marks?
* how do you deal with Chinese characters when you get to them?
Please let us know how many words you can take care of within a week.
We look forward to hear from you soon!
Best wishes
Use that to upload translated Transit files. Do not send translated Transit files via the CS here. I got a notice that you uploaded (or tried) to upload something here, but I don’t actually see any file.
Don’t worry about my uploaded file Iknow I was mistaken and did it twice and used finally by the corect upload server according to the new instructions. That file upload was successful.
Given that we’ve stopped proofreading and went to quick spotchecking, I’m going to officially cancel the proofreading assignment for 184-186. We have your proofread 182-183 back from the 18th.
ich wollte dir gerade wie von vorgeschlagen einen kurzen Auszug meiner aktuellen ubersetzung schicken, allerdings finde ich hier keine Muglichkeit, Dateien zu versenden.
Noch eine Frage: Sollen Vorschlage fur das Glossary direkt an dich gehen? Da waren die Anweisungen namlich bisher recht unklar (ubernahme in ein Add_new-Glossary, Kopieren in eine Word-Datei etc.).
Danke schon mal fur die Antwort und viele Gruse!
told me to upload the files again that I translated for JD. I just did that and uploaded these six files to the folder 002_BOI because there obviously is no folder for JD any more. Please confirm receipt! Thank you. Apparently now that the project is finished you’ll have to assess the quality of my work so that perhaps I’ll get paid for it. I don’t understand this way of working but there you go, it’s not your fault.
Have a nice day!
I was told to send you the beginning of my translation. I copied it and pasted it into a Word file. Hope that’s what ok.
I had a look at it and hope it’s ok for you.
I left 1 “+” because I’m not sure about the context. The pronoun seems wrong.
I’m almost at 90% of the file (translation). As requested I’m going to send you only 1 file a day to communicate possible problems.
All the best from sunnySicily
Till next time
PS I’ve tried to send a file from here, but although I chose a project on this page I can’t send it. Please help. (anyway I’ll try again)
PPS I can translate also into Italian (it’s not stated in my CS page)
yesterday I tried to send the first pages of my translation through CS…
but I managed only to send a message.
My translation is almost finished. Only my proofreading and some corrections have to be done.
Hello Dulio
you upload through the upload TR link through FS, and please announce this to the crew through OT, as per the instructions. I am not handling this.
please, update me when you think you have reps section ready. And one more thing, would you mind if I assign you a few more files of new translators to spotcheck and make a comments list for them?
please use the OT (online-ticket) system for uploads of such files. Actually, please direct technical questiosn like this to the PMs. Greetings back to sunnySicily(not so bad here inGermanyeither :-)).
Do you receive notifications from OT?
I suspect not, because I asked you to confirm my last message to you
but you didn’t.
Please, check your latest tickets and let me know if you have any problems with notifications.
yes, I did get/do get all these messages, but I’m having to juggle all this, so forgive me if my answers aren’t always prompt. I seem to have 3 open online tickets and the CS and the mails with , translators, proofreaders and PMs contacting me directly or in various ways.
So I’ll spotcheck Theresa’s file and will then switch to translating. What sort of comments were you thinking of for me to write up for her? I’m also preparing a glossary update, which is quite important, I think.
I understand that you really overtasked, just started to worry whether you get these notifications.
As for Theresa… if you spot some typical mistakes she does, or you can see how she could do what she does better, just make notes. Something like ” welcome onboard letter”. I won’t assign you now any new translators’ samples in such cicrumstances, we need your opinion only relating to Theresa.
I’ve compiled a few linguistic tough ones from my recent file. Could you have a look at these questions and hopefully get back to me with advice? Also, are you the right contact to send suggestions for the glossary to?
File 5_291
Seg. 290
Participate in Activity of Trial for the Brave and defeat Trial Adjudicator
Does ¢‚¬Å¾activitye needs to be translated as ¢‚¬Å¾Aktivitate or could you just leave it out altogether? Is is an established RPG term?
Seg. 302
Trip Of Trial for the Brave
Meaning of trip in this case? Reise Prufung fur die Mutigen?
Seg. 320
The players that kill Son of the Ancient Dragon will gain the state of Blood Line of Ancient Dragons. Form a party of at least 3 people, all in the state of Blood Line of Ancient Dragons (…)
Isn’t there a contradiction in this bit? You will only gain Blood Line of Ancient Dragons in this instance but you need it to take part as well? How will that be possible?
Seg. 327
Enter the Dragon Emperor’s Crypt Instance
Correct German expression for ¢‚¬Å¾enter an Instancee? Eine Instanz betreten or An einer Instanz teilnehmen?
Seg. 346
Fight In Knight’s Jail
Amiguous meaning: Kampft im Ritter-Kerker oder Kampf im Ritter-Kerker?
told me to upload the files again that I translated for JD. I just did that and uploaded these six files to the folder 002_BOI because there obviously is no folder for JD any more. Please confirm receipt! Thank you. Apparently now that the project is finished you’ll have to assess the quality of my work so that perhaps I’ll get paid for it. I don’t understand this way of working but there you go, it’s not your fault.
We received your files.
I apologize, but earlier when I checked the folder where was supposed to store the assessment that the proofreaders make whenever they proofread something, there’s nothing for you!
The assessment wasn’t supposed to be done at the end, it’s supposed to be done pretty much when we got your files and then compiled at the end. But for some reason your folder isn’t there. Which means that we had to redo it, because we already deleted the assessment files, and that’s why we asked for your files again.