[These pages concern interesting correspondence between our translators and project managers at KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]

New Translated Files Proofread by a German Translator

I left a ticket in OT.




I just uploaded the file German_JD_100201_Localize_7h to your system.

Please confirm that you received it – just want to make sure this is working

at this beginning stage.

Thank you!





Welcome to the team. I’d like to emphasize that reading carefully instructions to this game and particularly special instructions for French translators, which I think was already uploaded, is indispensable.

Bellow are answers to your questions:

1= The file sent me already has a few segments translated, should I edit these translations if they are wrong, or let them as is for the proofreader? I want to make sure I get credit for it or/and am not charged for the correction or screw up the process.

In the files you receive TM had already been incorporated. When you pass from segment to segment using Alt+Ins (marks your translated segments as Translated) or by Ctrl+Plus (does not mark the segment as translated), the cursor passes ONLY to segments you get paid for, segments which are not markes as translated. Some of them might have part translated, particularly if there is a glossary term (OD you remember to Insert all terms BEFORE you start working?). These segments you must translate, and you get paid for them. Other segments the program skips, or if you put your cursor in them, are marked Traslatede (you can see this in the gray line under the working window), you do not get paid for and you should not touch.

2= There are a lot of characters and places names that are not in the dictionary but I feel that we should be consistent with. Is there another resource somewhere for those terms? i.e. Archlord, Foxhill, Vier Blood Matrix etc.

One thing is that you can look how parts of these terms had already been translated. Click on the blue book button, it opens the glossary. Search for Matrix, Arch-otherthings etc. And like this you will find how it was translated before, and create new translation consistently with the previous ones. Then add the new term to the Add_New glossary. Please look on the new OT at the Database how to do it.

3= I noticed that the – is treated by removing the space between the 2 words: for instance voulezvous instead of voulez-vous. Is that the way to go?

You should have read this in the instructions. Hyphens can be replaced by .hhh.e, and you can make a macro for inserting .hhh. in one click.

Please let me know if these points are more clear now, as they are all very important.





Thank you!

I have some comments regarding consistency for the lead translator.

There seems to be some confusion with the terms Doom Boge and Deadpoole.

In the glossary, Doom Boge is consistently referred to as Marais Maudite, while Deadpoole is sometimes referred to as Marais Maudite ( Deadpool Wanderere Voyageur du Marais Maudite) but also as etang des mortse ( Deadpool Horrorse Horreurs de l’etang des mortse).

It might be less confusing to choose one consistent translation for Deadpoole.




You should send your completed files directly to .


I just uploaded the file German_JD_100201_Localize_7h to your system.

Please confirm that you received it – just want to make sure this is working

at this beginning stage.

Thank you!




I will add your suggestions to the file for lead translator.

Meantime, please take a look at the 2 files he uploaded yesterday (comments_dictionary_.doc). I think in the comments to dictionary file he refers to one of the terms you are mentioning.

Thank you.


While translating I have come across a few terms in the glossary, that did not sound very nice or made little sense

in the context.

“ValleyofAbandon” – at the moment: Aufgeben-Tal. I would suggest Verlassenes Tal, just simply because people do not seem

to give up in the valley, but that is it abandoned.

“Mount” – translated as “Reittier”, which means horselike animal (?), and I would rather say “Gipfel” or “Berg”.

“Laguna Collective” – translated as “Lagunen-Kollektive”, which sounds very business-like. I would suggest “Lagunen-Gruppe” or so…

“Spiked Wine” – translated as “Gluhwein” (“mulled wine”, oh no!), which should probably be “vergifteter Wein”

All the 🙂




You are assigned new files.

Your files are:



Let’s agree that you’ll make one, send me, I’ll take a look and then you’ll make the next.


Please confirm receipt.




I received your letter.


You are assigned new files.

Your files are:



Let’s agree that you’ll make one, send me, I’ll take a look and then you’ll make the next.


Please confirm receipt.




I have a question: If I insert quotation marks (“term”), they appear in blue color (like in source text sometimes). Is it that problem?

And just some notes:

There‚´re typos in the main1 dictionary:

“Twin-Flowers” = “Zwillings-Bumen” (must be “Zwillings-Blumen”)

All terms starting with “Solitude-” are translated into “Einsamkeit-” (must be “Einsamkeits-“)

As you may know, the provided reference material within the assigned files is not much consistent. Terms within the pretranslated segments sometimes differ from current dictionary terms.

Please don‚´t take these comments as moaning. I just want to inform you.




Please find below and enclosed a table resulted from 15d-15g files comparison.

Table 1. A comparison between proofread and NON proofread files.

German_JD_100201_Localize_15d: Many changes (286)

German_JD_100201_Localize_15e: Many changes (252)

German_JD_100201_Localize_15f: A great deal of changes (866)

German_JD_100201_Localize_15g: No changes at all




This message is for the lead translator.

I noticed a consistency issue with the terms Fox Pinke and Fox Rougee.

Fox Pinke is translated by renard rosee, but Fox Pink Recipee is translated by Recette rose renarde. The same issue applies to Fox Rougee.

In the glossary, Landscape Paintinge is translated by Peinture paysagee. Peinture de paysagee would be more appropriate.

There seems to be a glitch with an entry in the glossary. When quotation marks ( or e) appear in the English text they are translated into La vie n’est qu’un songe.eFrench:

Text in the English window: It said, “quickly sneak into the Surging Stockade, kill Riptide Cutlasses and disturb the enemies.”

Text in the French window: It said, La vie n’est qu’un songe.quickly sneak into the Surging Stockade, kill Coutelas trancheremous and disturb the enemies. La vie n’est qu’un songe.

This entry ( La vie n’est qu’un songe.) should be removed from the glossary since it is confusing and might lead to errors.




Hello it’s nice to meet you.

First of all, I apologize for the delay. I have been finishing some tasks for and I thought I would never find the time to get back to you. From now on, I will devote more of my time working with you.

Allright, regarding the files, in the future, could you please let me know which file (name) is related to what in the email ? (dictionary, translator, sample, etc.) The interface doesn’t show the date/time of upload and the files are not attached in the email from my perspective so it’s hard to find what is what.

There are files in both the manager’s column and in the translator’s column, do you want me to review all of them or just the manager files ?

Since there was some delay, are there any samples that have become obsolete ? I already proofread the entire file 8k, maybe there is a sample from the same translator/file in there. If it is indeed the case, there is no need to assess it twice, so please let me know.

Sorry about the trouble, I have to pick up from the start here so I need to sort things out.

Many thanks for your help


My name is and I’m a beginner PM for this project.

Please find uploaded 2 files for your attention. One contains comments of translators to freshly submitted translated files. On the bottom of the file there are also comments to the new dictionary, indicating inconsistencies and possible mistakes.

If it is more convenient for you to receive comments to files and comments to dictionary as separate files, please let me know, and in the future I will organize them as separate docs.

The other file is a sample of several segments from a new translator. I would appreciate if you took a look and informed me if the translator is doing the right thing and if you have any comments for him.




Please forward this to the lead translator.

e¢ There is a consistency issue with Black Jade Chessmane and White Jade Chessmane.In the first case, chessmane is translated by pione and by piecee in the second. Piecee is the correct translation, since pione ( pawne in English) is the name of a specific chessman.

e¢ The translation for Mrs. Wonge was misspelled in French, it should be Mme Wonge instead of Mme. Wonge.

e¢ The translation for Incense Studente should be Etudiant de l’encense instead of °tudiant de l’encense since it was decided not to use accents on capital letters.

e¢ The translation for Kongu Avatare was misspelled in French, it should be Avatar de Kongue instead of Avatard de Kongue.

e¢ There is a similar issue with Ihoken Avatare, translated by Avatard d’Ihokene when it should be Avatar d’Ihokene

e¢ In order to remain consistent in the treatment of avatare, Tya Avatare should be translated by avatar de Tyae instead of avatar Tyae. All the other avatarse are translated by avatar dee¦e

e¢ There is a similar issue with the following entries: Suos Spirite, Tya Spirite, Suos Defendere, Tya Watchere, Suos Watchere.




Good morning

Okay, good (I mean, bad that so many changes, but good that you let me know).

3 things:

1. I checked one of your last files and haven’t spotted anything you missed, and that is VERY GOOD

– When you find something you want to let me know about, please mark red a cell on the right (third column) and leave your comment there in addition to the remarks you send me in Word.

2. Please send me these reports as Word files in OT, because it saves me time – I need the material in Word for .

3. Please leave the English source in the vetted file, do not delete it, I need it as well


4. Did you vet any of the last files? told me this morning he needs as many vetted as possible to be finalized today, so please send me all you have done, and it you have time, I will send you two more.

Thank you in advance




Good morning

Did you vet any of the last files? told me this morning he needs as many vetted as possible to be finalized today, so please send me all you have done.

Thank you in advance




Good morningPetra

Did you vet any of the files? told me this morning he needs as many vetted as possible to be finalized today, so please send me all you have done.

Thank you in advance




I did not found these files through FTP. Are there in folder Proofread?




Actually, file JD_100201_Localize_15g (from 15_all_after.proofread_wave2.zip) looks like not proofread.

Concerning three other my files (15d, 15e, 15f), I have completed the main part of vetting, but in compliance with your

recommendation I will look them through once-twice. This will take few hours. OK?




The proofread files are 15_all_after.proofread_wave2.zip on FTP. They are out of the Proofread folder.

Please take a look on the instructions file I uploaded yesterday.


I did not found these files through FTP. Are there in folder Proofread?




Good to have you online. Today may be a busy day.

Let’s do like this. Do a file and send it directly to me with OT. Then do other and send it as well. Leave the file which looks unproofread to the end, let’s first get done with the better files.


Actually, file JD_100201_Localize_15g (from 15_all_after.proofread_wave2.zip) looks like not proofread.

Concerning three other my files (15d, 15e, 15f), I have completed the main part of vetting, but in compliance with your

recommendation I will look them through once-twice. This will take few hours. OK?




Today I am addressing you at ‘s request. We needght to have ready (i.e. – proofread, spelchacked and vetted) about 12 files, may-be a bit more. For this I need a German translator, preferably you, for two things:

1. To spell-check the vetted files

2. To close some small language related issues vettors had spotted (repeating words, strangely located hyphens, all that requires knowledge of language)

3. there are few files which look like they haven’t been proofread. To proofread these files.

Do you think you can do that for me today? For 2., each file will come with a small note telling which segments to check.

It is very urgent.

Please let me know ASAP.




My name is I am a new PM for this project.

I am addressing you at ‘s request. We needght to have ready (i.e. – proofread, spelchacked and vetted) about 12 files, may-be a bit more. For this I need a German translator, for two things:

1. To spell-check the vetted files

2. To close some small language related issues vettors had spotted (repeating words, strangely located hyphens, all that requires knowledge of language)

3. there are few files which look like they haven’t been proofread. To proofread these files.

Do you think you can do that for me today? For 2., each file will come with a small note telling which segments to check.

It is very urgent.

Please let me know ASAP.




1. Source:-Eliminate the Deadpool Wanderer at Doom Bog to raise the class of the clan skill, Strength of Union.

Target: -Eliminez le Voyageur du Marais Maudit a Doom Bog pour elever la categorie de competence du clan, Puissance d’union.

2. Source:-Eliminate the Bloodforgers at theCaveofFangsto raise the class of the clan skill, Strength of Union.

Target: -Eliminez le Forgesangrier a la Cave des Fangs pour elever la categorie de competence du clan, Puissance d’union.

3. Source:-, Bloodforgers atCaveofFangshave commited evil acts everywhere, now eliminate them with the most powerful brethrens and sisters in the clan.

Target: -, les Forgesangriers a la Cave des Fangs ont commis des actes malefiques partout, eliminez-les maintenant avec le concours des plus puissants freres et soeurs du clan.

4. Source:-Eliminate Crimsoneye Demons at Forsaken Abyss to raise the class of the clan skill, Strength of Union.

Target: -Eliminez les Demons pourproeil aux Abysses abandonnes pour elever la categorie de competence du clan, Puissance d’union.

More samples later.





I am uploading the first file (15d).




If there is no space after comma in the original, should I do it? (Line 364 file 15o)




rules of punctuation in English and German differ. I see that in the translation translator did not put any commas in the sentence. Do not add comas yourself, and, importantly, do not make any changes to the English text, even if there’s a mistake. English stays how it is.

In other words, no changes are required to this sentence.


If there is no space after comma in the original, should I do it? (Line 364 file 15o)




I am about to complete the third file (15f).

So, please, you could provide me next files for vetting.




I still have not received files form you.

Who is?


I am about to complete the third file (15f).

So, please, you could provide me next files for vetting.




Thank you for your answer. Should I remove space in translation, if in original there is no space after exclamation mark as in line 428 file 15o?




Don’t change.


Thank you for your answer. Should I remove space in translation, if in original there is no space after exclamation mark as in line 428 file 15o?




I’ve uploaded file 15o to this site, because I have problems with ftp connection.




“Verteidigung- erheblich” was written with double hyphen and a space, that I left. How to correct this word (lines 53,56,59)?




Please look at line 28 – in English text there is a point between two parts of word, and in German it’s hyphen. Do this need changes?




Thank you, received. If possible, please upload the next to OT – open a new ticket and name it VETTED FILES, and attach the files to the ticket.

Don’t wait for me, begin the next file.

Once I check, I will get back to you in case I have any comments.

How is your availability today?


I’ve uploaded file 15o to this site, because I have problems with ftp connection.




Sorry. is my chief. I am a part time translator and assistant to him.

I have been translated about few thousand letters for him. So, this just a conditioned reflex.

Please don’t mind. Me is me.

My FTP is not working today, I am trying to solve this problem, but please I have sent the files via OP system

as attached ones (rar).

Sorry for troubling.





I have 2 hours available.

I have a question about points in the middle of line – there are a lot of them in file 15p. For example, in line 41 – betweem words um and den.




My name is and I’m new to the Jade Dynasty project.

asked me to address you for setting everything up correctly

and getting the latest instructions.

Thanks &



Okay, I see 🙂

FTP is just not working today, so drop it. Let’s use OT for uploading files. I had sent you a message where I proposed that you will pen a new ticket VETTED FILES, and attach the files to the ticket. This should work. Please use the New OT system, there is a link to it in the Links for PMs file I’ve uploaded to CS.

Please continue to filrs 15r and 15s.


PS: Please tell me how is your availability today?

Sorry. is my chief. I am a part time translator and assistant to him.

I have been translated about few thousand letters for him. So, this just a conditioned reflex.

Please don’t mind. Me is me.

My FTP is not working today, I am trying to solve this problem, but please I have sent the files via OP system

as attached ones (rar).

Sorry for troubling.




Sorry it took me so long to get back to you, I have problems with connection.

Please drop this file, it’s a proofreader’s hell.

Please do file 15t instead.



I have 2 hours available.

I have a question about points in the middle of line – there are a lot of them in file 15p. For example, in line 41 – betweem words um and den.




My name is I am a new PM for this project.

I am addressing you at ‘s request. We needght to have ready (i.e. – proofread, spelchacked and vetted) about 12 files, may-be a bit more. For this I need a German translator, for two things:

1. To spell-check the vetted files

2. To close some small language related issues vettors had spotted (repeating words, strangely located hyphens, all that requires knowledge of language)

3. there are few files which look like they haven’t been proofread. To proofread these files.

Do you think you can do that for me today? For 2., each file will come with a small note telling which segments to check.

It is very urgent.

Please let me know ASAP.




My name is I am a new PM for this project.

I am addressing you at ‘s request. We needght to have ready (i.e. – proofread, spelchacked and vetted) about 12 files, may-be a bit more. For this I need a German translator, for two things:

1. To spell-check the vetted files

2. To close some small language related issues vettors had spotted (repeating words, strangely located hyphens, all that requires knowledge of language)

3. there are few files which look like they haven’t been proofread. To proofread these files.

Do you think you can do that for me today? For 2., each file will come with a small note telling which segments to check.

It is very urgent.

Please let me know ASAP.





My name is I am a new PM for this project.

I am addressing you at ‘s request. We needght to have ready (i.e. – proofread, spelchacked and vetted) about 12 files, may-be a bit more. For this I need a German translator, for two things:

1. To spell-check the vetted files

2. To close some small language related issues vettors had spotted (repeating words, strangely located hyphens, all that requires knowledge of language)

3. there are few files which look like they haven’t been proofread. To proofread these files.

Do you think you can do that for me today? For 2., each file will come with a small note telling which segments to check.

It is very urgent.

Please let me know ASAP.




I apologize, the previous message is intended to you, I confused names.


Please let me know if you are available.




Well, I start to vet file 15t.




I confirm the receipt of new files.

I felt very nervous about FTP and spent a great deal of time trying to solve the problem.

Anyway I do apologize for delay.

15f is coming soon.




Do you have links to the main project pages?

Instructions and information on the project online:

Main menu ¢‚¬œ summary and links to instructions on all relevant subjects:


Additional details (when you follow links in Main Menu, that¢‚¬„¢s where you get): http://001yourtranslationservice.com/translations/projects/2010/01.31_English-to-French-and-German-details2.html

New instructions (when you follow links in Main Menu, that¢‚¬„¢s where you get): http://001yourtranslationservice.com/translations/projects/2010/10001/video-game-translation_new-instructions.html#New_glossary_instructions

Please read these pages and answer the questions which are on hte bottom of the first page. You can paste the answers here, or on the OT



My name is and I’m new to the Jade Dynasty project.

asked me to address you for setting everything up correctly

and getting the latest instructions.

Thanks &



Hello !

I’m in the middle of a 25.000 words translation for Monday, so I won’t have the time, I’m afraid!

But maybe next time!




My name is I am a new PM for this project.

I am addressing you at ‘s request. We needght to have ready (i.e. – proofread, spelchacked and vetted) about 12 files, may-be a bit more. For this I need a German translator, for two things:

1. To spell-check the vetted files

2. To close some small language related issues vettors had spotted (repeating words, strangely located hyphens, all that requires knowledge of language)

3. there are few files which look like they haven’t been proofread. To proofread these files.

Do you think you can do that for me today? For 2., each file will come with a small note telling which segments to check.

It is very urgent.

Please let me know ASAP.




I’s such a pity you spent time on that. I had mentioned since morning, that today I want to receive files via OT, particularly to avoid this kind of issues. In any case, if something does not work, let me know – CS/OT/oldOT and I will always try to resolve or find an alternative to solve the problem.


I confirm the receipt of new files.

I felt very nervous about FTP and spent a great deal of time trying to solve the problem.

Anyway I do apologize for delay.

15f is coming soon.




Thank you for letting me know.


Hello !

I’m in the middle of a 25.000 words translation for Monday, so I won’t have the time, I’m afraid!

But maybe next time!




My name is I am a new PM for this project.

I am addressing you at ‘s request. We needght to have ready (i.e. – proofread, spelchacked and vetted) about 12 files, may-be a bit more. For this I need a German translator, for two things:

1. To spell-check the vetted files

2. To close some small language related issues vettors had spotted (repeating words, strangely located hyphens, all that requires knowledge of language)

3. there are few files which look like they haven’t been proofread. To proofread these files.

Do you think you can do that for me today? For 2., each file will come with a small note telling which segments to check.

It is very urgent.

Please let me know ASAP.



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