[These pages concern interesting correspondence between our translators and project managers at KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]

Sent Proofread German Files to the Server


Please use the new server. This one and the new one go to two different computers, and I can only log into the new one.

When you upload it here, I have to download it to my own computer first and then ftp it back to the new server. I will if you can’t access the new server for some reason, but if you can, please make my life easier. 🙂

Thank you.




Thank you for the information.

I hope the project will be a success and tell me as soon as you know more about when the next one begins.




You will find here below the message I’ve sent to . As I didn’t receive any instruction from , about whether or not he found another translator, I’ll keep translating this file 18o today.

This is what’s going on. But I do hope that if there is a second project coming, I won’t have to write 3 times the same thing to 3 different people, as I fail to see how this could be productive for anyone.



I’ve just translated 18o up to segment 1000 and I’m awaiting instruction to know if I have to translate the remaining of the file tomorrow or if another translator will do it.





As I told , I didn’t have time to finish the file yesterday due to family obligations. So I sent what I had done.

Am available today.

Best, Fabienne

16b untranslated!

Fabienne, the 16b file you sent is the raw file.

It’s the same thing we sent you!

Deadline’s fast approaching, so please send us the correct file ASAP.




Very much appreciated!




Sorry I couldn’t get back to you earlier. The sentence character says is “I promised Shaw Danon and I’d carry through to the end. Besides, the revived Bilu has my blood in her body.”.

“Cough” is what the speaker does, not what he says. The character is speaking and coughing as he speaks. Something like a screenplay.

I hope it’s not too late.


I find the paragraph below quite difficult. I don’t think the translator understood either.

Can you help please?

My life is *cough* long.-

-Why? -I promised Shaw Danon and I’d carry through *cough* to the end. -Besides, the revived Bilu has my *cough* blood in her body. -That means I’m her father. -As a father, I’m happy to do these things for her.






Please communicate these things to- click on his name and write him a message just how you wrote this one to me.


I’ve just translated 18o up to segment 1000 and I’m awaiting instruction to know if I have to translate the remaining of the file tomorrow or if another translator will do it.




Here is a comment form proofreader on your files:

files 10l, 10m and 10o ():

Few untranslated English words (Monolith)

Spelling mistake (ga¢teau)

Refine is translated affiner instead of raffiner

Unneeded capital initials (common nouns)

French expression mixup (avoir affaire/avoir a faire)

Some sentences sound ‚« translated ‚» because the translator tends to follow English structures. (a§a manque de circonstancielles en debut de phrase, tournures trop calquees)

Misunderstanding of few English sentences.

Noun gender confusion: jade is masculine, usage is masculine

The translator didn¢‚¬„¢t understand the meaning of some tags when they are to be replaced by the name of a character in the game.

Mixup plural and singular (the Footman ¢° les fantassins)




Here is a comment form proofreader regarding your file:

file 10p ();

Noun gender confusion (jade and jaspe are masculine)

Unneeded capital initials (common nouns)

Missing hyphens (tournures interrogative et imperative : savez-vous ?, peut-etre)

Grammar mistake (apres que + indicatif)

Spelling mistakes (extrement instead of extremement, et bien instead of eh bien)

Little mixup with tags in the exchange process: the tags should not be moved!

Few mistakes and very good translation level overall.




duly noted!


One more thing. In your files hyphens get lost when exported to Excel. This will be repaired on spellchecking phase with the current files. But for the future ones – please leave where should be hyphen. We will replace it during vetting.




This message is just to confirm that I informed about the location of the Glossary and requested to send a mass-mail.

Thank you.


I’ve uploaded a zip file and an instructions (word) file to the server.




I need files for vetting. Many and urgently.

Thank you.


PS: There are translators uploading translated files here to CS. Did you ask them to? Are you receiving these files? I already explained to few the new uploading system, but they seem to be very stubborn on that.




files 2a + 2b are proofread and spellchecked.

In file 2c all hyphens are replaced by so hyphenated words look like this:


Shall I leave these words as they are?




I have 4 special files. These are lists of proper names, items and other stuff. There are few things with them:

1. They need to be spellchecked like everything else

2. They need to be checked for 31 char limitation. I took a look, and there are lines which are longer. I need a quality translator to abbreviate them.

3. 2 of these files had been translated by one of the proofreaders, who left + marks on some terms. I guess it takes another proofreader to check these things.

Can you please do these 4 files for me?

Please let me know ASAP.




Yes, I can do that.

Please tell me where to find these files.




Are there hyphens between these words? If you ask for revealing tags, can you see them? If not, please insert these small circles instead. Otherwise we see this on the vetting stage and we can not always recognize the glued words, because we don’t speak German. So please don’t leave as they are.


files 2a + 2b are proofread and spellchecked.

In file 2c all hyphens are replaced by so hyphenated words look like this:


Shall I leave these words as they are?




just checked the file again and the hyphens are visible so you can see them in the vetting stage.

I have a new problem with Transit though. Since yersterday it keeps telling me that the enu-files are too large to open. Have you ever come across this problem?




please confirm receipt of the file. I also zipped and sent it as an email attachment to last night to make sure that you got it in time. The file is translated I checked again. It was finished and sent with the files 16def on April 22nd. I just uploaded and sent it again. My German translation has the ending .DEU and it is a translated file.




I need files for vetting. Many and urgently.

is missing and he’s the only one with the admin priv. to export those. When I export, I’ll get a fltimpex.cpp error.

I will try to figure out a way, perhaps by ftp-ing the proofread files and Exporting them at my home computer. Can’t guarantee it will work though. My home computer doesn’t have the project data.

Sorry, but can you email/ftp the sheet that shows which files still need to be sent to you? I know sent some without updating the googlesheet.

PS: There are translators uploading translated files here to CS. Did you ask them to? Are you receiving these files? I already explained to few the new uploading system, but they seem to be very stubborn on that.

I didn’t ask them and I have been mailing them telling them to use the new fileserver. It’s annoying for me too because when they upload to CS I have to download them to my computer first and then upload it back to the Transit server to work on them.

Both and Marlouszki have said they understand the new instructions now. So it should stop.




Thank you!

I sent the files on OT (on same ticket you used for spellchecking).Please let me know you received them.

I think I forgot to mention, that the files also need to be spellchecked, and I think I saw that hyphens are missing in some entries. It all requires a German speaker to see.

If you have any question, please ask me there or here.


Yes, I can do that.

Please tell me where to find these files.




I never experienced this kind of issue. Is it possible that you have too many files added as reference?

If it still works, I would recommend to let it be till the end of the project and then reinstall Transit. If it does not work, I suggest to ask (but tell him I don’t know what to do with it, or he will sen you back to me).


just checked the file again and the hyphens are visible so you can see them in the vetting stage.

I have a new problem with Transit though. Since yersterday it keeps telling me that the enu-files are too large to open. Have you ever come across this problem?




Good news. My attempt to get around the admin restriction works.

I was able to export some files to my home computer and get the Excel files from it.

It’s going to take longer to Export this because of the additional steps (including ftp-ing the files from the server to my computer), but you will get the files.

Now, where to and which ones?




please confirm receipt of the file. I also zipped and sent it as an email attachment to last night to make sure that you got it in time.

It has been received, checked, and turned into the proofreading queue about two hours ago I think. It actually got in earlier, but I have some other things to do in the queue.

It’s all set now.




Good news indeed!

How can I send you? Do you have access to PM server?


Good news. My attempt to get around the admin restriction works.

I was able to export some files to my home computer and get the Excel files from it.

It’s going to take longer to Export this because of the additional steps (including ftp-ing the files from the server to my computer), but you will get the files.

Now, where to and which ones?




Hello, I’m awfully sorry, but yesterday I uploaded two proofread files to the wrong (the translation files link) folder. I have uploaded them again to the proofreading folder link. I hope the damage is not severe. The files were 8t and 19d. Sorry again and




I had just uploaded it to translators file server -FTP folder -Comments and files subfolder. Please let me know when you find it.


Good news. My attempt to get around the admin restriction works.

I was able to export some files to my home computer and get the Excel files from it.

It’s going to take longer to Export this because of the additional steps (including ftp-ing the files from the server to my computer), but you will get the files.

Now, where to and which ones?




Hello, I’m awfully sorry, but yesterday I uploaded two proofread files to the wrong (the translation files link) folder. I have uploaded them again to the proofreading folder link. I hope the damage is not severe. The files were 8t and 19d. Sorry again and

(laughs) Don’t worry. I noticed and copied them in the right folder. Haven’t had time to run it, but no damage was done at all.




I just uploaded files 8 abcdeghijklmopqrsvxy to the proofreading link.

I’m sending comments and hours to and and .




I just uploaded file 8abcdeghijklmnopqrsvxy. The files are all proofread but not spellchecked.

Should I upload comments on the files too?




Good news indeed!

How can I send you? Do you have access to PM server?

I got the excel sheet.

Yes, I have access to PM server.

What’s my priority here. French or German?

How to I get them to you? PM server? Which directory? Zipped? Any naming convention. Please tell me. I can figure it out on my own, I’m sure, but time is short. Do you want them in little batches as soon as I’m done with each file or do you want me to do big batches if possible?

Also the following files are of dubious quality and I would like to re-Export them if possible. I’ll tell you the long story later if you want to hear it, but the short story is that they were done semi-manually. I’m not comfortable with the potential for error and if you haven’t already sent them to the vettors, please hold them and let me know.


11 a-m. All of them that has been sent to you. (I think you haven’t got 11 c, i, and j.)

12 d.


12 a-d

If it’s too late, that’s alright, although if any errors were found it may be my fault rather than the proofers.




Thank you.

I think it is already late for comments, so no need.


I just uploaded file 8abcdeghijklmnopqrsvxy. The files are all proofread but not spellchecked.

Should I upload comments on the files too?




A comment regarding to file 08 t, which I uploaded today in correct server: in the English version it begins with -2e? and in the German version with -16e?

Now, I uploaded file 11j




One by one:

2. French and German, but French first, because with many of them quality is really bad, they take longer to vet and to spellchek due to lost hyphens, glued words and other things. But with German I have now available good spellcheker, so also German.

2. Please upload to PM server, Proofread -German or French

3. Zipped. Good file name can be French_12abfkdls.zip, like this I know what’s inside. Best – one zip with files with same number (i.e. 11p-z), and not with a mix (i.e. 12n,13k,5h) – it is very confusing.

Even if you have 2-3 files of one number for me better to have them as separate zip file.

4. Butch size of 3-5 files is good, if you have larger also good. One file is not enough.

All files you are not satisfied with had either been vetted and sent to , or are being vetted as we speak. I guess too late. What was the problem with them?


Good news indeed!

How can I send you? Do you have access to PM server?




in case you didn’t get my recent reply I’ll repeat it here again:

it is a fact that I’ve a lot of trouble relating to the file upload and email communication by the new server. I tried repeately to solve this problem and sent you now this file as a test: JD_100201_Localize_8f.DEU_COPY.txf

so if you have gotten it correctly,please, disregard it.

Hopefully I can find a solution for email communication as well.





All files you are not satisfied with had either been vetted and sent to , or are being vetted as we speak. I guess too late. What was the problem with them?

Due to the bugs with the new system, we couldn’t directly Receive many of them. This means I had to transfer the info using fuzzy matching.

Fuzzy matching though seems to eat hyphens. It also keeps offering suggestions based on Extracts and other reference files. I try to stick to the proofreader’s version, but I am 100% certain that it’s impossible to be faithful.

Some of your problems may have been due to the above.

Also, the French 14c is problematic too for the same reason.

Give me 20 minutes to upload some French files from section 14.




Oooops, now I feel guilty – I sent to, who proofread French 12a-d+j very unpleasant message about his proofreading mistakes… Now I know it may have not been his fault! At least not all of it 🙂



All files you are not satisfied with had either been vetted and sent to , or are being vetted as we speak. I guess too late. What was the problem with them?

Due to the bugs with the new system, we couldn’t directly Receive many of them. This means I had to transfer the info using fuzzy matching.

Fuzzy matching though seems to eat hyphens. It also keeps offering suggestions based on Extracts and other reference files. I try to stick to the proofreader’s version, but I am 100% certain that it’s impossible to be faithful.

Some of your problems may have been due to the above.

Also, the French 14c is problematic too for the same reason.

Give me 20 minutes to upload some French files from section 14.




Sorry, late. Took me longer to figure things out.

I don’t have zip. Have winrar. I see a couple rar files in that server so I’m sure you can open it.


filename 14G2_bdeno_FRA.rar

All by.

Oooops, now I feel guilty – I sent to, who proofread French 12a-d+j very unpleasant message about his proofreading mistakes… Now I know it may have not been his fault! At least not all of it 🙂

Well, it wasn’t all my fault either! If the translator’s perfect in the first place none of this would have happened. 😉




I was looking at the Vetting spreadsheet to see what to send next and I see you assigned the German 11e to two people!

You had Valeriaa vet 11e a long time ago. She’s done, I think.

Later on you have vet it again.

Was there an issue problem?

German 11c and 11i coming next.




Wow! Thanks for spotting this! There were a few files which were doubled – I got them form and then form you. Some I spotted, but it looks like this one I missed. still hasn’t returned the files, I’ll tell him not to do it.


I was looking at the Vetting spreadsheet to see what to send next and I see you assigned the German 11e to two people!

You had Valeriaa vet 11e a long time ago. She’s done, I think.

Later on you have vet it again.

Was there an issue problem?

German 11c and 11i coming next.




in case you didn’t get my recent reply I’ll repeat it here again:

it is a fact that I’ve a lot of trouble relating to the file upload and email communication by the new server. I tried repeately to solve this problem and sent you now this file as a test: JD_100201_Localize_8f.DEU_COPY.txf

so if you have gotten it correctly,please, disregard it.

Hopefully I can find a solution for email communication as well.

I got the first 8f.DEU about 5 hours ago and I already skimmed it and confirmed you did segment 1000 and such. I then cleared most of the files to prevent clutter. They aren’t deleted, just moved off to a different place.

I think you actually got things solved as far as upload goes. For upload, once it’s done check the filesize. It should match with yours. If it looks suspiciously small, chances are the upload didn’t get to finish. With CS, you have to remember that it boots you out after 15 minutes or so of no activity (never timed it though). One trick I find useful is to hit refresh on the main screen before you hit send. If you’re already disconnected, you’ll be asked to relog in. After you do, you can hit send and the mail will be sent off without problem.

I’m not sure what’s going on with that 8f myself. is taking Sunday off. It’s on my list of things to ask when he gets back.




I also have WinRar – same, opens all archives like WinZip.

Can you name the files more simple? If inside are files 14b, 14d, 14n and 14o, can you name them just 14bdno_Fra?

For me is fine, but the vettors will be confused and not find it (and will bomb me with questions).

Thank you.


Sorry, late. Took me longer to figure things out.

I don’t have zip. Have winrar. I see a couple rar files in that server so I’m sure you can open it.


filename 14G2_bdeno_FRA.rar

All by.

Oooops, now I feel guilty – I sent to, who proofread French 12a-d+j very unpleasant message about his proofreading mistakes… Now I know it may have not been his fault! At least not all of it 🙂

Well, it wasn’t all my fault either! If the translator’s perfect in the first place none of this would have happened. 😉




I also have WinRar – same, opens all archives like WinZip.

Can you name the files more simple? If inside are files 14b, 14d, 14n and 14o, can you name them just 14bdno_Fra?

For me is fine, but the vettors will be confused and not find it (and will bomb me with questions).

I was following the examples of all the other files in that directory. 🙂

But okay, went back to the German directory and renamed the new file to 14ci_GER.rar

How many files do you want me to prepare? There’s a lot of backlog, I know, but I’m getting hungry and besides I would like to take a few hours off.




Can you make me hm… 20 files? Is it anywhere possible? I understand you need a break, but the thing is that I live in GMT+6, and here is already 7:30pm. I must distribute as many files as possible to vettors before I go to sleep.

What is the maximum you can make for me? If separating files to numbers takes to much time – just make them and I will separate to folders on my computer. Because my day is finishing and nothing had been done.

Thank you.


I also have WinRar – same, opens all archives like WinZip.

Can you name the files more simple? If inside are files 14b, 14d, 14n and 14o, can you name them just 14bdno_Fra?

For me is fine, but the vettors will be confused and not find it (and will bomb me with questions).

I was following the examples of all the other files in that directory. 🙂

But okay, went back to the German directory and renamed the new file to 14ci_GER.rar

How many files do you want me to prepare? There’s a lot of backlog, I know, but I’m getting hungry and besides I would like to take a few hours off.




Since I didn’t receive any instruction from , I completed the translation of 18o and just uploaded it.

Please note there are a few segments untranslated, as I believe they shouldn’t be and I’ve used a few + when unsure about a translation.




Hello, do you have any more files for us to proofread? I cannot take many, but can do still a few.




Can you make me hm… 20 files? Is it anywhere possible? I understand you need a break, but the thing is that I live in GMT+6, and here is already 7:30pm. I must distribute as many files as possible to vettors before I go to sleep.

I think I can. Check the folders every 30 minutes. I’ll go French, German, French, German and so on.




Thank you! Can you send me a message when you upload a file that I will not miss anything? There is a significant list of files there, I might not notice. Just a message with language and file name.


Can you make me hm… 20 files? Is it anywhere possible? I understand you need a break, but the thing is that I live in GMT+6, and here is already 7:30pm. I must distribute as many files as possible to vettors before I go to sleep.

I think I can. Check the folders every 30 minutes. I’ll go French, German, French, German and so on.




Hello, do you have any more files for us to proofread? I cannot take many, but can do still a few.

Sure, go to http://translationstop.com/files/Proofreading/New.files_2/German/

and take G2_18kl_DEU




Is there a chance you sent me unproofread 14i (GER)? It is full of + marks! (In case didn’t inform you, translators were putting a +where they were not sure of the translation. Later proofreader checked, corrected and deleted the +s.) It’s just not possible that in proofread file remained so many pluses.

Please check.


I also have WinRar – same, opens all archives like WinZip.

Can you name the files more simple? If inside are files 14b, 14d, 14n and 14o, can you name them just 14bdno_Fra?

For me is fine, but the vettors will be confused and not find it (and will bomb me with questions).

I was following the examples of all the other files in that directory. 🙂

But okay, went back to the German directory and renamed the new file to 14ci_GER.rar

How many files do you want me to prepare? There’s a lot of backlog, I know, but I’m getting hungry and besides I would like to take a few hours off.




Is there a chance you sent me unproofread 14i (GER)? It is full of + marks! (In case didn’t inform you, translators were putting a +where they were not sure of the translation. Later proofreader checked, corrected and deleted the +s.) It’s just not possible that in proofread file remained so many pluses.

I will look into it.

Also, 10hjlmop_FRA.rar in the French section.




as far as I can tell you are holding the unproofread version.

I don’t think the proofreader () has actually returned her file. What you are holding is Kristof translated but unproofed version.




Wow. Good I told the vettor to stop.

Are the new ones you just sent for sure proofread?


as far as I can tell you are holding the unproofread version.

I don’t think the proofreader () has actually returned her file. What you are holding is Kristof translated but unproofed version.




Wow. Good I told the vettor to stop.

Are the new ones you just sent for sure proofread?

Yes. I keep them in separate folder. I also try to keep a list on paper, although that one is often outdate by a day.

What I am wondering is how you get your hand on them? It’s also not on files for Vetting spreadsheet.

Anyway, 14_glmn_GER.rar in the German folder.

Might not be much more. Run into a different bug.



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