Thank you for information. Unfortunately, I only have information to justify 43 Hours you spent for proofreading. Please, provide me hours report for the rest of hours you spent for JD. (4 more as far as I understand?)
Concerned BOI…yes, this part will be paid a bit later. I have actually did accounting for BOI, but my total you are owed is 233,3 USD. File is attached, tell me what is wrong there and we’ll correct it right away.
” 🙂
I am in the US in remote areas and don’t have my paperwork with me. Right now, I can’t access my account. I only received payments via Paypal so that might help you with accounting.
According to my records, payment from Kenax FOR JD has been so far:
823,32 Moneybookers
2275 Paypal
2447 Paypal
1000 Paypal
449 Paypal
TOTAL: 6994,32
This is including the 449 I have transferred to Sophie after receiving it. I have payed Doris for 400 from this and have payed Fabian’s total work on JD from this.
For BOI:
(all Paypal)
BOI translations 563
BOI proofread 271
BOI ?? 299,64
BOI admin 1320
BOI for Doris 103,20
TOTAL: 2556,84
These are the amounts that have reached me.
For BOI, I pay 103,20 to Doris.
Hope this helps…
Just tell me if you need more and thank you so much!
I just checked my Paypal account and the following payments were received
April 12th 1133 $
April 19th 735 $
These payments must be for JD
The latest payments was received on July 15th over the amount of 899,53 $ but I guess that wasn’t JD but BOI.
Hope that helps for accounting….
899,53 USD is related to BOI.
According to my records besides those JD payments you mentioned you received 328,7 USD in the end of July. Could you double check it?
Ok, JD:
Doris’s work is counted as yours(and both payment and 20 hours are included in your accounting) so that’s covered.
Fabian was then double paid 102,96 USD, this amount exceeds what he earned on BOI, that’s why I counted him separately not to make him a debtor for Kenax. Please, take 102,96 back from him to resolve this point.
Sophie’s 449 USD were not counted to your paid total, but according to the records I have MAYBE there was a payment of 840 USD between 823,32 and 2275, hence the discrepancy between your and my counting. Could you please double check this?
The same figures I have, but 103,20 is reflected in accounting as piad directly to Doris (and her hours are counted separetely), so total you received is 2453 USD. We won’t mix your work with others’ (at least let’s try) for BOI.
I have checked both my PayPal and my Moneybookers account and I have not received any other payments than the ones I submitted to you.
Thank you for checking that and for your time.
Good night
Everything was already correct last time, but if you need it:
30/03/10 – 755.88
09/04/10 – 463.00
03/06/10 – 200.00
30/07/10 – 871.38
Please confirm you’re happy with this information.
Looking forward to receiving the final payment
Everything seems fine.
Thank you very much.
I suspect the payment mentioned above should have been done via Moneybookers.
these are the files I proofread for JD Repair:
7a, 10i and 11e: 8 hours in total
1c: 4 hours
1d: 4 hours
2a: 4 hours
2b: 4 hours
5a: 2 hours
5b: 3 hours
5c: 3 hours
6c: 3 hours
6d: I am not charging, it was very quick to check
so that’s $525, I had already sent those details to the other accountant, I believe it was
For BOI, file: 04_glossary_French.PXF_2 (4F), was 3,476 words, not 2,580, I did the word count myself, as I translated segments 1601 to 3200.
I hope this helps!
Yes, correct….I forgot about the Moneybookers account and the amount and the date is correct…
Is there any news as to when the final payment for JD will be made? Let me know please.
Please find enclosed the invoice covering all my work done on BOI so far.
A lot of charges were missing from your accounting file so please let me know if you need any help to clarify the expenses.
Karel should have emails from me backing up all my claims, except for the 3h30 proofreading work done on the Glossary03 file. This is the file I was working on when we were interrupted by the come back of the Jade Dynasty project so I put it on hold until now. I can send you this partial file if you need to check my work.
As usual, please let me know if you need anything and I will do my best to help you sort out any discrepancies. I will also send a copy of this message to Karel just in case.
With many
Please, let me know, if the discrepancies you are talking about are concerned BOI exceptionally. As far as I remember I resolved all issues about JD using invoice you sent me. Please, confirm that final amounts in JD are correct (File is attached. Note, I reduced the number of hours to apply common rate of 20 USD).
In relation to BOI I know there are some items missing, because I had only a Google sheet to form accounting and it reflected only translation of some files plus some proofreading hours. I will send you the updated BOI file to confirm a bit later.
Thank you for help
Yes, of course, my previous message and the new invoice only concern BOI.
Please let me know if you need anything
Here is an updated accounting BOI file. Please, check and approve.
Sorry for the time it took me to answer. Here is the list of all payment received:
Marsh 9th – 362.36
April 10th – 318
April 19th – 383
June 2nd – 377
July 30th – 841.90
I think they are all there.
It looks correct
Alexandre” Ok, good!
Thank you very much!
I checked your proofreading hours for JD. Everything should be fine now.
I suspect you did counting of French text for 04_glossary_French.PXF_2 file instead of English, but we proceed from original. recounted words for this file, there really was a small discrepancy – 8 words. According to accounting file there are 2580 words, correct figure must be 2588. Not 3467. Please, do recounting one more time if you want to check it.
” Christina!
I suppose JD accounting should be resolved this week.
I did indeed count on the French I think, no worries, go with what was counted by originally then.
I did indeed count on the French I think, no worries, go with what was counted by originally then.
Does anyone have some news about the second part of the payment and a possible upcoming French project?
We expect the next round of payments to be done this week.
What is concerned French part of BOI…really, we haven’t got an idea yet. Just keeping fingers crossed.:)
Time has passed and it’s quite difficult to remember certain details.
For TRANSLATION, I did 8i, 8j, 8k, 9h, 9i, 9j, 11h, 10j, 13h, 18f, 15p, 14q, 19d (from segment 1000 to the end), 16c, 14l (assigment from _PM), and 18b (from segment 215 to the end). This should give the right word count.
For PROOFREADING, I do comfirm the 3 files and the rate of $12,5 per hour. I don’t remember the number of hours if it is not available from your own end. I suggest you just take the average time proofreaders took to cover 3 files.
Then, I did some SPELLCHECKING for I don’t quite remember the number of files but I think it was at most for 16 hours. I suggest you see what you can do at this level for us to have a reasonable figure.
You can see from the way I behave since we met that I would hardly try to cheat for a few dollars.
I wish we could put end with that accounting asap.
Best regards.
Dear, Tefack
Ehh, I wish you knew how much I want JD accounting to be finally done. Now I miss your rate for sellchecking.
What I have at the moment:
The list of translated files you provided matches with mine. Total words count for them: 40743. After the discounts you offered applied (23%) it reduces to 31372.Rate: 0,05 USD/word
Total hours: 12,5
Please, confirm the rate of 12,5 USD. The last time the rate you gave me was 14 USD/hour.
16 hours for spellchecking. Please, provide the rate for this kind of work.
Please, confirm and elaborate the above.
Also please understand, that the discrepancies appearing in accounting are not a try to cheat on you, but the result being overfloated with work. And please keep accurate records for work you are doing in future. So that you could understand, there were about 30 translators working on JD, plus several PMs, and it is extremely difficult to keep records for everyone’s work.
Let’s say so far so good.
So, our final word count is confirmed for translation with the 23% discount I offered.
Again, I confirm the $12.5 rate/hour for the 12.5 hours of proofreading (what a coincidence!)
Last, but not the least, I’ll take $8/hour for the spellchecking assignment and I confirm the 16 hours agreed on, that’s a total of $128 for the whole spellchecking.
I thing putting these figures together (translation+proofreadin+spellchecking) can take us to the last step of our accounting process.
Best regards.
Let’s say so far so good.
So, our final word count is confirmed for translation with the 23% discount I offered.
Again, I confirm the $12.5 rate/hour for the 12.5 hours of proofreading (what a coincidence!)
Last, but not the least, I’ll take $8/hour for the spellchecking assignment and I confirm the 16 hours agreed on, that’s a total of $128 for the whole spellchecking.
I thing putting these figures together (translation+proofreading+spellchecking) can take us to the last step of our accounting process.
Best regards.
Thank you for information. Have just updated the accounting file. So totals earned:
TR: 31372:words Rate:0,05 Earned:1568,6
PR: 12,5h 12,5USD/h 156,25USD
Spellchecking: 16h 8USD/h 128USD
Paid so far:876,18
I agree and confirm the total, the amount paid so far, and the balance owed as stated here.
Thank you and see you soon.
Thank you for your help very much.
long time passes, since I communicated with you and I hope, you are fine. I’m sorry, in search of any information about my outstanding currency I recieved a new applicant password. Would you please be so kind and delete this new one?
For any payments to me please use the PayPal-Account of Fabian Roth (he is known to you, for he translates sometimes).
I don’t know exactly, how much money you owe me. Would you please tell me?
I’m at home now and available again!
Attached is the latest accounting file. According to it you have been paid 103,2 USD. Total earned on the project: 336.42 USD, so you’re owed 233.22.
Please, check the accounting file and let me know if you find any discreapnces, though BOI Accounting should be rather accurate.
And ok, Fabian’s account can be used for your payments.
” Sorry, forgot to attach file. Here it is.
Please, check the attached accounting files and let me know if you find any discrepancies.
that’s totally ok!
I’m just writing to know when the the second (and last payment) for me is due (BOI project, GERMAN).
Are there delays?
Bye and ” , please write to me directly concerning these matters. was helping with putting together the accounting. All payments go through me.