[These pages concern interesting correspondence
between our translators and project managers at
KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]
There’s a new assignment for you. Some 1800 words or so. See the OT for more details. —————————- There’s a new assignment for you. Some 1800 words or so. See the OT for more details. —————————- There’s a new assignment for you. Some 1800 words or so. See the OT for […]
Do you know what’s going on now? I contacted yesterday but he didn’t answer, is there something I can do? Do you know when we’ll be able to start working on the next project? —————————- Might be useful as reference. Hopefully the French names aren’t very long, because the 31 character limit should […]
I’m not really sure about the time zone thing so I just thought I’d send you an update. I have been working all night on the file and I’m currently 200 segments away from the end. Since I am not sure whether or not I still have time before 8:00 AM on your side, I […]
Are you busy proofreading/translating? If not, I have several proofread files which need to be spellchecked in Excel. Can you do them? If yes, what would be your hourly rate? Please let me know. —————————- I wish to thank you about these suggestions concerning hyphens. I am on the file and all is […]
Thank you so much for resolving this segment – it was a great help, we were really stuck with this file. Since we got few more days from the client, we are trying to upgrade little the rest of the files. We have some files form the better translators we decided not to proofread due […]
forwarded me your email about aligning 8p and 8z. I can’t understand what you mean by strange. For that matter, I looked at the files in question and don’t find any alignment mismatch. Why are you trying to align it then? Also, the filename says 8p and 8z has been proofed. Is that right? […]
tried again, I hope they are in there. Transit does not include file 13r in the txf file automatically (perhaps because I did that file some time ago/received the pxf file earlier). I added it manually, as I did with 13u. Hope this works. Although the file you uploaded has r & u in […]
I sent the files you mentionned several days ago. Give me your email address if you need me to send them again. —————————- I told that I wouldn’t have the time to do more proofreading this week but if there’s no other way I will do 9 e t u. Don’t know about […]
I can take care of 13j and deliver by 4pm today, but that’s all for today unfortunately. If 18j can wait a bit, I can get it done by tomorrow noon. Please confirm. Thanks! you are doing 13j, right? When you are done, can you also upload your translated 9s too? may have emailed you […]
were you asking for proofreader for proofreading the repetitions? I saw your message before I saw that wants us to organize it. If it’s for the repetitions, is no good, we need someone far more experienced with the project. It is better to ask. Even if she has some other file, this ones should be […]