December 28, 2011

[These pages concern interesting correspondence between our translators and project managers at KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]

Tonight it’s not possible, but I could do it tomorrow (if it’s not too late).   —————————-   Hello thank you for getting back to me… It was a shorter task than I expected, I did it myself. Thank you anyhow.   —————————-   Can you contact us via the Open Ticket system, please? There’s […]


says that we lost you. If I may ask, is this due to payment issue or something else? If it’s payment, just said that client finally approved payment for first batch of BOI files and he estimates 6 banking days for it to clear. The client still hasn’t paid for the final work on JD […]


Okay I informed about the glossary(ies) butly I can’t say for sure either, I’ve been working only on glossary files for a few days now I must have 50 of them with different names. I think I used glossary 14may to create the capsfix so if she needs to compare it might be the best […]


Allright, so aked me to figure out a strategy to deal with the capitalization issues. Do you know where I could download the most up to date project files? I need to take an overview of the project to see how bad (how good hopefully 😉 ) is the capitalization. Many thanks in advance   […]


I wonder if you have received my previous message through OT?   —————————-   I followed the glossary everywhere, and changed acccordingly, so maybe I haven’t got the right glossary, the one I received is from 14th May. The example he gives, with ‘coutelas’, is the term showing up in glossary, I found it wrong […]


This capitalization thing is seriously puzzling me. Do people even realize that the capitalization rules advised are simply the French capitalization rules? These are the rules taught to every French kid in elementary school. People marketing themselves as French translators should know this better than anyone else. I have already written 3 different sets of […]


This capitalization thing is killing me and I believe I have been discussing this with for over a month now. Here is an excerpt from the last email I sent him. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To sum up for JD: *Character names are fully capitalized – Example: Shaw Danon, Bilu, etc. *Area names are fully capitalized – Example:IncenseValley- […]


I’m sorry, I’ve uploaded the file 15t twice. The good file is the one entitled : 1275766123-French_JD_100201_Localize_15t – French Proofread.xls   —————————-   Is there something I can help you with ? if so please let me know. Respectfully   —————————-   Unfortunately, no. Unless you can do German too? ‘s in charge of the […]


I believe amulet was a term that virtually never occured in JD, so “Amulett” was “free” as the translation for charm. In this project, I think Glucksbringer is a good solution given the fact that amulet does occur regularly.   —————————-   yes, I will fix up the other two files according to my notes. […]
