[These pages concern interesting correspondence
between our translators and project managers at
KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]
I can work today with 1-2 files but only after 21.00 GMT. ———————- Heiko In 6d there are many expressions with double, and even triple hyphens or with hyphens in the beginning. Telepathie–Juwelen–Gutschein Kaskaden-Amulett—Gutschein -Horizont-Perle-Gutschein Is that’s how it is supposed to be or can I replace them with a single hyphen? Please let me […]
———————- Hereby I confirm the uploaded vetted files: German_JD_100201_Localize_Vetted_ D_14g German_JD_100201_Localize_Vetted_ D_14h German_JD_100201_Localize_Vetted_ D_14l I could take another 2-3 till 04.05.2010. 02-03:00 GMT Looking forward to your reply D ———————- I think I made a mistake yesterday. I worked only with the monolingual files and copied them into the bilingual when finished. But I didn´t […]
Enjoy the zoo. I believe I will still be awake when you’re back, and in any case you will have a mountain of files waiting. I will need them done ASAP. ———————- It seems to work. Heiko ———————- Any file I ask you to do and you do it – you get paid for (except […]
I have vetted 2 files you assinged me JD_100201_Localize_11a JD_100201_Localize_11e, and have uploaded them to FTP. ———————- Hereby I confirm the upload of the vetted files: German_JD_100201_Localize_Vetted_ D_11k.xls German_JD_100201_Localize_Vetted_ D_11l.xls German_JD_100201_Localize_Vetted_ D_11m.xls Looking forward to your reply Best of the day D ———————- D files received. Please let me know your availability today, will be […]
I sent your invoice to Karel. It was impossible to read because the table slipped somewhere – I needed to rearrange it. Please use this sheet next time (attached). ———————- Ok, files reassigned. Let me know tomorrow when online. ———————- ok, sorry for inconveniences. M ———————- Here are two German files: JD_100201_Localize_11a JD_100201_Localize_11e They are […]
Which files? I had assigned you only one file, and you had not been working on it! Please let me know if you can do the 12d, I have 12a and not need it vetted again. ———————- I finished with files. You may give some more files for today (2-4 files at least) ———————- M […]
One more thing. I sent yesterday files order to D, but she hadn’t got back to me yet. Do you have an idea if she is interested to work? She had 5 files assigned, but now I had reassigned 3, because I can’t wait. ———————- You are assigned 2 more German files: JD_100201_Localize_7b JD_100201_Localize_7c Please […]
You are training and working together, so don’t forget to record your hours and try to spend less then 1h per file. Don’t worry, I don’t have a nasty habit of calling people in the middle of the night 🙂 Do you think you will have time to make today two more? They are all […]
assignment has been received. I ll start them immediately ” No comparing proofreading to unproofread for them, right? ” D You are assigned French files JD_100201_Localize_10c JD_100201_Localize_10d Located on the Proofread->French folder. Please watch for French punctuation (space before !?:;), number format (NOT 2,500, but 2 500 or 2500) etc. I am working late today, […]
PS: Please confirm receipt. ———————- You are assigned a file (German): JD_100201_Localize_11d Go to http://translationstop.com/files_PM/ or connect to FTP server. Download the file 11_German_ab.d.e.rar. As you have the files, please – first thing you do – rename the PROOFREAD file, adding German_ before the file name. Do not change ANYTHING in English. Except of the […]