I can’t help you troubleshoot that problem. I just learned Transit myself. I’ll tell about it. He’s the software expert.
However, go ahead and send me the ENU and DEU files as a zip. I can get around it.
By the way, ‘s notes show that you’re translating 11j. Any idea when that’s going to be done?
I’m a new project manager and I’m trying to get a better idea of how far everyone has progressed with their part.
My notes show that Kenax has assigned 17n to you. How far along you and when do you think you’ll be done?
Also, there’s a French translator with the same name. Are you her or does she just happen to have the same name as yours?
I completed the proofreading of 14d and wrote a small report. Where shall I send it ?
Kind M-A West
Ooops, misread the notes there.
You should have 16f, right?
I‚’ve sent the translation of 11j to two weeks ago. That file was named “German_JD_100201_Localize_11h.i.j.TXF”.
Ok, I have uploaded 3 proofread files as zipped files (containing DEU + ENU file).
Please let me know if anything doesn‚’t work.
I completed the proofreading of 14d and wrote a small report. Where shall I send it ?
For now, send it to the same directory together with the other files. I’ll move it somewhere else as soon as possible.
By the way, what’s going on with section 18o?
I’m almost done and will deliver the file tomorrow morning European time.
What is section 18o?
I should be done with 13j tomorrow, 19 a&b by Friday and 18 j by the end of the weekend. Let me know if this timeline is okay.
I sent an email right after this converstaion we had this morning. No asnwer..
I’m a new project manager and I’m trying to get a better idea of how far everyone has progressed with their part.
My notes show that Kenax has assigned 13j, 18j, 19a, and 19b to you. How far along you and when do you think you’ll be done?
Also, did you get 6a and 6b sorted out with yet?
I finished all my files a week ago and received an email from that all German files were finished and the proof readers are working in the files.
I sent the files 16 d, e and f in one ziped file to .
Please check…if you received d and e you should have f as well.
Let me know if you can’t find it and I will send them again.
I am having problems with sending the files with Transit and therefore have agreed weeks ago, that I would zip the files and send them with “normal” email.
just checked…the files were sent April 22nd and I informed about it. I even made her aware that there were some Chinese in the file and she told me to leave it untouched which I did.
So please check with her or with .
I should be done with 13j tomorrow, 19 a&b by Friday and 18 j by the end of the weekend. Let me know if this timeline is okay.
I sent an email right after this converstaion we had this morning. No asnwer..
Timeline should be alright. Keep them coming.
I believe is out on a short trip yesterday (or today, depending on your timezone) but should be back in a day.
What is section 18o?
Well, you know you’re proofreading 14c, 14d, 14h, and 14i, right?
There’s a corresponding 18o too.
If you don’t have that, don’t worry. I’m sure knows who’s translating the section.
I have not been assigned any translation.
just checked…the files were sent April 22nd and I informed about it. I even made her aware that there were some Chinese in the file and she told me to leave it untouched which I did.
So please check with her or with .
After checking further, looks like I misunderstood the color coding that uses. My mistake.
I‚’ve sent the translation of 11j to two weeks ago. That file was named “German_JD_100201_Localize_11h.i.j.TXF”.
Ok, I have uploaded 3 proofread files as zipped files (containing DEU + ENU file).
Please let me know if anything doesn‚’t work.
If you have sent it earlier to two weeks ago I’m sure that it has been received. I probably just missed the information somewhere. Don’t worry about it.
Sorry, I misread the letter i for j. I meant to ask how you are doing with 15i.
Did you receive my first 2 messages (they don’t appear in my outbox)?
I’ve already sent in 18s, but to like in the beginning.
I’m now working on 14t, I had to translate another small text for another client in between, but I’m done now and hope to finish 14t by tomorrow.
How can I send files directly to you?
I’m done with file 18g.
I think I should be done with file 18h within 3 days.
Did you receive my first 2 messages (they don’t appear in my outbox)?
I’ve already sent in 18s, but to like in the beginning.
I’m now working on 14t, I had to translate another small text for another client in between, but I’m done now and hope to finish 14t by tomorrow.
I don’t recall getting any messages from you. If they don’t appear in your outbox they probably never get sent in the first place.
About 18s, can you take a look at the original and see if the period in Mrs. Samyo breaks the segmentation in the English part?
As 14t, tomorrow’s fine.
How can I send files directly to you?
You can’t and I don’t want it done that way. If you send files directly to me I’ll end up having to upload them to the server first before I can work on it. Extra work. Instead, use the Upload link as per the instruction sent.
I’m done with file 18g.
I think I should be done with file 18h within 3 days.
In that case, can you upload 18g first? We can then proofread it while you work on 18h.
I’m a new project manager and I’m trying to get a better idea of how far everyone has progressed with their part.
My notes show that Kenax has assigned 19c and 19f to you. How far along you and when do you think you’ll be done?
Sorry for bugging you again.
Are you also working on 14l?
Ok never mind for my first messages then…
They contained the answer for “Mrs. Samyo” which doesn’t split the sentence, (if you mean by that, that the blue highlight is interupted because of the full-stop after Mrs) there is no interuption in the blue highlight.
I was wondering if you could help me with a vocabulary question I have (or shall I ask ?) concerning “Elder” and “Senior”: “Elder” is translated by “l’ancien”, but is “Senior” translated the same way?
Ok for the upload, thanks, I knew we had to proceed like that now, but I wanted to make sure that the main page was the right place to upload.
Since I’m a new project manager and I’m trying to get a better idea of how far everyone has progressed with their parts.
My notes show that your group (just how many people are you anyway?) should be working on 14r, 16d, 16e, 16f, 16g, 16i, and 16j. How far along you and when do you think you’ll be done?
Hi again
No problem. I am about to be done with that one.ght hopefully or tommorrw at the latest.
Sorry for bugging you again.
Are you also working on 14l?
Ok never mind for my first messages then…
They contained the answer for “Mrs. Samyo” which doesn’t split the sentence, (if you mean by that, that the blue highlight is interupted because of the full-stop after Mrs) there is no interuption in the blue highlight.
I was referring to the original English text, actually. In my copy the period causes the original English text to be split. I don’t know why, since sometimes it shouldn’t in the first place. Can you check yours? The English, not the French. Your French translation is fine.
I was wondering if you could help me with a vocabulary question I have (or shall I ask ?) concerning “Elder” and “Senior”: “Elder” is translated by “l’ancien”, but is “Senior” translated the same way?
Ask . I don’t know enough French to be able to answer that. Sorry.
Regarding the proper names:
Yes, good thinking on these terms and of course you may proceed in the described manner. Shortening to 31 characters probaby refers to compounds of proper names too.
Regarding the dictionary.
I will upload the dictionary in zipped format on the virtual office site. , however, has expressed concern that if translators and proofreaders will have to consult an Excel sheet it could slow them down. So I would like to ask you if you can get confirmation from him before you forward the file to the proofreaders.
Thank you very much and sorry for answering so late.
One of the proofreader says that a particular translator’s work is pretty bad, giving the following as example.
Examples of serious mistakes:
-”Les traces de pas correspondent a ceux…”
-”ils ont besoins…”
-”Vous avez ramasser…”
-”pourquoi les aiderez-je…”
-”que qu’…”
Assuming you know French, do you agree with the proofreader’s assessment?
I completed the proofreading of 14d and wrote a small report. Where shall I send it ?
By the way, when you are ready to proofread more files, let me know.
I was also talking about the English version 🙂
Last time I checked it was identical and didn’t split the sentence neither in the French version nor the English.
I’ve uploaded the file 18s.
You’re right, assigned me the 13r file a while ago.
I finished it and sent the finalised version to him via email on the 24th.
As my software refuses to produce.txf files, I usually send the files zipped directly to .
I haven’t checked the new way of uploading files yet, but I could easily send you that fully translated 13r file again if you need me too. I am pretty sure I saved it.
Unfortunately, I won’t be available tomorrow, which I’m afraid means you would have to wait til Friday to get the file.
Let me know if you need it
File 19e has been uploaded 🙂
Kind Nicolas Colmant
I was also talking about the English version 🙂
Last time I checked it was identical and didn’t split the sentence neither in the French version nor the English.
I’ve uploaded the file 18s.
I’m beginning to suspect that my 18s.ENU may have been slightly corrupt. Could you send me the 18s.ENU file via the new upload server?
I have a few questions concerning vocabulary which isn’t in the glossary:
“Leadership” = “leadership/direction/gestion”?
“Elder” = “l’ancien” and “Senior” = ?
Thank you for your help.
Ok I’ve uploaded the enu file (tell me if it’s the right one) and I also uploaded the file 18s again, I only changed one word for a synonym so it’s almost the same as the last one, but as I changed this word in my file affterwards I prefered to send the file again.
I thought of another question/confirmation concerning the names of places.
As I understood, the capital letter should be placed as following:
Wildlands Sanctuary = sanctuaire Terres sauvages
Southern Border = Frontiere sud
But I saw in the glossary notes: “Templed’Herbe” and “Terres Sauvages” like in English…
Could you please tell me how to proceed?
First, I wish you the best for your new role as PM on this project. I would however be happy to understand how you share the responsibilities on this project between yourself and . I understand that the new way of delivering the files are now through the website, and it seems that you will process them, but to who should I send the comments I have on the file I translated? For exemple, I’ve sent my detailed comments on file 18L to and the key points to , but he asked me to send it to you too. I’ll appreciate if you would cast some light to help me understand better the current organisation.
As for the files, I’ve only be asked to do 16L, nothing said about 14g and 14m, and nothing on the shared excel spreadsheet, as far as I understand it. Could you please confirm that those 2 additional files have really been assigned to me?
Here below my comments on 18L, as requested by (even if I fail to see the point):
Be aware that it has been extremely difficult and frustrating to work on this file, because the already translated segments (nothing I can do about them) did not respect the tags position, and so it went for the fuzzy matches. Your proofreader will have a lot to go through to put everything back to normal. When my segment was extremely similar to the fuzzy match, I’ve used it, even if I did not agree with the offered translation, as I think it will be easier for your proofreader to change everything at the same time. There are also some translations I’ve found very bad, even completely wrong in some instances.
I will send my detailed comments directly to .
Sorry, I forgot about 16L. I should have it finished today, worst case tomorrow
Nice to meet as new Project Manager. I’m in the project as a French translator. I submitted my last file yesterday (I uploaded it in line with the new procedure stated my yesterday.
I guess because of her long errand she’s still to come back fully to the files.
I’ve been quite idle since I uploaded my file. And knowing how much work is in the pipeline before the tight deadline, I really feel guilty doing nothing when there’s so much to do.
I would like to know whether your rights include assigning files to translators as well. In this case, I wish you put an end to my idleness asap.
Of course, I’ll be patient if is still the one handling such aspects.
This must be a mistake. didn’t assign 8 t to me. I was assigned 12a &d and 14m, which I all delivered long ago.
Kind Jennyfer
i should have finished 18b sometimes today.
I know this file has been long due, and as i explained to , i had to be away from any kind of computer or internet connection for nearly a week due to a death in the family.
I am catching up on all outstanding work, and as i said i will have the file ready for you, later today
Thanks greg
I’ve just uploaded file 19c and I’ll start with 19f today. I hope to have it ready by tomorrow evening or Saturday morning. Hope that’s OK?
I need another day, so this file will be done by 04/30.
Thank you for your response. I’ll be waiting too.
You’re welcome, don’t hesitate to contact me when needed.
Thank you for getting back to me. I solved it for today, but there will be more coming soon!
Sorry I’m not here today, I’ll be available tomorrow at 8am. If it’s ok you can assign me some files for spellchecking and I’ll do that ASAP.
Do you have time to do some spellchecking for me?
Please do not upload here files. If these are finalized files, you need to send them directly to . If you want to forward something to me, please use the OT system (http://translationstop.com/OT/).
Additionally, on the OT above there is a large database answering FAQ, so I recommend you to read it.
I believe that the answer to your question is explained very clearly in the French instructions for the project, found here:
The capitalization issue is explained in the bottom of the page.
In general, all terms in the glossary are capitalized by default, but when you insert them, just as you change conjugation according to sentence, equally you change capitalization according to role of the word in the sentence. Only proper names should be left capitalized.
As to vocabulary questions – I am not translator of French and can not express my opinion. If you are not sure in a particular translation, please leave a plus (+) sign right after the problematic expression.
Do you know how to work with tags in Transit?
I thought of another question/confirmation concerning the names of places.
As I understood, the capital letter should be placed as following:
Wildlands Sanctuary = sanctuaire Terres sauvages
Southern Border = Frontiere sud
But I saw in the glossary notes: “Templed’Herbe” and “Terres Sauvages” like in English…
Could you please tell me how to proceed?
I see you uploaded here a translated file.
Please send it directly to , files from here don’t go anywhere. If you want to send something to me, please use OT.
I don’t speak French 🙂 I can often understand written text though, due to amazing similarity between French and Spanish. But this is not enough to evaluate proofreader/translator.
Can you tell me who is the translator/proofreader? There are few translators that you don’t need a second opinion to know it’s true. But I can also suggest to send the unproofread file to a different proofreader, informing him/her that the file is not for proofreading but for a second opinion.
This is how you do it:
Upload either the exported translation or the exported excel file of the translation to files server to directory FTP-“Comments for Proofreaders”, and inform the relevant proofreader that the file is uploaded for him to this folder.
I have a question myself – can you prepare for me files for vetting? I have people without work. If you could send me some files every day would be wonderful.
One of the proofreader says that a particular translator’s work is pretty bad, giving the following as example.
Examples of serious mistakes:
-”Les traces de pas correspondent a ceux…”
-”ils ont besoins…”
-”Vous avez ramasser…”
-”pourquoi les aiderez-je…”
-”que qu’…”
Assuming you know French, do you agree with the proofreader’s assessment?
I think I don’t have files right now, but I may have later today.
To open a ticket you go here: http://translationstop.com/OT/
There is a large link: “Submit a support ticket”
Click it, choose category “Other Support” and name it GERMAN SPELLCHECKING that I will know it is form you.
Only one request – If I upload you any files, and you know you are busy – please let me know immediately and I will just reassign them for someone else.
Actually, the file was intended for. We have been told to send the files to him instead of . however, didn’t tell me where upload it, or that he received it…
I see you uploaded here a translated file.
Please send it directly to , files from here don’t go anywhere. If you want to send something to me, please use OT.
Comments for Proofreaders is a folder where only I and lead translators upload things, not the common translators. May-be next project it may change. Usually it works like this: Translator finishes file, sends it to and send me on OT or here the comments. I put them to word files and upload. What happens with them later I don’t know, I know that for sure reads them.
Right now I have one comment I need to upload – from (French).
I’m trying to figure out if the translators have sent any new comments.
Looking at the following folder
only sent any comments (for 16g and 16i) for the new files. Are there any others that I missed or do they just didn’t send any?
Thank you for answer, it is not late, it’s right on time.
I understand ‘s concern. But may-be the glossary can be made available only for proofreaders, especially mentioning that this is for reference in case of more difficult terms? Otherwise, what’s the use that you/ have access to these most updated terms, and other proofreaders don’t? We step on our own tail.
What do you think?
Regarding the proper names:
Yes, good thinking on these terms and of course you may proceed in the described manner. Shortening to 31 characters probaby refers to compounds of proper names too.
Regarding the dictionary.
I will upload the dictionary in zipped format on the virtual office site. , however, has expressed concern that if translators and proofreaders will have to consult an Excel sheet it could slow them down. So I would like to ask you if you can get confirmation from him before you forward the file to the proofreaders.
Thank you very much and sorry for answering so late.
Did you ask translators to upload files here?
I sent translation 17n to on the 21st, not sure what happened but just resent the file to him.
About the other : I’m only translating into German, don’t speak any French.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Please ignore my previous message. Here are new uploading instructions:
New upload instructions. The password is “001” (without the quotation marks). If you are uploading a translation, follow the Translation link, otherwise the Proofread link if proofreading. You can confirm your successful upload through the provided links and info on the upload page. Unfortunately there is no progress bar so just wait until the file is fully uploaded¢‚¬œ after which it should show the results.
To upload translation files:
To upload proofread files:
All the files will be uploaded into the same folder, where the project managers can process them. It is therefore important that you NAME your files to help confirm who worked on it.
Follow a basic, logical convention, like:
Therefore, if I send you a file
And you translated it, you might rename it as:
16a French Bob Translation_ JD_100201_Localize_16a.txf
16a French Bob.txf
16a French Bob Proofread.txf
if you proofread it.
This is just as a backup to help with our own organization and to double confirm that it is your file etc. It will make accounting confirmation easier later, so please always name your files in this logical manner.
I thought of another question/confirmation concerning the names of places.
As I understood, the capital letter should be placed as following:
Wildlands Sanctuary = sanctuaire Terres sauvages
Southern Border = Frontiere sud
But I saw in the glossary notes: “Templed’Herbe” and “Terres Sauvages” like in English…
Could you please tell me how to proceed?
sent yesterday this e-mail, I guess try to follow it. Please ignore my previous message. Here are new uploading instructions:
New upload instructions. The password is “001” (without the quotation marks). If you are uploading a translation, follow the Translation link, otherwise the Proofread link if proofreading. You can confirm your successful upload through the provided links and info on the upload page. Unfortunately there is no progress bar so just wait until the file is fully uploaded¢‚¬œ after which it should show the results.
To upload translation files:
To upload proofread files:
All the files will be uploaded into the same folder, where the project managers can process them. It is therefore important that you NAME your files to help confirm who worked on it.
Follow a basic, logical convention, like:
Therefore, if I send you a file
And you translated it, you might rename it as:
16a French Bob Translation_ JD_100201_Localize_16a.txf
16a French Bob.txf
16a French Bob Proofread.txf
if you proofread it.
This is just as a backup to help with our own organization and to double confirm that it is your file etc. It will make accounting confirmation easier later, so please always name your files in this logical manner.