I’m sorry, I’ve uploaded the file 15t twice. The good file is the one entitled :
1275766123-French_JD_100201_Localize_15t – French Proofread.xls
Is there something I can help you with ?
if so please let me know.
Unfortunately, no. Unless you can do German too?
‘s in charge of the Jade Dynasty repair project though. And I’m sure she can use people there. Have you emailed her?
Me, I’m focusing on the German side of BoI, where we have a tentative approval to continue. So try .
Unfortunately I work only in English and French, not German.
Thank you for answering my email and good luck with your project.
I have sent you a message on OT saying that I was available, just to let you know!
I guess I won’t be able to do much today, but please send anyway as I am free tomorrow and the next days too.
I have been only working with the dictionary since yesterday and I can barely finish that today. I’m going through it as fast as I think can be done, but there are many term issues and consistency issues. So far, I’ve input about 17 hours this weekend. I have not even started continuing with the translation.
There are also problems with the translation file (I wonder if I’m the first to run into these?).
Specifically, the new method of segmentation creates problems because an Excel source text that is already cryptic becomes entirely incomprehensible:
] stares lovingly at [
expecting to say something…
] stares lovingly at [
expecting to say something…
The distance has made the hearts of [
and [
The distance has made the hearts of [
and [
] needs [
], just like he needs to breathe
] needs [
], just like he needs to breathe
] wants to hold [
]’s hand, and never let it go.
] wants to hold [
]’s hand, and never let it go.
is willing to sacrifice the life any time to be together with [
is willing to sacrifice the life any time to be together with [
] loves [
], and does that need a reason? Does it really need a reason?
The emotion in the dreams now becomes the most realistic existence.
stares lovingly at
expecting to say something…
The distance has made the hearts of
just like he needs to breathe
wants to hold
‘s hand, and never let it go.
is willing to sacrifice the life any time to be together with
and does that need a reason?
Does it really need a reason?
So the brackets do not get displayed which makes it impossible to infer where a placeholder might be. Moreover, even if I assume the placeholder to be at a certain position, I assume Transit will export back without recording that position, as there is no tag:
[]wants to hold [
]’s hand, and never let it go.
becomes: “will die Hand von halten und nie wieder loslassen”. (The brackets/placeholder MUST be between “von” and “halten”).
The problems we run into with word order are a whole different story.
I don’t know if this is indeed a segmentation problem but assume it is at least partially.
Moreover, the assumption that dictionary terms can be enormously time saving in such a file is a bit misleading until we have a good/proofread glossary. I know, you told me to finish the glossary first, but I assumed a 2000 word file to be the work of one easy day. German simply is a bitch when it comes to endings and flections, so even if the dictionary would be perfect, there will/would be aLOTof checking work involved.
Also, given the way the Transit dictionary works, I have now decided to go back to my original method of NOT inserting all dictionary terms before I start to translate. The German target will get almost unreadable if I do that:
You got Bean Knight Basic Summon Card becomes:
You got Bohne Ritter Einfach Herbeirufen Karte
If the terms Bean Knight and Basic Summon Card are not yet in the glossary (Basic, Summon, Bean, Knight and Card are, but as individual terms), it then has to be adjusted to:
Ihr erhaltet die Einfache Beschwurungs Karte des Bohnen Ritters.
In this case, it is much faster to just leave the source and translate it (possibly using ALT-T for some select terms).
I’m really trying hard to deliver on time but it seems to me that the dictionary/glossary is still very much a “raw diamond” and I simply did not expect it to be that much work. And the word count for the 02_reps_file may be accurate, but not realistic in terms of time input.
Tomorrow and Tuesday I will have no time for translating and to my regret I have to ask you now how I should proceed: Assign the rep-file to someone else?
I hope this gets displayed in any meaningful way, since the web interface obviously does not display HTML formatting.
You’re the first one to report those kind of problems. But then again we only just started.
The segmentation issue you mentioned are caused by the brackets they use to tell the game where to put the character names. Hmmm, I can’t even copy it from Transit, since it’s treated as a special protected tag.
I am not sure what the best step to do now, but given that translation progress on BOI have totally stopped due to waiting for both 02_reps and the glossary, I’ll reassign 02_reps to someone else and ask you again to please finish the glossary ASAP.
I am not sure how to handle the word count for the work done so far on the 02_reps. I had hoped to avoid the issue by not splitting the work, but we can’t wait any more. I will worry about that later though.
The time issue for 02_reps is supposed to be subsumed into the glossary work. Your example about the Bean Knight, for example, would mean that a new entry to the glossary is needed, and that’s glossary work.
A suggestion: if you find anything else of 02_reps that you think should go into the glossary, go ahead and include it.
Anyway, please upload what’s done of 02_reps_DEU right away so I can transfer it to someone else.
Hello, I have uploaded 02_reps without a glossary. Is the Addnew_pxf-procedure still in place? I will include all dictionary terms I’ve entered in Transit so far into the excel glossary.
Bonjour, m’a dit que je pouvais vous contacter quand j’avais des questions. J’aimerai connaitre votre avis. J’espere que vous pourrez y repondre: (surtout comme le glossaire est parfois ‘inconsistent’)
faut-il enlever maintenant les espaces avant les ponctuations?
Frontiere Sud ou sud?
Ca ou cela? je trouve que cela est parfois moins ‘vivant’ que a§a, donc j’ai laisse a§a quand ca sonnait bien…
Vallee de l’Encens ou encens?
J’ai trouveCampEverrain: traduire par Camp de la Pluie incessante ou laisser Everrain?
ficher la paixlaisser tranquille?
Rot: Pourriture?
Wildland sanctuary: Sanctuaire Terres Sauvages ou Foret?
Begging by Backflip, n’a pas ete traduit, avez-vous une idee?
webspinner: fileur de toile ou tisseur de toile?
Bien entendu, je comprendrais si vous n’avez pas le temps de repondre
just wanted to tell you that you and the translators have done a really great job putting together the dictionary in such short time, never wanted to belittle your efforts, most of the dictionary is high quality stuff.
I have uploaded “my” version to the proofreading folder. The numbering on the left is probably not correct anymore. To the right I added a column with the English, one with the Old, one with the New terms and one with Status (stating if I have removed the term from the “prelim” version from you, left the same or changed a term).
At first I was a bit strict removing terms but left a lot more terms IN the glossary later on, so some of the removed ones at the beginning you may decide not to kick (I obviously haven’t proofed those few at the beginning very intensively, since I wanted them removed). Hope this helps and sorry for late delivery.
With the title Begging by Backflips, no one can refuse you. Ask some money from Sheera.
le traducteur ne l’a pas traduit: (je suppose que c’etait plus facile de ne pas traduire!)
Avec le titre de Mendiant, personnes ne peut rien vous refuser. Demandez une somme d’argent a Sheera.
30 Gold? That’s it? Sure, why not.
30 Or ? C’est a§a ? Certainement, pourquoi pas.
Please check on translation of Gold
il y a ce commentaire dans le fichier Excel a cute de cette phrase, mais je ne sais pas ci la question a ete resolue ulterieurement, donc a priori je laisse tel quel, mais si vous avez un avis…
I cancel the files assignment. Do not proofread any files.
Dans des fichiers traduits/relus precedemment. EN l’occurence, 19 Repetitions.
I have made the changes in file 7h and uploaded it a few minutes ago.
I also wanted to ask you about a term I found in various files that has no entry in the glossary: Blade Manor. What’s the required translation? Manoir de la Lame? Domaine de la Lame?
Thanks for you help
“Manoir de la Lame”
You can download the files repetitions 19 here
Use it as a complement to the glossary. Please update the files you already proofed to remain consistent with the glossary and this file.
Contact me if you have questions.
You can download the files repetitions 19 here
Use it as a complement to the glossary. Please update the files you already proofed to remain consistent with the glossary and this file.
Contact me if you have questions.
You can download the files repetitions 19 here
Use it as a complement to the glossary. Please update the files you already proofed to remain consistent with the glossary and this file.
Contact me if you have questions.
You can download the files repetitions 19 here
Use it as a complement to the glossary. Please update the files you already proofed to remain consistent with the glossary and this file.
Contact me if you have questions.
merci! Cela va m’etre tres utile.
, how comfortable are you with Excel?
If we give you a macro and/or a VBS script, can you run it? What about a 7 MB Excel file? Can your computer handle it?
You’re aware of the inconsistency issue. A term is often translated several different ways by different people. Even if it’s the same way, they may capitalise or abbreviate it in different ways. We need someone to run a search and replace script (or even doing it manually) and go through the combined Excel file and make sure a term is translated consistently, capitalised consistently, and abbreviated consistently.
A vettor can do the search-replace easily, but I’m considering a French speaker because we may run into conjugation/context issues that needs some judgment to resolve.
I understood from that the BOI glossary is already completed. Do you think you could join the work on JD again?
Additionally, I don’t find on the uploads server the files you proofread so far. Please upload them that we would have the proofread copies. I am not making the final processing of French files yet, therefore if you may add anything to these files, they can be uploaded again as “updated” files. You can upload a compressed file, not need to upload one by one.
Thank you.
why not?
I’ve already uploaded one file yesterday, and I was going to upload the rest today… Was that for nothing?
Thank you for your reply.
I also received your message about the new complementary glossary and I uploaded it.
But it’s more than 1000 terms long. How do you want proofreaders to proceed? It is obviously impossible to check if every single term appears in every single file. Shall I read through the new glossary and try to remember which terms I came across in which files. I can do that but I might miss a few if I rely only on my memory.
already thinks I am way too slow and I am looking for a way to speed up my proofreading.
Have you any idea on how to make the updating rather quick?
Your recent ticket tells me that you did not check Open Ticket regularly nor did you set it up so that it notifies you of a new post.
Please go to Open Ticket, and then go to Profile.
Then, somewhere near the bottom, there’s a box titled “Notify me of new tickets and posts within my categories.”
Check that. Then save. This tells the software to email you a notification when there’s a new post.
Next, go to:
Actually, I’m not sure if that will work with your login ID, but basically find the post that you made on Friday evening. You’ll find that I replied back in Friday and assigned you some files to proofread. There’s a whole string of follow-ups too, which I guess you have not seen.
I have re-uploaded the files you were supposed to proof with a new dictionary/glossary attached, so you don’t have to download the new glossary separately.
You can find more details over in Open Ticket. Also, once you have read this and set the Profile accordingly, could you post something in that thread so I know that you’ve gotten the files?
Ummm, and please be fast. This misunderstanding means that we lost a whole weekend. Bummer. I can work with that still, but we’ll have to try to catch up.
Thank you!
Err, wait a minute on the downloading.
just gave me a new glossary, so I might as well replace the glossary with an even newer one.
tells me she submitted a ticket but never got an email notification of an answer so she submitted a second one. I do not remember having to check any email notification box for OT so I assumed these emails are being sent automatically, which is the way it worked for me. On the Kenax OT site, I cannot find any profile/options. Is it possible that I am in a database/email list which she is not?
You had not responded to my request to upload completed files or to update me of your progress from 4 days ago. We can not wait, therefore if translators disappear, their files may be reassigned.
Having sent my message, I waited half day for your reply before reassigning the files.
I am expecting from translators and proofreaders to be well communicative and to report their progress.
I think that waiting for response 3 days is enough, and further more, I think that 8 days for proofreading 4 files are absolute exaggeration.
Please let me know which files had you proofread already, and if you are interested to continue working on this project – inform me of you capacity in the close days. Any files I assign must be returned in a timely manner, otherwise we only loose time we don’t have.
told me that the Open Ticket software isn’t giving you a notification. Odd, because as far as I know it should work the same between you and. I’ll ask to look into it since he’s the one that set it up.
In the meanwhile, I’ll give you all the needed information here. Just remember to refresh your browser elsewindow just before hitting send when you reply here.
Okay, the files are 03 part 207, 208, and 209.
They can be found here:
‘s comments can be found below:
You don’t have to worry about the overwriting mentioned in the comments. That’s on’s side and won’t happen to you since they’re all packaged together.
The dictionary/glossary is included in the file, so the filesize is bigger than usual. Please use the filter to skip the pre-translated parts, etc.
Hmmm, capitalisation is normal. That is, in a sentence, first letter of the sentence. In an item name, location name, etc., first letter of each word (when appropriate). I don’t recall if German requires a space before colon and semicolon and exclamation marks etc., but by client’s request, things like “exclamation !” and “semicolon ;” should be shortened to “exclamation!” and “semicolon;” to save space. Kinda like English-style, really.
If there’s anything else, ask me or.
Sorry about the delay, I have just uploaded FrenchJD16_a_b_c_d in the JDRepair section.
For the record, I haven’t stopped working on JD, I don’t know if I told you but, for the past two weeks, I have moved toScotlandand have been looking for a flat. Basically I had to constantly change hotels and look around town to visit properties while keeping up my work. Between all the emails, the reports, the language issues and everything, you can understand how insane the situation was for me. and are aware of this though.
Anyway, the good news is that, as of today, I am officially settled, and my availability is now back to normal. Which is a great relief as I thought I would lose my mind. I did my best to be available to all of you guys during this transition, sorry about the inconvenience caused.
Now I can catch up quickly and get things back on track.
Please let me know if you need anything.
I didn’t know, but felt something was distracting you, that’s why I wasn’t sending any messages till today. I’m actually in a similar condition – running all across the city in searches for rent, so I understand what a discomfort it is. I wish you a very comfortable stay in your new place.
Back to business, you can see on GS what is our state.
Our team is, and, may-be, but her tendency to disappear for over a week is making it hard for me entrust her any work.
Jean is going to work on section 17. He suggested that due to fluency issues in her translation, is more suitable to work on the item lists, such as files from sections 1-5, so that what she does (she began yesterday).
is very slow, but somehow she is making it through section 8 (there are some unproofread files).
I know that is going to ask you to bring the French BOI glossary to perfection, but after you are done, if you could continue with section 16 it would be best choice for the moment.
As to deadlines – I suppose informed you that we either go for June 10-11 or, for “perfection”, to June 17. Since I don’t think there is a chance to proofread what we have left in 2-3 days, I guess the first one is not realistic. But tell me what do you think.
Sorry, I was not clear. You do not have to go through the entire file and check every term. If you remember terms you could not find in the glossary, look for them in 19 repetitions and if the translation is different from what you used, update your files accordingly.
This would be especially useful for place names like “Prison for the Cunning”, “Moontop Hollow”… Many place names can be found in this section.
Let me know if you have questions.
I uploaded file 1a on the server for your convenience. I worked on this file, you can use it for reference. The file can be found here:
There is a macro that will help you spot cells that need to be shortened. If you did not receive it, ask to send it to you.
In case you cannot find a term in the glossaries, write down a list of the changes you make and send it to me once you are done with the file so that I can check.
Let me know if you have questions.
Still haven’t received any new files and wanted to ask if everything is okay and when I can expect them.
Thank you for your reply. I already modified files 7h, 7i and 8a according to the new glossary as you said.
However, files 7e and 7f were lists of items so I’ll have a look at the report I wrote about those files to make sure the changes I made in those files are consistent with the new glossary.
I also have a few suggestions about terms I couldn’t find in the glossaries:
Templeof the Light into Temple de Lumiere
Aeolian Firmus into Firmus eolien
Dragon’s Skydance into Danse celeste du dragon
hierophant into hierophant?
Let me know if they’re ok or not so I can make the final changes to the files.
as I told you and and the others, I was off sick half of last week.
Moreover, I’d already told that I was not going to be able to work full-time on this, so you can’t tell me you weren’t aware of that.
I’m well aware that my production was below par last week, I’m sorry about that, and I’m willing to help. I did upload one file (7b) yesterday.
I’m free tomorrow and thursday, so you can assign me more files if you’d like. I won’t be in on Friday, but I can help next week on a half-time basis, approximately.
Let me know if that’s ok.
I’m glad to hear to you already made your files consistent with the rest. That’s great news. Since you wrote down all the changes you made, it should not be difficult for you to track inconsistencies.
I agree with your suggestions, but if you modify a term that should be capitalized, please capitalize.
Let me know if you have questions.
Thank you, I am glad you understand and I hope you find a nice place soon too. It quickly gets overwhelming when you have to deal with everything at once.
Anyway, I will keep working on section 16 and quickly catch up. The 17th of June sounds like the only viable deadline, obviously, and we should be ready by then.
The BOI glossary needs some more work so I can definitely take a look at it if needed. Although, just like I said to , I find it a bit ridiculous that the client would ask us for the BOI glossary now that we’re working on JD again…
I also need to prepare the reports for the files I have uploaded, which I will doght.
Regarding the team, I assume you couldn’t reach then? What about Dario? I proofread one of his file recently and the quality seemed pretty high.
Allright, I will start catching up on the reports/assignments and will check my emails later today/tonight. Please let me know if you need anything and I will get back to you once I am back online.
With many thanks
asked me to review and improve the glossary again. Has there been any updates since I shortened the character length?
Can I use the same file or is there a newer one?
With many thanks
Yes, I also don’t see other option then going for June 17.
No, did not respond to my messages. We have to work with what we’ve got.
Now again capitalization issues.
It seems that we still don’t have consistency and agreement about capitalization. As far as I know, there was an attempt to capitalize first letter of first word of each term or item name. This is also the instruction I was requested to give to all new proofreaders.
But client checked the glossary and found it inconsistent with this approach:
Lusen’s Enlightenment Book Livre de la Raison de Lusen
Magic Pendant Recipe Recette Pendentif magique
Magic Ornament Recipe Recette ornement magique
I guess that the fact that if the first word was abbreviated, then the next word was capitalized as well, added to impression of inconsistency.
At this point, they are suggesting to capitalize everything (all words in the term or item name) to make it easier to reach consistency.
I took a look at the files you uploaded, but section 16 is quite special, and I didn’t understand which approach did you use. From recent’s files I see that he had been capitalizing every word.
I strongly believe that we must get final decision on this issue and follow it (and adapt the glossary to it).
Please discuss this with, and try together to reach some final approach and let me know what did you decide.
For sure client wants something to be capitalized, as he thinks that players will not be able to understand when a special item is mentioned. Well… I already know it’s pretty much against French grammar, but that’s what he wants. Please think what to capitalize.
Yeah, there’s a very minor modification.
The client asked us to remove any terms where the English and French terms are the same. Which I just did.
If you want to use the new-ish file, it’s over at:
Other than that request, there was no other change to BOI glossary.